

출생 : , 香港

사망 : 2009-10-30

프로필 사진


참여 작품

호가우케이 자선병원. 의사들은 벼락을 맞고 실려온 호선생을 보고 서로 다른 부서의 일로 미룬다. 병원의 개혁이 시급함을 느낀 호선생은 아직 소명 의식이 굳건한 신입 의사 얀과 조, 짐에게 도움을 요청한다.
Two of a Kind
Billy's dad
Two of a Kind is a Hong Kong Romance-Comedy starring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
Mainland Dundee
Fung is sent to Hong Kong to handle an antique smuggling case.
His Fatal Ways
Hung Kam Hoi
A righteous straight-laced China Public Security officer with supernatural powers is sent to Hong Kong to catch two ruthless thieves. His police tactics proves hilarious when he teams up with his Hong Kong counterpart.
북경 예스 마담 2
Wu Tien-Tzu
'표제 니하오'에서 아들을 도와 중국에서 온 공안원 정동지의 일을 해결했던 오영감은 오경위의 사촌이고 강력과 형사인 오자웅과 함께 관광여행으로 사천을 방문한다. 그러나 오영감에게는 관광 이외에 또한가지 중요한 임무를 띄고 있었다. 그 옛날 국방군장군으로 누비던 격전지에서 지금도 국민당을 위해 정보활동을 하고 있는 '장강1호'를 만나, 자금을 전달하는 일이었다. 그러나 막상 사천에 도착한 오영감은 장강이 하나가 아니라는 사실에 놀라고 당황한다. 지하 첩보요원을 돕기위해 가지고 온 자금이 그 많은 요원들을 돕기에는 턱없이 적기때문에 조카 오경위의 돈까지 몽땅 털어넣어도 택도 없었다. 숙부가 장강들을 만나는 동안, 호텔에 든 오경위는 엉뚱한 살인사건에 휘말려, 모처럼 머리를 식히려고 찾아온것이 모두 허사가 되고 만다. 더구나 사건을 담당한 중국 경관이 다름아닌 정동지로 알려진, '표제 니하오'의 그 공안원이었다. 사건을 수사한 두 사람은 법인이 홍콩으로 잠적했다는 사실을 알아내고, 다시 한번 홍콩/중국합작 수사를 버리기 위해 홍콩으로 무대를 옮긴다. 홍콩에 도착한 오경위와 정동지는 여전히 고집스러운 정동지의 직선적인 방법으로 골치를 앓기는 하지만, 결국은 국제적인 무기밀매 조직을 일망타진 하는데 성공한다. 때가 되어 헤어지는 순간이 다가왔을때, 그때까지는 그렇게 앙숙이던 두사람은, 두사람 사이의 관계가, 직업적인 관계 이상의 관계였다는 사실을 알게 되지만, 다음을 기약하고 헤어진다.
The Nocturnal Demon
Uncle Chai
Tow truck driver Tin bears an uncanny resemblance to a psychotic, serial killer, taxi driver -- and now the cops are chasing the wrong man. He and his cousin Wawa must catch the killer on their own to prove their innocence.
Second Master
아버지가 임종시 모든 재산을 여동생 조비비에게 물려주자 화가 난 오빠 조추소는 동생과 꼭 닮은 청소부 아붕을 동생으로 위장시킨다. 한편 조추소의 사촌 조대살 역시 그 재산을 탐내 소매치기이자 사기꾼인 고환성을 이용하여 유언장을 훔쳐내려한다. 조비비로 위장한 아붕과 고환성은 유언장을 차지하기 위해 서로 촉수를 세우는데...
북경 예스 마담
Wu Tien-Tzu
아우와 범인을 호송하는 정소난과 아생은 홍콩경찰 오위국을 만나 범인을 인계하고 홍콩에서 며칠의 나들이를 한다. 그러던 중 범인이 도주하여 이들은 범인 검거에 적응하지 못하여 많은 웃음거리를 만들고 또 그의 내명의 아름다움을 본 오위국은 그녀에게 사랑을 느끼게 된다. 그녀 자신도 엘리베이터에서 생긴일 이후로 그에게 특별한 감정을 갖게 된다. 아우가 죽고 소국영이란 새 용의자가 생겨 이를 수사하던 정소난은 뜻하지 않은 실수로 중국으로 되돌려주게 되는데 수송 도중 오위국에게 구출되어 범인 소탕작전에 참여하게 되어 끝내는 이들의 노력과 합심으로 성공을 하게 되고 사랑하던 두 사람은 아쉬움을 남긴 채 국경에서 헤어지게 되는데...
Fight to Survive
Uncle Chun
Fight to Survive is a Hong Kong Triad movie directed by Wai Chi-Ho and starring Alex Man.
Uncle Ping
암흑가갱단 홍흥사의 대부 이곤이 살해된다. 장례식을 위해 미국에서 온 그의 아들 이만호는 뛰어난 계략과 지식으로 홍흥사를 참조직딘 사업체로 변모시킨다. 한편 전통적인 갱단의 관습속에 성장한 야심찬 젊은이 양항은 이만호의 조직경영에 강력히 반발한다. 다른 조직들도 이만호의 부상에 위협을 느기고, 홍흥사를 축출하려 들자 갱단간의 세력다툼이 벌어진다. 예기치 못한 사태를 맞은 임나호는 모든 걸 두고 미국으로 돌아가려 하는데 홍흥사의 옛 영광을 되찾으려던 양항이 주세진의 음모에 걸려든다. 양항을 탐탁치 않게 여기던 이만호였지만 궁지에 몰린 그를 보고만 있을 수는 없었다. 이만호는 총력을 기울여 주세진의 음모를 분쇄하고 양항을 구한 후 홍콩을 뜨는데...
The Bachelor's Swan Song
Mr. Chen
Kenny and Maggie, lovers of long standing, have been scrimping and saving for their marriage. One day Maggie suspects that she is pregnant, and suggests an early wedding. Kenny is thunder struck as he has just lost his every cent in the stock market.
Uncle Ba (uncredited)
대만에 살고 있는 아화는 홍콩에 있는 병원에 진찰을 받기 위해 소화의 집에 며칠 묵게 된다. 의형제를 맺은 동생 창파에게 빚을 지고 갚지 않는 일을 해결한 소화는 자신과 상의없이 낙태 수술을 한 애인 마벨과 다투고 헤어져 우울해한다. 한편 창파는 동생 하서가 당구내기에서 돈을 잃자 그들과 내기를 두다가 행패를 부리고 쫓기다 두들겨맞는다. 아화는 소화와 영화를 보러가려다 피를 흘리고 온 창파를 보고 소화가 범죄 조직에 있음을 알게 된다. 소화는 창파의 보복을 하고 그 역시 상처를 입고 집에 돌아오는데 두 사람은 서로 사랑하게 되지만 아화는 편지를 남기고 란타우 섬으로 돌아간다. 또다른 동생인 화서의 결혼식 피로연이 돈이 없어 너무나 초라해 화를 내는 아서의 장인과 다툰 창파는 우울해한다.
Blood Money
A family of stuntmen in 1980’s Hong Kong suffer the waning of the kung-fu movie industry, relatives from the mainland in HK without papers and the general disregard for safety from the HK film industry.
Twins of Kung Fu
A humble village finds itself at the center of an ongoing blood feud. Innocent lives are sacrificed as the two warring factions duel to the death. Twins are taught the styles of Dragon and Phoenix to enable them to avenge their mother's murder.
The Lama Avenger
When two acrobats are fired for fighting with punks in the audience, they go to live with an aunt who's being pressured to sell her house for a real estate development. The developer's nasty son, Lee Fu, decides to muscle the sale, and soon he's at war with the acrobats, plus their unlikely ally, an American named John who used to be Lee Fu's friend. The acrobats open a kung fu school, the scene of several battles with Lee Fu's thugs. A fight to the death, jail time, auntie's surprise decision, a budding acting career, a possessive girlfriend, a debilitating injury, a friendship that needs recalibrating, and Lee Fu's avenger are all in the mix before the end.
Choi Lee Fat Kung Fu
Chan Sifu
A loose re-telling of how founder Chan Heung combined the teachings of several masters into what is now regarded as Choy Lee Fut.
Wong Kei-Ying
청나라 말기 중국 광동성에 황기영(임교 분)이라는 사람이 운영하는 쿵후 도장. 그의 아들 황비홍(성룡 분)은 무술 실력은 뛰어나지만, 마을의 말썽꾸러기. 아버지는 참다 못해 소화자(원소전 분)라는 무술의 달인에게 그의 훈련을 부탁한다. 소화자는 씻지도 않는 괴팍한 늙은이라는 소문을 익히 알고 있던 비홍은 탈출을 시도하지만, 무전취식을 하려다가 된통 걸리고 만다. 그는 소화자의 손아귀를 벗어날 수 없는 것인지, 궁지에 몰린 비홍을 구해준 것은 다름아닌 소화자. 진퇴양난의 비홍은 끌려가다시피 해서 소화자의 가르침을 받지만, 늘 엄한 손목 단련만 하게 된다. 다시 한번 탈출을 시도하지만 청부 살인업자 번개다리 염철심(황정리 분)에게 걸려 자신의 존재가 얼마나 작은지를 깨닫고, 소화자의 비기인 '취권' 수련에 전념한다. 한편 지역 유지 이씨는 탄광을 독점하려는 계획이 황기영에 의해 제지되자, 그를 제거할 계획을 세우는데....
Mysterious Footworks of Kung Fu
Chan Wai Man plays the super-assassin with a penchant for overengineered weapons and causing grief and mayhem wherever he and his asssitants Crab & Shrimp find themsleves. A young kung fu fantaic is taught by a beggar and a grumpy old Shaolin monk so that he can beat the killers and restore peace to the region.
Lung Lin
The Fei Long Society, under the administration of chiefs Lung Lin, Pei Fen, Chen Ying-Chieh and Lung's sister Lung Chu, enjoys high prestige. One day a swordsman, Hung Wei, comes to join them. Hung later gets admitted after impressing the other chiefs with his fine fighting ability. The society's sub-branches soon come under the attack of the Black Tiger Gang. The chiefs of Fei Long Society head off to the branches in an attempt to save the situation. In their absence, the Society's stronghold falls to Hung's hands. Chen and Lung are attacked by Hung and his men. Lung swears to bring Chen back to justice...
Mastermind Villain
Rare martial arts film.
Ying's eldest brother
청룡장의 아들이 강간 살인을 행하자 우영이 살해한다. 청룡장의 장주 비도수 초뢰는 건곤검장을 몰살시키고 우영의 아버지인 건곤검장 장주 우원을 추적한다. 초뢰의 악행으로 위기에 처했을 때, 떠돌이 검객 양청이 나타나 우영을 도와 탁월한 비도 솜씨로 비도수 초뢰를 처단한다. 기다리겠다는 말을 전하는 우영을 뒤로하고 양청은 길을 떠나는데...
Sky Dragon Castle
Sky Dragon Castle is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.
Twin Blades of Doom
Ghost King
A kung fu knight walks the road to vengeance after the evil Ghost Gang kills his wife and son. The swordsman known as "Twin Blades" must take on a quartet of color-coded cutthroats to set things right.
Zuo Jinglong
강에서 쉬고 있던 3인이 세탁하고 있던 마을 처녀를 발견하고 강간하려는 듯이 쫓아가 그대로 민가에 침입해 아버지부터 엄마와 막내까지 몰살한다. 간신히 딸은 도망친다. 집에 돌아온 청년 장익, 가족은 모두 죽고 누나는 실종이라는 것에 절망해 "반드시 원수를 갚겠다!"고 굳게 결의한다. 집을 떠나 복수의 여행을 떠난 장익. 도중에서 무적의 검사 양지경을 만나 이에 입문한다. 거리에 나온 장익. 누각에서 달아난 진평이 쫓기고 있었으므로 이를 도와 숙소까지 데리고 가 사정을 듣는다. 체면이 깎인 누각 주인은 곧 여관에 자객을 보낸다. 그러나 장익은 적을 부수고 누각 주인에게서 복수의 상대 중 한 명인 방주가 그곳에 있었다는 것을 알게 된다. 장익은 방주에게 덫을 친다. 마침내는 장익과 방주가 대밭 속에서 일전을 벌인다. 방주가 죽자 그의 제자였던 오마가 이 모습을 지켜보고 복수의 상대인 대비에게 전하러 간다. 뇌우의 밤, 대비도 제거한다. 여관에서 또 다시 자객에게 습격당한 장익. 이를 물리치지만 관병에게 붙잡혀 버린다. 감옥 안에서 장익은 마을의 권력자가 된 임문을 만난다. "한패가 되겠느냐?"고 권유해 온 임문에게 일단 승복하고 주변을 살핀다. 그때 실종됐던 누이를 만난다. 임문의 부인이었던 것이다. 둘의 모습에서 형제임을 간파한 임문은 민가를 덮친 일을 떠올린다. 마지막 대결! 수많은 부하와 그 안에서 화살로 장익을 노리는 임문! 과연 누가 승리할 것인가?
The Black Killer
Ng Biu 吳彪
A 1967 Cantonese language action film directed by Cheung Wai-Gwong, starring Connie Chan, Adam Cheng and Liu Chia-Liang. Ming-Wai & Ming-Sing, a brother and sister (dual roles played by Connie Chan) who must go undercover in a gang to rescue their uncle.
The Secret Code
Boss Mo Fu
Leader of the Celestial Devil Gang Mo Fu ends an underling to infiltrate the house of code expert Cheung Yuet-ting in pursuit of the Mafia's secret intelligence. The unyielding man is killed, and the Mafia is framed for the crime. Cheung's instrumental role in the Mafia is succeeded by his daughter Oi-lan, who leads both gangs onto a deadly chase. Just then, Oi-lan's bosom friend Chan Yu-lam emerges from years of oblivion as a Mafia member and offers the wanted woman protection and assistance in retrieving the late father's cache. Mo's underling Lau Kei-fung is assigned the task of playing the confidence game in the Cheung household, preempting Oi-lan from accessing the classified information and abducting both Oi-lan and Chan before the Mafia can reach the key witness. Acting on a tip-off, the police raid the apartment and arrest both gangs. Chan, the undercover police officer, gains both Oi-lan's trust and affection. (Synopsis based on audiovisual materials)
Treasure Hunt
Yuen is a reformed criminal who rescues Mei from an attempted assault on a boat and then marries her. A year later, Big brother (Sek Kin) comes looking for Yuen to return to his criminal past. Yuen refuses and chooses the straight path. Big brother doesn’t like this, so he stages a gambling den robbery and frames Yuen.
Spy No. 13
Fan Yeung-shan
During World War II, spy Wu Lai-sheung is instructed by her superior Fan Yeung-shan to murder spy number 13 Cheung Chi-ping. While Wu establishes a relationship with Sakei, the assistant general of the Japanese army, she also gets acquainted with Cheung. Cheung and Wu fall in love. Wu recommends Cheung to become Sakei's driver. Cheung pretends to court the Japanese spy Siu-kuen, but Siu-kuen arranges to kill the spies contacting with him. Cheung has seen through Kuen's identity for long. When Kuen is going to kill Wu, Cheung kills Kuen, Fan compels Wu to kill Cheung. Wu follows the instruction to murder Cheung. After the murder, Wu disappears. After the war, Fan discovers Wu ends up in asylum. When he visits Wu, he tells her of Cheung's innocence. This breaks Wu's heart. Cheung turns out to have seen through Wu's identity for a long time and pretended to have been killed to cover up his identity and facilitate his work. With the truth known and the war ended, Cheung and Wu married.
The White-Bone Sword
Wu Sheung-fung risks her life to save Wong Tin-ho with the help of the white bone sword. Meanwhile the three devils known as Heaven, Earth and Man return to the Devil Mountain with the coveted Swords. Chung Ching, who has divined the recovery of the White-bone Grass by Wu and others, dispatches Kam Yan-kit to abduct Wong to the Black Hair Cave. Luk Fong-fei, Wu and other rescuers are vanquished by Black Hair one by one. Old Devilish Eccentric hurries to their rescue and heals Wong's wound as Wong reconciles with Kam. Kam secretly returns to Chung Ching Cave to seek the precious swords when Wong and others raid the den and are again dispatched away with fakes.
Pink Intrigue
London special agents Wong Tak-fat and Fong Lung have arrived in Hong Kong to investigate a murder in connection with a drugs trafficking ring. Fong attends a ball hosted by his girlfriend's rich father Sze Kam-wing where evidences lead him to the Black Eye Bar. Wong befriends the recently widowed bar owner Lee Mei-chen and soon becomes enlisted as member of the ring and the ring leader's trusted aide. Falling in love with Lee, Wong is told that her husband was killed for leaving the organisation. Wong is however unable to establish contact with Fong with all outside communication cut off. Anxious to hear from Wong, Fong investigates discreetly at the bar. Mistaken for a cop, Fong is captured but helped to flee by Lee. Alarmed by Fong's escape and the leak of Wong's identity, ring members are just about to execute Wong and Lee just when the police raid the drugs den and arrest the ringleader—Sze.
How the Ape Girl Stole the Lotus Lamp
Classic swordplay movie with some crazy monkey fighters.
The Princess and the 7 Little Heroes
The Princess and the 7 Little Heroes is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung in a child role
Wong Fei Hung's Battle with the Gorilla
Wong Fei-hung and his disciples hear that a small village is being terrorised by a ferocious gorilla. It turns out that the beast is actually a small-time crook in a gorilla suit under the orders of a precious metal smuggler who wants to intimidate the villagers. The crook takes advantage of his disguise to abduct a beautiful girl and escape to the mountains, but has a surprise in store for him. Just how many gorillas are loose in them there hills?
How Oriole the Heroine Solved the Case of the Three Dead Bodies
Hui Pui-Sing
The three heroines, Wong Ang, Wu Nga, and Heung At expose a murder case involving three dead bodies found in an old temple. Unbeknown to the trio, they've fallen in a trap laid by gangster Hui Pui-shing, who desires to avenge his brother's death by eliminating the women. With the cooperation of Hui's righteous subordinate, the police arrest Hui for smuggling tobacco and seizes their forged banknotes.
Wong Fei Hung Trapped in Hell
Wong Fei-hung goes up against members of the underworld
Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Part 1)
The late Ming court is a corrupt regime. Lin Ngai-sheung, nicknamed the 'Jade Killer', inherits the swordplay book of Tianshan and becomes a bandit of the people to rob from the rich. Her feud with Wudang Sect's Cheuk Yat-hong rooted from the time she held up a corrupt official. Cheuk, instigated by others, sees Lin as his enemy. However, Lin slowly falls for him. When Cheuk learns the truth, he helps Lin to defeat her enemies.
Story of the Vulture Conqueror
Yuen-ngan Hong
Yeung and Kwok are best friends whose wives become pregnant around the same time. Yeung's wife, Pao Sik-yeuk, finds a wounded man hidden in the barn and secretly helps him. He turns out to be a foreign Prince and disaster follows. The sons are then scattered with one growing up in the Prince's kingdom and the other in Mongolia. Now grown, they go out into the world and discover the secret details of their lives.
Wong Fei-Hung's Battle with the Five Tigers in the Boxing Ring
Wong Fei Hung meets the Five Tigers
Wong Fei-Hung's Fierce Battle
Wong Fei Hung must stands up for people who are unable to stand up for themselves.
Prince of Thieves
Middle Eastern folktale collection One Thousand and One Nights has been greatly treasured by Western storytellers who are fascinated by the fantastic world within. The exoticism conveyed in Western film adaptations greatly appealed to Cantonese opera and film writer Ma Si-tsang, who adapted The Thief of Bagdad (1924) into Cantonese opera The Prince of Thieves, set in an ancient empire influenced by both East and West. In 1958, director Luk Bong adapted the play into a film, turning the thief of the original film into a Robin Hood-esque hero who poses as a prince to compete for the princess' hand in marriage. Packed with a thrilling treasure hunt and a damsel-in-distress rescue as well as eye-catching special effects, Prince of Thieves is 100% a romantic swashbuckler.
Wong Fei-Hung Goes to a Birthday Party at Guanshan
Wong Tim-Fuk
Wong Fei-Hung Goes to a Birthday Party at Guanshan is a Wong Fei-Hung movie starring Kwan Tak-Hing.
The Murder Case at Club 99
Club 99 is not just a hideout for triad gangsters, but also a haven for smuggling jewelleries from robbery. When detective Law is investigating a jewellery heist, he is ambushed by the men from Dog Stone (Sek Yin-tsi) who is the owner of Club 99. Then, Law's daughter Fong (Law Yim-hing) helps her father to be undercover and disguises herself as a dancer in the club and gambler Lung (Lam Kau) is also an informant for the police force. While Dog Stone is cunning enough to discover their identities, there are in fact more undercover agents in the club...Influenced by Hollywood's semi-documentary style, the film has a detailed yet complex portrayal of human nature-undercover anxieties, domineering gangsters and moral ambiguity. With its realistic chasing and action sequences, the film is nonetheless a very entertaining piece of cinema.
Backyard Adventures
Fitness student
Reporter Yu Mong-yuen is recovering from a leg injury in his fiancee Man-wah's apartment. Bored, he looks out the rear window and observes the life of the neighbouring building. Among the tenants are a sugar-daddy and his mistress, a middle-aged man wants to marry a young girl, but she is in love with his son. Finally, she hatches a plot and makes the man agree to her marrying his son ; a sly fortune-teller ; a lively gym, a rich widow quarrels with the trainer of a gymnasium because his dog has bitten her cat ; and an opera school, a woman signs, leaning on the balcony, and a man tries to strangle her. In fact they are rehearsing an opera…… One evening, Wah is on the night shift, and Yuen watches the opera troupe rehearse to the end. Under the influence of drugs, Yu mistakenly believes that a divorced man has murdered a taxi dancer. He alerts the police, but the whole thing is nothing more than a misunderstanding.
The Story of Wong Fei Hung, Grand Conclusion
The Story of Wong Fei Hung, Chapter 5