
Crush and Blush (2008)

Gênero : Comédia, Drama

Runtime : 1H 41M

Director : Lee Kyoung-mi
Escritor : Park Chan-wook, Lee Kyoung-mi, Park Eun-kyo


With her frumpy hair, blushing face, and awkward mannerisms, Yang Mi Sook has spent her entire life being unnoticed. Nicknamed Miss Carrot, she diligently teaches Russian to high school students who don't listen and ceaselessly pines after colleague Seo, her crush of ten years. Content with her uneventful, self-delusional existence, Mi Sook is sparked into action when hot young teacher Yuri comes strolling in and steals her class and her man. To nip their blooming romance in the bud, Mi Sook forms an unlikely alliance with Seo's misfit teenager daughter, who's every bit as eccentric as she is!


Gong Hyo-jin
Gong Hyo-jin
Yang Mi-sook
Lee Jong-hyuk
Lee Jong-hyuk
Seo Jong-cheol
Seo Woo
Seo Woo
Seo Jong-hee
Hwang Woo-seul-hye
Hwang Woo-seul-hye
Lee Yu-ri
Pang Eun-jin
Pang Eun-jin
Seon Eun-gyo
Bae Sung-woo
Bae Sung-woo
Ra Mi-ran
Ra Mi-ran
Na Mi-ran
Seo Bo-ik
Seo Bo-ik
Music Teacher
Choi Hee-jin
Choi Hee-jin
Advice Giving Meditation Teacher
Seo Young-ju
Seo Young-ju
Bong Joon-ho
Bong Joon-ho
English teacher
Park Chan-wook
Park Chan-wook
Jeong Jeong-hun
Jeong Jeong-hun


Lee Kyoung-mi
Lee Kyoung-mi
Park Chan-wook
Park Chan-wook
Lee Kyoung-mi
Lee Kyoung-mi
Bora Lee
Bora Lee
Line Producer
Lee Min-su
Lee Min-su
Park Chan-wook
Park Chan-wook
Park Eun-kyo
Park Eun-kyo
Son Na-ri
Son Na-ri
Costume Design
Song Jong-hee
Song Jong-hee
Makeup & Hair
Son Jae-hyuk
Son Jae-hyuk
Assistant Director
Kim Dong-young
Kim Dong-young
Director of Photography
Shin Min-kyung
Shin Min-kyung
Jang Young-gyu
Jang Young-gyu
Hwang Ju-hye
Hwang Ju-hye
Production Design
Baek Hyun-jin
Baek Hyun-jin
Original Music Composer
Jeong Jeong-hun
Jeong Jeong-hun
Camera Operator
Park Yong-gi
Park Yong-gi
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Kang Ju-suk
Kang Ju-suk
Production Sound Mixer
Jung Il-seo
Jung Il-seo
Key Grip


Sharp Stick
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O Amor Não Tira Férias
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O Segredo de Beethoven
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Lugar Nenhum na África
Em 1938, pouco antes de estourar a 2ª Guerra Mundial, a família Redlich foge da Alemanha e se instala no Quênia, na África. Lá o advogado Walter Redlich (Merab Ninidze) passa a trabalhar numa fazenda, enquanto sua mulher Jettel (Juliane Köhler), filha de uma família burguesa, tenta se adaptar à nova vida. Regina (Lea Kurka), a filha do casal, cresce e aprende a língua e os costumes locais, encontrando no cozinheiro Owunor (Sidede Onyulo) um amigo. Quando a guerra está acabando Walter recebe uma proposta para atuar como juiz em Frankfurt. Depois de tantos anos em que aprenderam a amar o novo país, Jettel e Regina começam a duvidar se voltarão para a Alemanha com ele.
When Saturday Comes
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Forças do Destino
A caminho de sua cidade natal para casar-se, Ben (Ben Affleck) sofre um acidente aéreo. Receoso de pegar outro vôo, decide por seguir viagem por terra, tendo apenas 48 horas para chegar cidade antes do horário marcado para o seu casamento com Bridget (Maura Tierney). Porém, durante o caminho Ben se encontra com Sarah (Sandra Bullock, uma atrapalhada e aventureira jovem que segue caminho juntamente com ele, fazendo com que os dois redefinam suas prioridades para o futuro.
Me and You and Everyone We Know
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The Cave of the Yellow Dog
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Take My Eyes
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As Virgens Suicidas
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As Faces de Helen
Helen Leonard (Ashley Judd) é uma mulher bem-sucedida que tem um casamento feliz e um relacionamento harmonioso com sua filha. Porém, existe algo que ela tem um segredo: sua bipolaridade, que surge como um surto devastador, transformando sua maneira de enxergar a vida. Agora, sua família e seus amigos tem a missão de fazê-la perceber que a vida continua bela.
Nackt is the story of three couples, one of which just broke up, one that seems to be about to and one perfectly okay. They are all friends and from time to time they gather to talk about everything.One time they gather for dinner at the second couple's "mansion" - the husband became rich with his business. We see each couple as they prepare themselves for the party and learn a lot about their relationships.At the dinner they get to talking about recognizing each other's peer with closed eyes and decide to try it (thus the title "Nackt"=naked in German).
Dois é Bom, Três é Demais
Um recém-casado convida seu amigo desempregado para morar temporariamente com ele e sua mulher. As coisas se complicam quando o amigo parece querer ficar permanentemente.
In My Skin
Esther's life is panning out nicely. She will soon move in with her boyfriend Vincent and she seems set to get a permanent position at the public relations company where she freelances. All would be fine if Esther didn't accidentally discover a piercing curiosity about her own body.
The Secret
Marie, who works as a successful door-to-door encyclopedia salesperson, has been married to her husband Francois for 12 years and has a two-year-old son. Though she is relatively content with her life, she feels something is wanting. Enter 50-year old African-American Bill. Initially she is annoyed by his insouciance, but she finds that she is irresistibly attracted to him. Soon the two are in the midst of sordid illicit affair. She knows little about her new lover, and he seems uninterested in learning about her, but the long sessions of lovemaking are something else entirely. Feeling out of control, Marie is increasingly repelled by her own actions. Psychologically, she struggles to reconcile her torrid encounters with Bill and mundane domestic chores such as bathing her son. Moreover, she finds herself incapable of hiding her adulterous behavior, rather she comes home with scratches and hickeys all over her body, to the devastation Francois.
On her birthday, Juliette is too upset to worry about the strange cleaner who imitates her every move and lusts after her clothing.
Luis Vega, writer and literature professor is accused of murder following the publication of his novel "Arrebato" which recounts in detail a crime happened in real life.
Love is Colder Than Death
In the movie, the life of a singer who has problems with her husband is narrated. Belgin, who works at a night club as a belly dancer, is taken to the police station due to an inspection. Ali, owner of a casino, rescues him, hence they get closer. Belgin, after quitting dancing and starting singing, marries Ali. After a while, Ali’s ex-girlfriend appears and this damages their relationship. Meanwhile, Ali disappears as his business goes worse and Belgin starts to work with a manager who opens her the way leading to fame. Ali, who returns after a while, starts to intervene to Belgin’s life.