First Assistant Director
Three teenage girls from a Santiago shanty town set in motion a plan to climb buildings and break into the apartments of the wealthy side of the town.
The sea chronicles speak of Mocha Dick, the Mapuche whale that lived on the coasts of southern Chile and that would have served as a source of inspiration for Herman Melville to write "Moby Dick", the character of his most famous novel
Santiago leaves a small town jail and, finding no job, gets involved in a robbery that goes wrong, ending up committing a crime. Desperate, runs away and hides in a big city using a random fake name, in search for a second chance. However, that name is the same of another man also hiding a dark secret. Completely made with still photos, The Name explores memory, individual responsibility and the chance to start over.
Santiago leaves a small town jail and, finding no job, gets involved in a robbery that goes wrong, ending up committing a crime. Desperate, runs away and hides in a big city using a random fake name, in search for a second chance. However, that name is the same of another man also hiding a dark secret. Completely made with still photos, The Name explores memory, individual responsibility and the chance to start over.
Santiago leaves a small town jail and, finding no job, gets involved in a robbery that goes wrong, ending up committing a crime. Desperate, runs away and hides in a big city using a random fake name, in search for a second chance. However, that name is the same of another man also hiding a dark secret. Completely made with still photos, The Name explores memory, individual responsibility and the chance to start over.
Assistant Director
Esteban travels northern Chile in search of Isabel. His journey takes him across the desolate towns and colorful characters she came across and becomes his own odyssey of self-discovery.
First Assistant Director
84세의 나이에 선보인 신작 은 동명의 자서전을 원작으로 칠레에서 보낸 그의 유년기를 보여준다. 현실은 우리의 상상력이 빚어낸 춤과 같다는 그의 생각이 은유, 신화, 시로 점철된 그의 일대기와 함께 영화 속에서 펼쳐진다. 조도로프스키 특유의 마법과 같은 이미지와 사운드가 독특한 서사 안에서 한 편의 시와 같은 감동을 준다. (2013년 17회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
After moving into a new house with his friend, Vladimir starts to notice that he awakes every day in a different week as if he has traveled trough time. Could it be the popular local drink -- beer with eggs?
After moving into a new house with his friend, Vladimir starts to notice that he awakes every day in a different week as if he has traveled trough time. Could it be the popular local drink -- beer with eggs?
First Assistant Director