
The Passport (1990)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 43M

Director : Georgiy Daneliya


A man, who becomes mistaken for his brother who was immigrating to Israel from USSR, finds himself caught up in the middle of a bureaucratic mess when he realizes that if he tells the truth about who he is, he will go to jail and his brother's family will never be allowed to leave the USSR. He therefore assumes his brother's identity to get to Israel hoping his distant uncle living there will help him out. The plan backfires, however, when he realizes that the uncle is a paranoid lunatic thinking the KGB is out to get him. He becomes stranded in Israel with no friends, no money, and no passport, trying to figure out a way to get back home.


Gérard Darmon
Gérard Darmon
Merab Papashvili / Yasha
Armen Dzhigarkhanyan
Armen Dzhigarkhanyan
Oleg Yankovskiy
Oleg Yankovskiy
Natalya Gundareva
Natalya Gundareva
Evgeni Leonov
Evgeni Leonov
Igor Kvasha
Igor Kvasha
Leonid Yarmolnik
Leonid Yarmolnik
израильский компаньон Бори
Mamuka Kikaleishvili
Mamuka Kikaleishvili
грузинский эмигрант
Levan Gabriadze
Levan Gabriadze
доминошник / человек с цветами
Irina Shmeleva
Irina Shmeleva
podruga Vasi
Nina Ter-Osipyan
Nina Ter-Osipyan
тетя Инги
Roman Madyanov
Roman Madyanov
человек на паспортном контроле
Leo Pilpani
Leo Pilpani
Amiran Amiranashvili
Amiran Amiranashvili
Suren, the taxi driver
Aleksandr Berda
Aleksandr Berda
Vasiliy Ermolenko
Galina Churilina
Galina Churilina
lunch lady
Vladimir Gusev
Vladimir Gusev
Ivan Petrovich
Veronika Izotova
Veronika Izotova
flight attendant
Smadar Kilchinsky
Smadar Kilchinsky
Gelena Kirik
Gelena Kirik
Sasha Klein
Sasha Klein
Nino Koberidze
Nino Koberidze
Yuriy Kushneryov
Yuriy Kushneryov
Guram Lortkipanidze
Guram Lortkipanidze
Yasha's neighbor
Ruslan Mikaberidze
Ruslan Mikaberidze
David Papuashvili
David Papuashvili
Boris Smorchkov
Boris Smorchkov
Evgeniy Kuleshov
Evgeniy Kuleshov
Georgiy Daneliya
Georgiy Daneliya
Abesalom Loria
Abesalom Loria


Georgiy Daneliya
Georgiy Daneliya
Revaz Gabriadze
Revaz Gabriadze
Georgiy Daneliya
Georgiy Daneliya
Arkadiy Khayt
Arkadiy Khayt
Vadim Yusov
Vadim Yusov
Director of Photography
Viktor Freylikh
Viktor Freylikh
Vladimir Dudin
Vladimir Dudin
Gia Kancheli
Gia Kancheli
Dimitri Takaishvili
Dimitri Takaishvili
Production Design
Tatyana Egorycheva
Tatyana Egorycheva
Olga Grinshpun
Olga Grinshpun


Terminal de aeroporto
Um visitante do Leste Europeu, Viktor Navorski, torna-se residente no terminal do aeroporto de Nova Iorque quando uma guerra civil faz o seu país desaparecer e o torna num apátrida, sem qualquer documento válido para a Imigração dos EUA.
Identidade Desconhecida
Um homem é salvo no mar pela tripulação de um barco de pesca italiano. Meio morto e completamente amnésico, não tem qualquer lembrança do passado ou documento de identidade. No entanto, fala várias línguas e possui uma série de conhecimentos de luta e autodefesa que deixam adivinhar um passado perigoso. O homem lança-se então numa busca pela sua verdadeira identidade, ajudado inicialmente pela rebelde Marie - para descobrir quem é realmente e porque motivo tantas pessoas desejam vê-lo morto...
72 Horas
John Brennan é um professor universitário que leva uma vida perfeita, até sua esposa Lara ser acusada de ter cometido um crime brutal. Ela jura que não é a autora do crime. Após três anos de recursos judiciais sem sucesso, John percebe que o único meio de ter sua esposa de volta será tirando-a da prisão. Ele tem apenas 72 horas para elaborar o plano e executá-lo.
Minha Morte
De férias em uma ilha na costa da Tailândia, o casal Neil e Christine acordam de ressaca e sem nenhuma lembrança da noite anterior. Eles encontram a filmagem da câmera de Neil e assistem, horrorizados, como Neil parece assassinar Christine.
Profissão: Repórter
David Locke é um repórter de televisão em locações no Deserto do Saara da África. É quente, suado, e tudo parece estar sujo. Voltando para o hotel depois de se perder e encalhar no deserto, ele descobre que o homem no quarto ao lado do seu morreu. Depois de decidir que não valia a pena viver mais sua própria vida, ele troca de identidade com o homem morto, pega o passaporte do homem, troca a foto, sua bagagem, e sua agenda de compromissos. Deixando a África, ele começa a cumprir os compromissos do homem morto, na esperança de que sua nova vida será mais interessante do que a sua antiga era.
Esta é a história de três artistas: Edward (Gael García Bernal), vaidoso diretor de cinema que precisa refilmar o final de um longa contra sua vontade e de repente começa a ter problemas sexuais. Michelle (Mariana Ximenes), modelo brasileira que deixa namorado e carreira nos Estados Unidos para voltar ao seu país e escrever um livro. E Emma (Alison Pill), que, desesperada para retirar seus implantes de silicone, recorre a meios duvidosos para ganhar um dinheiro extra.
Hotel Ustad
O jovem Faizi que estuda em segrego na Suíça para ser chefe de cozinha, contra os desejos de seu pai. Quando seu pai descobre, retira seu passaporte para impedir que ele ocupe um novo emprego no Reino Unido. À medida que a relação entre pai e filho se deteriora, Faizi é forçado a trabalhar como cozinheiro em um restaurante em Kozhikode, dirigido por seu avô Karim até que ele possa planejar algo alternativo. Um vínculo forte se desenvolve entre Karim e seu neto, educado na Europa, que ao longo da história, aprende sobre a servidão e o propósito de sua profissão.
Os Segredos da Noite
Ao se deparar com uma transação de droga que deu errado, a dançarina Cassie (Sarah Allen) rouba a mercadoria e o dinheiro pensando que agora tem tudo para tornar realidade seu sonho de viver em Paris. Mas a espera de três dias para obter o passaporte prova ser mais difícil do que imaginava, quando todo mundo que ela conhece – do ex-namorado ao chefe viciado em drogas, incluindo a amante e o verdadeiro dono do dinheiro – decide entrar em ação.
The Captain from Kopenick
The 1956 movie based on the theater play by Carl Zuckmayer based on the true story of cobbler Wilhelm Voigt who dressed up as a German military officer and, with the help of unsuspecting soldiers, took over the city hall in Köpenick and confiscated the city's purse.
The Passport
A man, who becomes mistaken for his brother who was immigrating to Israel from USSR, finds himself caught up in the middle of a bureaucratic mess when he realizes that if he tells the truth about who he is, he will go to jail and his brother's family will never be allowed to leave the USSR. He therefore assumes his brother's identity to get to Israel hoping his distant uncle living there will help him out. The plan backfires, however, when he realizes that the uncle is a paranoid lunatic thinking the KGB is out to get him. He becomes stranded in Israel with no friends, no money, and no passport, trying to figure out a way to get back home.
Girls of the White Orchid
In Los Angeles, naive and lonely waitress and aspirant singer Carol finds an advertisement for a job opportunity in Tokyo. Traveling to Japan to work at the White Orchid nightclub, she discovers the scheme of prostitution in the club that belongs to Yakuza. Alone, without money and her passport, she is protected by Shiro, but pressed by the managers Madame Mori and her husband Hatanaka to be receptive to client's proposals.
Escape from Uganda
Shikha Samuel (Rima Killingal) and Jayakrishnan (Vijay Babu) have eloped and made Uganda their home with the help of Advocate Firoz (Mukesh), who is practising law there. The couple is leading a happy life with a girl child of their own. Jayakrishnan is employed as a manager in a coffee shop and Shikha runs a designer boutique of her own. The tranquillity of their life is shattered when Shikha is arrested on the charges of committing two murders, one of the victim is the daughter of the local Mayor, who has pledged to keep her in jail for the rest of her life.
The Nansen Passport
On July 5th, 1922, Norwegian explorer, scientist and diplomat Fridtjof Nansen creates a passport with which, between 1922 and 1945, he managed to protect the fundamental human rights as citizens of the world of thousands of people, famous and anonymous, who became stateless due to the tragic events that devastated Europe in the first quarter of the 20th century.
A traveler between two countries metaphorically named "Easternstan" and "Westernstan" loses his passport and identity papers. Stuck between the two countries he can neither cross the frontiers nor get back to where he came from. He's forced to camp in the neutral area between the two countries, facing a lot of funny situations while there. The movie satirizes the ideology of Arab unity and cooperation at the state level.
Weekend Stories: A Woman's Business
A woman whose passport was denied under the previous Communist regime by a vindictive party secretary is given a chance to confront the woman and take revenge.
The False Passport
Simon is a young man who has decided to make quick money by smuggling narcotics. At a meeting with his contact they are ambushed by the police. Simon runs away but loses his wallet and so supposes that his identity must now be known to the police. Kalpak, the unscrupulous man who organizes this group of smugglers insists that he and Simon to leave at once. Simon agrees to cross the border illegally. Simon's girl-friend Lena and his brother Cvetko are involved in this operation by chance. They all leave together. Lena tries to persuade Simon to give himself up to the authorities, but the arguments of Kalpak, who uses the lost wallet as a threat, are stronger. In the attempt to cross the lake in a stolen boat they are chased by the police. Kalpak gets killed, Simon is wounded and the girl Lena drops the narcotics into the lake.
A prestigious Arabic speaker lost his passport. When she tries to leave the university where she gave her lecture, it begins an odyssey for her
Rabih, a young blind man, lives in a small village in Lebanon. He sings in a choir and edits Braille documents for an income. His life unravels when he tries to apply for a passport and discovers that his identification card, which he has carried his entire life, is fake. Now he must travel across Lebanon in search of his identity.
Forged Passport
Dan Frazier is a U. S. Border Patrolman on the California-Mexico border whose hot temper and ready-fists keep him in trouble, both of which indirectly lead to the death of a fellow trooper. He resigns from the force in order to find out who was responsible. He believes it was a gang of smugglers, engaged in smuggling illegal aliens into the United States from Mexico, and in order to get inside the gang he fakes smuggling activities.
East-West Passage
In the summer of 1989 tens of thousands of tourists from communist East Germany came to Hungary. They were deeply disillusioned because they felt they had no future in East Germany. There was no freedom, no choice in the shops, salaries were low and they could not travel except to Eastern Europe. They wanted to go to a prosperous and free West Germany but they could not get passports, so they hoped that by travelling through Hungary, the least suppressed country of the Soviet Block, they could cross the Iron Curtain into Austria and then travel on into West Germany. For them the Hungary of twenty years ago was the new east-west passage. Written by Czes