
I Girl (2018)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 25M

Director : Natural Arpajou


A couple moves to Patagonia escaping from the impositions of modern capitalist society. At first, the place, the people, the life seems to be what they are looking for. A new world away from everything. But soon they will discover that not everything is so magical or so simple, nor are they prepared to deal with that life. They will think about giving up. They will return to the city, but they do not fit there either: the place they left behind has already changed them. They will make a new attempt, a revealed truth, it will make everything stumble stronger than ever. But as they go through this, they will grow stronger to continue trying a new life.


Esteban Lamothe
Esteban Lamothe
Andrea Carballo
Andrea Carballo
Huenu Paz Paredes
Huenu Paz Paredes
Emiliano Carrazzone
Emiliano Carrazzone
Bimbo Godoy
Bimbo Godoy
Mariano González
Mariano González
Marina Glezer
Marina Glezer
Kimani Fuentes
Kimani Fuentes
Raquel Oyarzo
Raquel Oyarzo


Natural Arpajou
Natural Arpajou
Pablo Parra
Pablo Parra
Director of Photography
Juan Pablo Docampo
Juan Pablo Docampo
Natural Arpajou
Natural Arpajou
Martín Grignaschi
Martín Grignaschi
Marina Raggio
Marina Raggio
Art Direction
Alejandro Israel
Alejandro Israel
Victoria Nana
Victoria Nana
Costume Design
Virginia Álvarez
Virginia Álvarez
Makeup Artist


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Finding Friends
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