
11/09: Os Últimos Minutos do Voo 93 (2006)

Vôo 93

Gênero : Drama, Thriller, Cinema TV

Runtime : 1H 29M

Director : Peter Markle
Escritor : Nevin Schreiner


11 de setembro de 2001. Baseado em fatos e em gravações telefônicas realizadas de dentro do avião, conta a história dos heróicos passageiros do vôo 93, o único a não atingir nenhum alvo pretendido pelos terroristas. Convencidos de que o avião atingiria a Casa Branca, os passageiros decidem tomar o avião e num gesto de grandeza, conseguem derrubá-lo nos campos da Pensilvânia.


Jeffrey Nordling
Jeffrey Nordling
Tom Burnett
Brennan Elliott
Brennan Elliott
Todd Beamer
Kendall Cross
Kendall Cross
Deena Burnett
Ty Olsson
Ty Olsson
Mark Bingham
Monnae Michaell
Monnae Michaell
Asim Wali
Asim Wali
Ahmed Alnami
Anthony Harrison
Anthony Harrison
Small Plane Pilot


Peter Markle
Peter Markle
Nevin Schreiner
Nevin Schreiner
Delia Fine
Delia Fine
Executive Producer
Clara George
Clara George
David Gerber
David Gerber
Executive Producer
Velton Ray Bunch
Velton Ray Bunch
Original Music Composer
Mark Irwin
Mark Irwin
Director of Photography
Scott Boyd
Scott Boyd

Cartazes e fundos



Vamos Voar, Moço!
Um dia de folga na Academia Militar de Aviação é a ocasião perfeita para Cantinflas visitar sua namorada e falar com seu ex-chefe. No entanto, o dia vira uma tortura após o patrão tentar obrigá-lo a se casar com a filha.
Scrap Heaven
The lives of a young cop, a sanitation worker and a brooding pharmacist violently intersect on a bus that's hijacked by a suicidal political flunky, then cross paths again months later.
Cobra Thunderbolt
The daughter of a brilliant Thai army colonel, who invented the machine battle Cobra Thunderbolt, takes on the lao-army to rescue his kidnapped father.
O Destino é o Caçador
A man refuses to believe that pilot error caused a fatal crash, and persists in looking for another reason. Airliner crashes near Los Angeles due to unusual string of coincidences. Stewardess, who is sole survivor, joins airline executives in discovering the causes of the crash.
As Tartarugas Ninja
Afetados por uma substância radioativa, um grupo de tartarugas cresce anormalmente, ganha força e conhecimento. Vivendo nos esgotos de Manhattan, quatro jovens tartarugas, treinadas na arte de kung-fu, Leonardo, Rafael, Michelangelo e Donatello, junto com seu sensei, Mestre Splinter, tem que enfrentar o mal que habita cidade.
Lethal Tender
Bad guys are poisoning drinking water, and there is only one man who can stop them, Jeff Fahey.
Istanbul Beneath My Wings
During the sea battle which took place between the Ottoman Empire and the Italians, a ship which had been seized in the Mediterranean Sea is brought to Istanbul, and a young wounded lady named Francesca, the daughter of the killed Captain, becomes a slave for Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi.
Clube de Heróis
Durante o primeiro teste de sobrevivência na selva, grupo misto de escoteiros encontra armas escondidas. Antes que possam avisar a polícia, os donos das armas aparecem. São perigosos assassinos que perseguem os adolescentes para matá-los.
00:30 A Hora Negra
A caça a Osama bin Laden inquietou o mundo e dois Governos Americanos durante mais de uma década. Mas, no final, foi uma pequena e dedicada equipa de operacionais da CIA que o conseguiu localizar. Cada pormenor da missão foi preparado no mais completo segredo. Embora alguns dos detalhes tenham sido, entretanto, tornados públicos, grande parte dos aspectos mais relevantes desta operação - incluindo o papel central desempenhado pela equipa - são agora trazidos pela primeira vez para o grande ecrã de forma subtil e envolvente pela dupla criativa vencedora de três Óscares com "Estado de Guerra": Kathryn Bigelow e Mark Boal.
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
Little Richie Bridgestone goes to spend the weekend with his father at his secluded mountain cabin, and witnesses his father being attacked by 'a creature' that the boy recognizes as a werewolf. He tries to convince his mother and his therapist that his father is now a werewolf.
Asas da Noite
Story of South American mail pilots, and the dangers they face flying at night.
An oil tycoon hires Galyon, a jungle survival expert and soldier of fortune, to rescue his daughter and her husband from South American terrorists.
Following the 9/11 attacks, the war on terror against Afghanistan continues. With the Taliban insurgents hiding out in the mountains however, they become increasingly difficult for the US military to engage. The solution is to try and flush them out by adding low level chemicals to the water supply. Little do the USA know however that enemy scientists have adapted the chemicals to make their own formula, one that can bring the dead back to life.
Eagle Squadron
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
International Lady
Tim Hanley, an American agent, posing as a lawyer with the United States Embassy in London, and Reggie Oliver, a Scotland Yard detective, posing as a music critic are both keeping their eye on Carla Nillson, a famous singer, whom they suspect of espionage. They all meet in London, then in Lisbon, and eventually in New York City, where Carla sings on the radio.
Máquina de Matar
After a gang of thugs brands a hard working truck driver a traitor and murders his bride, He retaliates by being even more violent than his attackers.
Al Irhabi
Ali Abd-El-Zaher is a member of an Islamic radical group which has been launching attacks against the government and the society under the orders of the spiritual leader Brother Saif. Ali manages to assasinate an officer, but as he escapes from the authorities he gets hit by a car driven by Sewsan, the daughter of a respected Muslim family living in the Maadi district. Sewsan's father who is a surgeon and his family take care of the injured terrorist who then tries to conceal the truth about his personality, such as his dislike of music, unveiled women and Western life styles.
Delta Force One: Comando de Elite
O esquadrão é enviado a um território em disputa por dois países do Oriente Médio em uma simples incursão de reconhecimento e resgate de uma força de paz que logo se transforma em sua mais perigosa missão de caçar e destruir, exigindo de todos componentes da patrulha muita coragem, astúcia e grande habilidade na arte de lutar, pois o esquadrão de elite descobre que os terroristas têm em seu poder um verdadeiro arsenal nuclear.
Hologram Man
Five years after the mad terrorist Slash Galagher was sentenced to holographic stasis, he is given a parole hearing. But an equipment failure engineered by his cronies transforms the criminal into a living hologram with god-like powers. Now, stopping him is up to Kurt Decoda, the man who as a police rookie was responsible for arresting Galagher.
O Voo
O motor de um avião dá problema, e o piloto Whisp Whitaker consegue salvar a aeronave e seus passageiros, tornando-se um herói. Mas a Administração Federal de Aviação investiga o episódio e encontra evidências de abuso de álcool e drogas após um exame de sangue. O problema é posto de lado para tentar preservar a imagem do comandante, que está determinado a mudar o rumo de sua vida.