
Ivan Brovkin on the State Farm (1959)

Gênero : Aventura, Comédia

Runtime : 1H 37M

Director : Ivan Lukinsky


Ivan Brovkin finishes serving in the army with the rank of sergeant and, together with a group of comrades after demobilization, decides to go to the development of state farm. He arrives at his native collective farm and meets there a cool welcome: the chairman of the collective farm, the bride Lyubasha and mother — consider him a traitor. The planned wedding is canceled, and Brovkin leaves for the state farm. Brovkin comes to the state farm at the time of plowing the land. He joins the team. Winter passes after working days. In letters home he writes that everything is fine with him. News about how Ivan lives is spreading throughout the village. Lyubasha is seriously thinking about running away from home to the state farm...


Leonid Kharitonov
Leonid Kharitonov
Ivan Brovkin
Tatyana Pelttser
Tatyana Pelttser
Brovkin's mother
Sergei Blinnikov
Sergei Blinnikov
Anna Kolomiytseva
Anna Kolomiytseva
Koroteyev's wife
Daya Smirnova
Daya Smirnova
Mikhail Pugovkin
Mikhail Pugovkin
Zakhar Silych
Vera Orlova
Vera Orlova
Konstantin Sinitsyn
Konstantin Sinitsyn
Tanat Zhailibekov
Tanat Zhailibekov
Sofya Zajkova
Sofya Zajkova
Yevgeni Shutov
Yevgeni Shutov
Vasiliy Minin
Vasiliy Minin
Juris Lejaskalns
Juris Lejaskalns
Boris Tolmazov
Boris Tolmazov
Nikolai Petrovich
Marina Gavrilko
Marina Gavrilko
Valentin Grachev
Valentin Grachev
Klavdiya Kozlenkova
Klavdiya Kozlenkova
Akulina's daughter
Yevgeni Kudryashov
Yevgeni Kudryashov
Vadim Novikov
Vadim Novikov
Antonina Kalinichenko
Antonina Kalinichenko


Ivan Lukinsky
Ivan Lukinsky
Georgi Mdivani
Georgi Mdivani
Valeri Ginzburg
Valeri Ginzburg
Director of Photography
Lyudmila Blatova
Lyudmila Blatova
Production Design
Anatoly Lepin
Anatoly Lepin
Original Music Composer
Valentin Khlobynin
Valentin Khlobynin
Olga Katusheva
Olga Katusheva


O Fantástico Sr. Raposo
O Sr. Raposo e a Sra. Raposa levam uma vida feliz com seu filho excêntrico Ash e Kristofferson, o sobrinho que está de visita. Isso até o Sr. Raposo voltar aos velhos hábitos e planejar o maior roubo de galinhas que o mundo animal já viu.
Super Buddies
Nova aventura da Disney, "Super Buddies" mostra um grupo de cachorros fofos - Buddha, Mudbud, Budderball, Rosebud e B-Dawg - que combatem o crime. O filme sairá direto em DVD e faz parte da série de filme Air Buddies.
O Samurai Dominante 3: Duelo na Ilha Ganryu
Neste terceiro filme da Trilogia do Samurai de Hiroshi Inagaki (baseado no livro "Musashi" de Eiji Yoshikawa), Musashi (Toshirô Mifune) é desafiado pelo confiante e habilidoso Sasaki Kojiro (Koji Tsuruta), com o qual duelará dentro de um ano. Neste período decide viver nos arredores de uma vila cultivando legumes, enquanto ainda é perseguido por Otsu (Kaoru Yachigusa) e Akemi (Mariko Okada), ambas apaixonadas por ele. Conforme a data do duelo se aproxima, Musashi é forçado a tomar uma decisão que concilie ou não seus sentimentos por Otsu e sua paixão pelo caminho do guerreiro, ao mesmo tempo que se prepara para o maior desafio de sua vida.
Uma Voz na Sombras
Homer Smith, um trabalhador da construção civil desempregado, dirigindo-se a oeste para em uma fazenda remota no deserto para conseguir um pouco de água quando seu carro superaquece. A fazenda está sendo cuidada por um grupo de freiras católicas do Leste Europeu, chefiada pela rígida Madre Maria, que acredita que Homer foi enviado por Deus para construir uma capela muito necessária no deserto.
O Preço da Compra
Nightclub singer Joan Gordon runs away from her gangster boyfriend to become a mail-order bride to a struggling North Dakota farmer. Their relationship has a rocky start, but just as Joan realizes she's developing feelings for her husband, her old boyfriend arrives to win her back.
Rompendo Correntes
O lendário comediante Richard Pryor se coloca na pele de Joe Braxton, um ex-vigarista que leva uma linda professora de educação especial e seus alunos a Washington D.C. com o fim de recuperar sua liberdade. Uma louca e emocionante comédia.
Cavalo de Guerra
Albert vive com o pai e a mãe no campo e tem uma intensa ligação com seu cavalo. Depois de ser vendido para a cavalaria inglesa durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, Albert se alista para recuperar o animal e acaba conhecendo o major.
Reino de Deus
Johnny trabalha isolado e solitário na fazenda da família, descontando sua frustração em bebidas e sexo casual. Quando seu pai contrata Gheorghe, um imigrante romeno, para ajudar Johnny na fazenda, o novo companheiro traz para ele sentimentos e emoções que ele nunca teve antes.
Longe Deste Insensato Mundo
A herdeira de uma fazenda contrata seu rejeitado pretendente como pastor de ovelhas. Depois comete o erro de apaixonar-se e casar com um oficial da cavalaria.
Vingança à Queima-Roupa
Prisioneiros fugitivos aterrorizam shopping e fazem vários reféns. A situação foge de controle e o mercenário Rudy Ray é chamado para resolver o problema, já que seu irmão é um dos criminosos. Conhecido também como Vingança à Queima Roupa.
Como Fisgar um Marido
Lorenzo Charlton, um fiscal do governo, é enviado à fazenda da família Larkins para averiguar o porquê eles têm sonegado impostos. Ao perceber que a família mantém um confuso sistema econômico, ele decide ajudá-los a pôr a casa em ordem.
O Rapaz que Falava Com Texugos
A young boy gets along better with the animals he befriends around his family's Canadian farm than with the people he lives with.
Summertime Blues
The life of 15 year old Alex is turned upside down, when his parents are divorced and find new partners right away. After a fight at school, the mother takes him over to England, where Alex chaotic life continues.
Master of His Own Body
Due to negligence that caused the death of a family cow, an extremely poor but handsome young man Iva must obey his father's demands to marry an unattractive and limping daughter of wealthy villagers.
The Birch Wood
Takes place in a prewar Poland. A tubercular young man comes to stay with his brother on a farm. He is in love with life and constantly plays 1930's music on a piano. He gets involved with his brother's problems and also becomes the lover of a simpleminded farm girl. The brother's dead wife may have had an affair with the hired man who is to marry the farm girl. His daughter will not confirm his suspicions. But the brother's death leads to his acceptance of the past, forgiving his wife's memory and making up with his little daughter.
Alkali, Iowa
On his family's farm in rural Iowa, young Jack Gudmanson is wrestling with his sexual identity, not an easy thing to do in the macho world of the Midwest. But things become clearer for him when he discovers via a rusty old lunch box filled with gay magazines that his father, killed in Vietnam, led a double life down on the farm. But as liberating as the discovery is for Jack, it is painful for his grandfather and mother, who have tried for years to keep it a family secret. Now Jack must decide whether to share this new information with his younger sister or allow it to remain buried a while longer.
Ready to Serve
Snooky the Human-Zee is a farm hand.
School Days
Larry in school and always gets in trouble until he falls asleep and dreams of when he's all grown up.
Sì!... Ma vogliamo un maschio
Two young farmers fall in love and dream about having a baby boy.
Beyond the Prairie, Part 2: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder Continues
Laura, her husband Almanzo and their daughter Rose leave South Dakota and head for Missouri in search of a better, more financially stable life. It's a daunting journey, but they're sustained by their resolve. However, they're faced with an even greater challenge after their arrival: an ailing and bedridden Almanzo is unable to tend their new land. With winter fast on its way, Laura attempts to clear the land herself and plant the acres of apple trees that they hope will ensure their future.


Time, Forward!
The film is set in the 1930s in the USSR. The film tells about one day of the construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. The heroes of the film are simple construction workers who are burning at work. Upon learning that their colleagues in Kharkov have set a record, they mobilize to break it. The entire construction site was engulfed in immense socialist competition. The teams are ready to complete the work on time at any cost. A Moscow journalist who has come to cover the scale of the great construction project is looking for the hero of his report...
The Mystery of the Eternal Night
At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, an explosion occurred, as a result the underwater vegetation started to grow rapidly in size and a part of the coast was flooded by a tsunami.
Taras Shevchenko
Growing up in a Ukrainian peasant family, knowing all hardships of serf life, young artist and poet Taras Shevchenko in the years of study clearly identifies the meaning of true art, which is to serve the interests of the people. The poems of Shevchenko are imbued with love for the common people. Fiery freedom-loving creativity of Taras Shevchenko is known throughout Russia. Nicholas I exiles the poet to the distant Caspian fort where he is to serve as an ordinary soldier and is banned from writing or drawing. In the poet's difficult days he has the support of Ukrainian soldier Skobelev, Polish revolutionary Sierakowski, captain Kosarev and the commandant of the fortress, Uskov. For the sake of his release Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov are hard at work. And so, the sick and aged Shevchenko is finally free. Together with Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, he dreams of a bright future of the motherland, when the Russian and Ukrainian peoples throw off the chains of slavery.
The Legend of Till
Based on the novel by Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their Adventures Heroical, Joyous and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere." First part: "The Ashes of Claes". XVI century. The freedom-loving and cheerful people of the Netherlands under the rule of the Spanish king: persecution, torture, bonfires of the Inquisition, encouraging scammers. The fearless Thyl Uhlenshpiegel and his faithful girlfriend Nele have to go through many trials. Second part: "Viva Beggars!". The people of the Netherlands, tormented by cruel royal decrees, taxes, heresy, torture and executions, began a war of liberation against Spanish rule. Many feats will be performed by the national hero Tilbert (Thyl) Ulenspiegel and his friend Lamme Gudzak before peace returns to their homeland.
Donkey's Hide
At the festivities marking the christening of princess Theresa, daughter of king Gaston IX, a wicked fairy made a mysterious prophecy about the girl's life. Seventeen years later, Theresa falls in love with a poor prince named Jacques. Then the prophecy starts coming true...
The Tobacco Captain
Set in beginning of 1700's, when tsar Pyotr was raising from ashes Russian fleet and sent dozens young people overseas to become navigators, story tells us about proud man who changed his stars. Taking place of his lazy master, he graduates from university and comes back to be judged by the one who send them.
Defence Counsel Sedov
Late one evening in Moscow in 1937, Defence Counsel Sedov hears a knock at the door. Three women whose agronomist husbands have been sentenced to death for alleged sabotage beg him to take on the seemingly hopeless task of saving them. Sedov embarks upon a succession of encounters with increasingly powerful officials, gradually persuading them to look at the case anew. But the highest authorities are not so easily outmanoeuvered, and Sedov becomes canonised as a Stalinist zealot, with the film building inexorably to its chilling triple climax.
The Servant
Multiple-value and tangled relationships between servant and boss... Imperceptible displacement of recognizable reality... Metaphysical dimension of our lives...
We Called Him Robert
Sergei, a constructor creates a robot, Robert, as his own copy. Tanya teaches Robert to feel and the robot becomes more human than his rationalistic creator.
Over Tissa
According to the story of the same name by Aleksandr Avdeenko. The end of the 50s. Transcarpathia. Two saboteurs cross the border near Tissa. One dies during detention, and the second, under the guise of a front-line soldier Ivan Belograi, appears at the state farm and begins to look after Theresa, whom he met by correspondence. Frontier guard Andrei Smolyarchuk, in love with Theresa, is the first to suspect a spy and is trying to find out what his purpose is...
The Overcoat
A story about a government clerk who has his precious new overcoat stolen. No-one seems willing to help him retrieve his prized possession, a fact that continues to concern him even when he is beyond the grave.
Errors of Youth
A young guy decides to try himself in a northern region of USSR after being honorably discharged from Soviet Army.
The Property of Republic
Spring of 1918. Tarakanov, managing the estate of Prince Tikhvinsky, with the help of a former court fencing teacher Marquess and a street kid Keshka, is stealing a collection of paintings and sculptures from the abandoned estate owners. Hoping to transport her abroad, criminals wander with a circus troupe, and in their wake goes a tireless criminal investigator — Makar Ovchinnikov.
Alyosha's Love
Summer of 1960. A detachment of exploration geologists is working in the steppe region, and among them is Alyoshka, a guy who, before entering the geological exploration institute, decided to walk with geologists. Unskillful and messy in everyday life, he becomes the object of their jokes and practical jokes, which are not always harmless. However, his persistent character, his timid and pure love for the switchwoman Zinka, who lives with her grandfather on a crossing lost in the steppe, makes the guys from the squad take a different look at this inconspicuous guy and at his relationship with each other.
Rainbow Formula
The young scientist Vladimir Bantikov creates his double - the robot Yasha. But Yasha quickly learns and starts living his own life.
I Was a Sputnik of the Sun
Soviet Scientist Petrovich pioneers the way to the Sun, but his spacecraft is never heard from again. Later, Andrew's laboratory investigates means of protection from deadly radiation. Andrew repeats Petrovich's journey, and offers his life to rescue an orbiting science laboratory, which holds the solution to the problem.
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Ochen Vazhnaya Persona
Председатель колхоза Родион Михайлович Шишкин — человек со сложным характером. Он ругается с высоким начальством, которое не дает ему работать, и не терпит несправедливости. Но однажды очередной поднятый им скандал закончился для него… повышением!
The Gray Wolves
The film depicts the events of 1964 when Nikita Khrushchyov was forcibly replaced by Leonid Brezhnev as a head of USSR.
This Merry Planet
Three cynical and emotionally detached aliens arrive on earth on New Year's eve with the mission of exploring and studying human behaviour but inevitably get pulled into a hillarious, nonsensical plot which makes them realize just how wonderful earth life can be with all its quirks, drama and humour.