
Invisible Hentai Man (2013)

Gênero :

Runtime : 1H 14M

Director : Wataru Oku
Escritor : Yuta Takahashi


Hideo rescues a Chinese guy being picked on by punks on the street, and the guy gives him a small bottle in gratitude, which contained a magical formula that makes one’s body transparent for only 3 minutes. As soon as he becomes transparent, Hideo goes to see a naked Maria, his fellow part-time worker. While he enjoys the life of an invisible man, another invisible man mysteriously appears to seduce her. To keep her from this stranger, Hideo goes for his once-a-lifetime challenge. A furious battle between two invisible men begins!


Yoshida Masaki
Yoshida Masaki
Hiroyuki Kaneko
Hiroyuki Kaneko
Ami Onizuka
Ami Onizuka
Hiroshi Fujita
Hiroshi Fujita
Chinese man


Wataru Oku
Wataru Oku
Yoshinori Takazawa
Yoshinori Takazawa
Executive Producer
Yuta Takahashi
Yuta Takahashi
Yohei Dokko
Yohei Dokko
Jirō Ishikawa
Jirō Ishikawa
Takehiko Tamiya
Takehiko Tamiya
Director of Photography
Takehiko Tamiya
Takehiko Tamiya
Lighting Technician
Ichiro Ide
Ichiro Ide
Sound Recordist
Kazuaki Kubo
Kazuaki Kubo
Taira Takano
Taira Takano
Assistant Director


The Females
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Sex Power
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As Long as One Is Intoxicated
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Half Past Ten
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O Experimento Harrad
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A Diary of a Murderess
A beautiful young woman sets her sights on an aging millionaire. She seduces him, and moves into his mansion with him. She soon tires of him, though, and after she gets rid of him, she goes after his son.
Frankenstein: Italian Style
Dr. Victor Frankenstein creates a monster to show his scientific theories, but soon leaves him. So the scientist tries to rebuild his life getting married with Janet, and retires to his castle with Igor. However the monster comes back to haunt Frankenstein, and so Victor finds out that the monster has ferocious sexual orientation to Janet. Frankenstein then calls the servant Igor to readjust the monster, but also Igor takes advantage of Janet...
Obscene Desire
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Love in 4 Easy Lessons
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Sexo Sem Complicações
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Death Will Have Your Eyes
A young woman who comes to Rome and soon drifts into de facto prostitution in order to survive. She meets a misanthropic doctor and would-be poet, but soon falls in love with another man. Murder ensues and she soon finds herself being blackmailed, sexually and financially, by her husband's shady driver, who saw something he shouldn't have.
Devil's Ransom
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Dangerous Affairs
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Peccati a Venezia
La compagna di viaggio
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Nude Strike
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Invasão de Privacidade
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Crash: Estranhos Prazeres
James Ballard (James Spader) se envolve em um terrível acidente automobilístico que acaba atingido outro carro no qual está um casal. O homem morre e a mulher fica bastante ferida, mas após o trauma e a raiva inicial ela acaba se tornado amante de James. Ao mesmo tempo passam a freqüentar um grupo que tem como fetiche a reconstituição de acidentes de carros, nos quais famosas pessoas morreram. No entanto, estas reconstituições são propositadamente feitas sem nenhuma norma de segurança, aumentando sensivelmente o risco para quem participa da simulação e criando um clima de grande excitação para a platéia. A descoberta deste estranho prazer acaba atingindo a esposa de James e as relações sexuais tendem a serem quase sempre dentro de automóveis.
Deite Comigo
Leila (Lauren Lee Smith) é uma jovem que adora sexo, se relacionando com os homens através de encontros casuais e sempre de forma breve. Uma noite, em uma festa lotada, ela encontra-se com David (Eric Balfour). Mais tarde Leila e um homem transam atrás da casa, com David e sua namorada observando sua performance de longe. David também transa com a namorada, sendo que seu olhar e o de Leila se cruzam enquanto ambos estão fazendo sexo com outra pessoa. Pouco depois David e Leila começam a namorar e, em seu relacionamento, eles começam a ter necessidades e desejos que vão além do lado físico.