Die Lichtenbergs - zwei Brüder, drei Frauen und jede Menge Zoff (2014)
Gênero : Drama
Runtime : 0M
Director : Matthias Tiefenbacher
The famous Hamburg psychiatrist Dr. Magnus Sorel is in a deep crisis. Not only that his Serbo-Croatian patient Masha has reported him for sexual assault. Magnus is also struggling with blackmail: a stranger has stolen his diaries, which reveal his innermost desires and abysses. The well-known psychotherapist is an obsessional neurotic who can only with difficulty hide his disgust from his fellow man. After a failed appearance on "Günther Jauch", Magnus tried to use force to bring the stolen diaries back into his possession. But he has to rethink in order to solve his problems.
No job is too absurd for Jakob: in a glitter suit with stick-on sideburns, he sings Elvis Presley songs for crooning old ladies - not exactly the musical Olympics, but he needs the money. Now Jakob has the job of transporting a valuable stud ram to Norway by car, because the ram doesn't like flying. Just before he sets off, Jakob's long-forgotten lover Julia calls and announces the arrival of her-their-12-year-old daughter May. The stubborn teenager has taken it into her head to visit the father she has never met. So May has to come along to Norway too. However, with an angrily bleating ram in the back and an arrogant 'goat' in the passenger seat, Jakob has much more than he can cope with.
Um americano herda um apartamento em Paris que vem com um residente inesperado. O solitário Mathias Gold herda dos pais milionários uma grande casa em Paris. Quando ele viaja à capital francesa para tomar posse do imóvel, descobre que o local é habitado por Mathilde, uma senhora de 90 anos de idade, sem pretensões de se mudar. Apesar do estranhamento inicial, os dois tornam-se amigos, e aos poucos Mathias começa a se apaixonar por Chloé, filha de Mathilde.
Winfried (Peter Simonischek) é um senhor que gosta de levar a vida com bom humor, fazendo brincadeiras que proporcionem o riso nas pessoas. Seu jeito extrovertido fez com que se afastasse de sua filha, Ines (Sandra Hüller), sempre sisuda e extremamente dedicada ao trabalho. Percebendo o afastameto, Winfried decide visitar a filha na cidade em que ela mora, Budapeste. A iniciativa não dá certo, resultando em vários enfrentamentos entre pai e filha, o que faz com que ele volte para casa. Tempos depois, Winfried ressurge na vida de Ines sob o alter-ego de Toni Erdmann, especialista em contar mentiras bem-intencionadas a todos que ela conhece.
Pallone is not very good at keeping jobs as in ten days he managed to get fired seven times .His big dream is to direct a large symphony orchestra and, as chance would have it, he has a girlfriend who is the daughter of a famous record producer. Could this fact help him to achieve his dream ?
Felix Klare and newcomer Mona Pirzad play the main roles in the comedy "Liebe auf Persisch": While the beautiful interpreter, with a weakness for Goethe and German rap, brings him closer to the culture of their country, the clumsy guest abroad comes to his father's secret, played by Günther Maria Halmer, on the trail. Director Florian Baxmeyer manages an entertaining romantic comedy without leaving out substantial culture clash topics. With this road movie in a breathtaking landscape, a German TV production was filmed for the first time on original locations in Iran.
While dealing with a burnt-down house, smelly diapers and brutal lack of sleep, a Lower Bavarian police officer faces his worst adversary: cholesterol.
In the last days of World War II, Gauleiter Eigruber ordered the blasting of the salt mine. Stolen art treasures are stored there. The villagers oppose it.
Armin has virtually abandoned any hope of finding happiness in the perpetual struggle of life – until he meets the woman of his dreams at last. Everything with Tina could be simply perfect... if it weren’t for her son Hendrik, a 25-year-old failed artist with a looming presence who still lives at home and won’t tolerate another man anywhere near his beloved mummy. Soon Hendrik declares war on Armin, who has no choice but to engage in a bitter though surreptitious struggle with Tina’s unpleasant offspring, if he wants to keep the woman he loves…
A man who accused a catholic bishop of abusing him when he was a child dies in the Austrian city Salzburg. Everyone except his widow and the eccentrical detective Simon Brenner keeps silent and believes that the man killed himself.
Val é o tipo de empregada interna que leva o seu trabalho muito a sério. Usa a sua farda de criada impecavelmente engomada, enquanto serve canapés perfeitos; trabalha de manhã à noite ao serviço dos seus patrões abastados de São Paulo, cuidando também com amor do seu filho adolescente, que criou desde bebé. Tudo e todos estão no lugar certo nesta casa elegante até ao dia em que Jessica, a filha ambiciosa e inteligente de Val, regressa da cidade natal para fazer os exames de entrada na universidade. A presença confiante e jovial de Jessica vem destruir o equilíbrio de poder mudo, mas estrito existente naquela.
An office employee, pretending to be weak and crippled, reveals himself as a ruthless criminal.
Albajara é um senhor já de idade, um intelectual ganhador do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura e que leciona na Universidade Berkeley, na Califórnia. Espanhol de nascimento, Albajara faz parte da geração que lutou na guerra civil espanhola e acabou se exilando na América. Isso foi nos anos 30 e, desde então, ele nunca mais voltou para sua cidade natal, Gijon. O que irá acontecer agora, depois de tanto tempo, quando lembranças daqueles dias serão rememoradas?
After 15 years, Tomas, a not very succesfull writer, comes back to the village in Galicia where his family comes from, Arga, apparently to get an award. But he doesn't know the real reason why he is there, to end with an old curse that is been haunting the village for the last hundred years.