"Iconick" follows an egotistical slacker named Nick (Nicholas E. Young). After misplacing a briefcase full of money that was willed to him by his late grandfather, Nick must come to terms with his current situation and get to work. Enlisting the help of his two best friends Marcus (Ian McLeod) and Sam (Cole Jordan) they find themselves in a good ol' fashioned mystery. Navigating through the city and meeting a vast gallery of characters, who knows what they may find at the end of this "money hunt."
After two men find the corpse of a woman in their back garden tensions rise as they debate about what exactly they should do next.
When Jacob and his niece Piper are forced to move back to their old home, they slowly uncover the truth that the town has an ancient evil lurking in its Forest.
When Sid Bothers, P.I., is hired by a gorgeous dame to protect her father from a serial killer that is targeting old rich white guys, Sid learns the killer is after more than revenge.
A woman accidentally discovers the Plaque of Kolob which leads her to discover an insidous alien plot for world domination documented by a disreputable early Mormon prophet. 'Plan 10 from Outer Space' is an eccentric comedy involving a bizarre relationship between Mormons, bees and extra terrestrials. Shot on an obviously miniscule budget with a largely unknown cast, save for b-grade queen Karen Black, this is the perfect example of an inventive and original script outshining technical shortcomings.
After a teenage house party ends in murder, six suspects are interrogated as they recount the events of the previous night.
Uma horda de crocodilos gigantes famintos é lançada sobre um grupo de prisioneiros em trânsito e seus guardas, depois de um grande furacão inundar a Louisiana.
Passengers on their way to a tropical paradise crash at sea and find themselves on a deserted island. Desperate to survive the elements and infighting between survivors, they find that the island has more in store for them than they could ever imagine.
In the style of a surreal collage, the film attempts to illustrate the madness and sickness of our modern life. A road movie at a standstill, snapshots shortly before the collapse of the saturated affluent society.
Emmy, caught up in a normal life, transforms herself when she uncovers a surreal secret that unlocks the key to her passion.
A journey to an unknown star, a children's theatre play, an untalented writer and the fear of becoming the worst version of oneself. A mixture of live-action footage and animated scenes. A stream of (un)conscious stereotypes.
A couple on the drive back from their engagement party must escape from a seemingly endless forested backroad causing them to lose their grip on reality ...and a killer hunting them from the surrounding woods.
A Black night watchman at a chemical factory finds the body of a murdered white woman. After reporting it, he finds himself accused of the murder.
Paflo and Alex ordered a mysterious "self-defining cognition test"; and they are ready to solve it even if it costs them their lives.
Um prisioneiro recém-saído da prisão tenta recuperar o saque que escondeu alguns anos antes em um vilarejo remoto e solitário; mas o que se encontra lá supõe uma sentença pior que a prisão. Velhos sinistros, estranhos desaparecimentos, espíritos, um padre peculiar e até o próprio arcipreste de Santiago protagonizam uma história de terror, humor e fantasia. Primeira produção stop-motion com plasticina feita na Espanha. Tem as vozes de Luis Tosar, Geraldine Chaplin, Manuel Manquiña, Jorge Sanz e Paul Naschy entre outros.
Desde outubro de 2022, no canal do YouTube do diretor, Fernando Cortizo: “VISUALIZAÇÃO GRATUITA (INSCREVA-SE!) não recuperou o custo de produção devido ao ESQUEMA DOS DISTRIBUIDORES.". (áudio espanhol e galego, legendas em vários idiomas) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h7yoEMrL6A
A skirt-chasing teenager pretends to adopt the practices of Christianity to impress a girl... only to find himself slowly genuinely becoming one of them.
When three siblings reunite at their family summer home on the anniversary of their parents’ death, a power struggle ensues when the eldest proposes selling the house so she and her wife can afford to start a family.
A kid is at a house with his friend when an evil spirit starts to haunt them, three centuries after his defeat.
A teenager is resurrected as a plant-headed zombie, searching to find his past happiness and humanity. How long will it all last though, knowing that life may change again when the sun goes away?