
I Am FEMEN (2014)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 35M

Director : Alain Margot


Oxana is a woman, a fighter, an artist. As a teenager, her passion for iconography almost inspires her to join a convent, but in the end she decides to devote her talents to the Femen movement. With Anna, Inna and Sasha, she founds the famous feminist group which protests against the regime and which will see her leave her homeland, Ukraine, and travel all over Europe. Driven by a creative zeal and a desire to change the world, Oxana allows us a glimpse into her world and her personality, which is as unassuming, mesmerising and vibrant as her passionate artworks.


Oksana Shachko
Oksana Shachko
Anna Hutsol
Anna Hutsol
Inna Shevchenko
Inna Shevchenko
Sasha Shevchenko
Sasha Shevchenko


Alain Margot
Alain Margot
Alain Margot
Alain Margot
Director of Photography
Alain Margot
Alain Margot
Loredana Cristelli
Loredana Cristelli
Cristina Yakovleva
Cristina Yakovleva


África do Sul, início do século XX. Após ser expulso da 1ª classe de um trem, o jovem e idealista advogado indiano inicia um processo de auto-avaliação da condição da Índia, que na época era uma colônia britânica, e seus súditos ao redor do planeta. Já na Índia, através de manifestações enérgicas, mas não-violentas, atraiu para si a atenção do mundo ao se colocar como líder espiritual de hindus e muçulmanos.
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100 Garotas
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1. Mai – Helden bei der Arbeit
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Anna and Edith
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