
Former International Flight Cabin Attendant, Exclusive To Madonna, Part 3!! Watch her Lose Her Mind After Getting Fucked By Husband’s Boss For 7 Days Straight – Jun Harumi (2020)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 2H 0M

Director : Takeshi Koga


I asked for help from my boss, Mr. Yamashita, to support my husband who was likely to be cut off at work. However, in exchange for saving her husband, I was forced to give up my body. Fingertips that violently play with the body, and genitals other than the husband's that pierce the depths of the body. Ironically, as the days went by, my body, which should have felt nothing but disgust, began to drown in waves of pleasure. The eyes that looked at her husband, the lips that told him of her love, everything was dyed in his color. And on the 7th day of being continuously raped, I...


Jun Harumi
Jun Harumi


Takeshi Koga
Takeshi Koga


Momento Crítico
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Uma Festa no Ar
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Enquanto um avião de grande porte é sequestrado por terroristas em um voo de Berlim para Paris e um grupo de jovens busca invadir a cabine da aeronave. O piloto, contra o tempo, tenta negociar uma possível rendição com o sequestrador.
Bem-vindos a bordo
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Céu Vermelho-Sangue
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Voando Alto
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Voando para o Amor
Montana Moore é a mulher mais velha de sua família, e a única que ainda não se casou. Para não se apresentar mais uma vez em uma cerimônia de casamento sem um acompanhante, esta comissária de bordo organiza uma estratégia para reencontrar durante 30 dias todos os seus últimos ex-namorados, na esperança de se tornar noiva de um deles.
O Poder da Coragem
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Hijacked: Flight 285
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Owl and the Sparrow
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Noite Branca
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Ένας τρελός τρελός αεροπειρατής
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Air Girl
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The Maginot Line
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As the plane slowly makes its descent, a young couple is faced with their differences through sudden pockets of turbulence.
The Specter of Terror
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