Job Hunting X Battle Royale (2015)

Gênero : Thriller

Runtime : 2H 0M

Director : Seiji Asou


Eight men and women gathered for an employment interview at a major IT company, Future Live Factory. Two of them, Takuya Anzai and Kaori Yoshida (Eri Hosaka), secretly revealed that they were dating and participated in the entrance examination. Before long, the exam begins, and a CG character named "John" appears on the conference room monitor. A number of harsh missions called tests issued by John. Within a specified time, a male and female representative will be appointed to kiss, a female representative will show their breasts, and a male and female representative will perform public masturbation, and so on. Job-hunting students burst into tears at the unreasonable and embarrassing demands and try to run away. However, there is an electric current in the only door knob! Not only that, those who could not clear the mission suddenly began to suffer and die. In extreme conditions, the job-hunting students face even more severe missions for survival...!


Eri Hosaka
Eri Hosaka
Nana Ninomiya
Nana Ninomiya
Ayano Kato
Ayano Kato


Seiji Asou
Seiji Asou


Cockles and Muscles
Crustacés et coquillages is a fresh French comedy film with numerous surprise turnarounds and about the tolerance of a family of four. The family spend an idealistic summer vacation together where each of the family members gets involved in a new or old relationship.
Por um Sentido na Vida
Justine Last (Jennifer Aniston) é uma mulher frustrada com seu casamento, já que seu marido apenas pensa em fumar maconha com seu amigo Bubba (Tim Blake Nelson). Cansada do atual relacionamento, ela acaba se envolvendo com Holden Worther (Jake Gyllenhaal), um colega de trabalho que acredita ser Holden Caufield, narrador do livro "O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio". Além de ter que lidar com a personalidade de Holden, a vida de Justine se transforma completamente após Bubba descobrir que ela está tendo um caso.
A Morte Convida para Dançar
Há três anos, Donna passou pela traumática experiência de ver seu psicótico e obcecado professor Richard Fenton matar sua família. Ainda perturbada pelo passado, ela chegou na época do seu baile de formatura e está animada para celebrar a conquista apesar das perdas. O que ela não esperava era que seu professor pertubado conseguiria escapar do hospício para ir atrás dela.
Calígula é uma das mais polêmicas produções do cinema, o único que mostra o show de perversões que o Império Romano escondia. Este filme conta a história de Calígula, o mais louco dos imperadores, que mantinha um bizarro caso sexual com sua irmã e era casado com a mais infame das prostitutas. Ao mesmo tempo que Calígula vivia cercado de bajuladores, tinha também inimigos perigosos, loucos para vê-lo longe do poder.
The Snake God
A beautiful Italian woman is told by her black friend about the Carribean love god Jambaya who appears in the form of the snake. By the end of the movie, Cassini has decided to give herself to Jambaya while Cunningham departs with her white friend's ex-lover, establishing a neat symmetry between their respective fantasies of exoticism.
Os 3
Três jovens chegam de diferentes partes do país para ir para a faculdade em São Paulo. Em seu primeiro dia lá, uma atração estranha e intensa une. Juntos, eles alugar um apartamento e começar a viver juntos, em bairros próximos. Compartilhando beijos e abraços afeiçoadas. Eles trocam palavras de carinho com a naturalidade de encomendar um sanduíche em uma lanchonete. Eles ameaçam quebrar-se e no momento seguinte eles estão todos rindo juntos novamente. dias de faculdade no entanto breve chegará ao fim e, com cada um tendo diferentes caminhos a trilhar, a separação é iminente. E, consequentemente, comentários seus gestos, palavras e atitudes assumir um novo peso. Tocando um ao outro agora assume um novo significado. Palavras de amor são pesados ​​para baixo por conseqüências.
Love and Bruises
Hua, a young woman from Beijing, is a recent arrival in Paris. Exiled in an unknown city, she wanders between her tiny apartment and the university, drifting between former lovers and recent French acquaintances. She meets Matthieu, a young worker who falls madly in love with her. Possessed by an insatiable desire for her body, he treats Hua like a dog. An intense affair begins, marked by Matthieu’s passionate embraces and harsh verbal abuse. When Hua determines to leave her lover, she discovers the strength of her addiction, and the vital role he has come to play in her life as a woman.
An angry, alcoholic matriarch tyrannizes her spoiled, grown-up children during an unwanted family get-together, where someone begins killing them one by one.
If you want to know what is Slam, you have to come see it. Freaks, piercings, thongs and a lot of cream. 100% wild.
The Apple
In the glitzy, glittering futuristic world of 1994, music is king -- and the man who controls it is all-powerful malicious mogul Mr. Boogalow. Now he has his eye on two fresh-faced young singers, Alphie and Bibi, who score a hit at his WorldVision Song Festival and fall under the irresistible spell of fame, money, and temptation.
La Bonzesse
A detailed account of the techniques and mechanics of prostitution - Meyer is a philosophy student who supplements her grant, gains insight, and gets laid simultaneously.
Uma Boa e Velha Orgia
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Black's Game
Nos anos 90, o mundo do crime e das drogas de Reykjavik passou por uma mudança drástica, de um mundo relativamente pequeno e inocente para um muito mais agressivo e violento, que assumiu o controle do submundo da Islândia. O protagonista, Stebbi, depois de reencontrar um amigo de infância, se junta ao mundo do tráfico de drogas para pagar sua dívida. Inspirado em eventos reais.
Death Game
George Manning is a well-to-do businessman, husband, and father. While his family is away on his birthday, he invites a pair of rain-soaked young women into his house to wait out an evening thunderstorm. The two girls seduce Manning and ultimately kidnap and torture him in his own home.
A Iniciação
O filme mostra a iniciação sexual de Roger um menino de 16 anos que passa férias em uma mansão cheia de mulheres.
Smoke and Flesh
Turk, a "cool swinger", throws and wild sex and drugs party, but has trouble when three hoodlum friends of his crash the party and Turk resorts to drastic measures to remove them from the festivities.
The SS puts a slutty nightclub singer in charge of a train car full of prostitutes whose "services" are reserved solely for Adolf Hitler.
The Red Nights of the Gestapo
An illustrious group of German industrialists plot to overthrow Hitler by negotiating a peace treaty with England. Disgraced, but dedicated Nazi officer Colonel Werner von Uhland is assigned by his superiors to ferret out these deceitful dissidents and stop them before it's too late. von Uhland recruits a bunch of beautiful women to seduce these traitors and undermine their conspiracy
A Colheita
Marko é um solitário e pensativo estudante de uma escola agrícola, que luta contra a apatia do lugar, uma fazenda fora de Berlim. A vida simples do rapaz é mudada com a chegada de Jakob, um jovem adorável, sorridente e sensível. A amizade entre os dois floresce e os leva ao mais profundo território emocional. Enquanto o ambiente se mostra estranho e difícil, carinhosamente eles seguem em frente.
Denise Calls Up
A group of friends in New York, working away at their PCs and laptops, keep in touch exclusively by phone and fax. They are all too busy to meet face to face. Gale plays matchmaker, by phone, to Jerry and Barbara who, in turn, hit it off beautifully – via phone and fax. Martin gets a telephone call from someone he's never met. It's Denise, with some extraordinary news. Tapping away at his computer all the while, he develops a sort of friendship with Denise – via phone. And so it goes as the friends, tap, tap, tapping away, share news, hopes, and dreams – via phone and fax. Finally Gale has an unfortunate encounter with a phone, Denise has some more news for Martin, and Frank plans a gala New Year's Eve party, but will he answer the door?