
Hollywood Rated 'R' (1997)

Gênero : Documentário, Terror, Ficção científica

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Dominique Cazenave, Doug Headline
Escritor : Doug Headline


A roller-coaster ride through the history of American exploitation films, ranging from Roger Corman's sci-fi and horror monster movies, 1960s beach movies, H.G. Lewis' gore-fests, William Castle's schlocky theatrical gimmicks, to 1970s blaxploitation, pre-"Deep Throat" sex tease films, Russ Meyer's bosom-heavy masterpieces, etc, etc. Over 25 interviews of the greatest purveyors of weird films of all kind from 1940 to 1975. Illustrated with dozens of films clips, trailers, extra footage, etc. This documentary as a shorter companion piece focusing on exploitation king David F. Friedman.


John Landis
John Landis
David F. Friedman
David F. Friedman
Russ Meyer
Russ Meyer
Self (archive footage)
Charles Napier
Charles Napier
Edward D. Wood Jr.
Edward D. Wood Jr.
Self (archive footage)
Johnny Legend
Johnny Legend
Titus Moede
Titus Moede
Harry H. Novak
Harry H. Novak
Barbara Steele
Barbara Steele
William Lustig
William Lustig
Larry Cohen
Larry Cohen
Joe Dante
Joe Dante
Bob Burns
Bob Burns
Jack Hill
Jack Hill
Forrest J. Ackerman
Forrest J. Ackerman
William Castle
William Castle
Self (archive footage)
Charles Band
Charles Band


Dominique Cazenave
Dominique Cazenave
Doug Headline
Doug Headline
Doug Headline
Doug Headline


The action takes place in Leningrad n the time of "perestroika" during the 1980's. Tatyana is a beautiful Russian nurse who is underpaid at her hospital job, so she becomes a prostitute catering to international tourists. She becomes well paid in dollars, and helps her ailing mother survive. Tatyana's international clients tell her about the life in other countries, so she accepts a marriage in order to escape from the grim Soviet reality. Even though she is married to a decent man abroad, she still suffers being labeled an ex-Soviet prostitute, and her new life is full of new troubles.
Duke Johnson visits a small Southern town, intent on burying his brother. After the funeral, he learns that he must stay for 60 days, for the estate to be processed. A few locals convince Duke to reopen his late brother's nightclub, and soon the local redneck policemen are intimidating Duke with threats of violence. Duke refuses to pay the bribes they demand, so then he and his lady friend Aretha are threatened and attacked by the crooked cops. Rather than take them on himself, Duke calls on his old pal Roy. Roy brings a few buddies to Bucktown, and they bring justice to the small town. With the redneck cops out of the way, Duke lets his guard down. Then the situation gets out of hand again. Finally, Duke must settle the score himself.
The Legend of Nigger Charley
A trio of runaway slaves evade authorities in the Old West.
Brotherhood of Death
A group of Black soldiers are home from the war and head to a small Southern town. The town is dominated by a group of Klansmen who keep the Black majority from voting or being treated like human beings. However, these newcomers convince the local population to register to vote so they can take back power and achieve justice. When hundreds show up to register, the Klan responds with violence. Eventually, though, the Black community has little choice other than fight back and the film ends with a small war between these combat vets and the Klan.
As Aventuras de Pi
Pi Patel é filho do dono de um zoológico localizado em Pondicherry, na Índia. Após anos cuidando do negócio, a família decide vender o empreendimento devido à retirada do incentivo dado pela prefeitura local. A ideia é se mudar para o Canadá, onde poderiam vender os animais para reiniciar a vida. Entretanto, o cargueiro onde todos viajam acaba naufragando devido a uma terrível tempestade. Pi consegue sobreviver em um bote salva-vidas, mas precisa dividir o pouco espaço disponível com uma zebra, um orangotango, uma hiena e um tigre de bengala chamado Richard Parker.
Madrid, 1987
Two characters: old and young; teacher and pupil; man and woman. Four walls within which they conjure intellectualism, relive the profession (journalism), explore politics and discover each other.
Searching for Sugar Man
No final dos anos 1960, em um bar de Detroit, um artista é descoberto. Esquecido em seu país, ele se tornou uma lenda para o resto do mundo. Dois fãs sul-africanos exploram a extraordinária história do cantor Sixto Díaz Rodríguez.
Fuga da Ilha do Diabo
In 1916, a group of prisoners plot their escape from the notorious fortress located in French Guiana.
Black Eye
An ex-police officer operating a private detective business comes face to face with a syndicate-backed dope ring.
The Dicktator
Virile men are hard to come by when an experimental male birth-control pill leaves the male population sterile, bringing the birth rate down to zero.
The Ghoul
A former clergyman (Peter Cushing) in 1920s England tries to keep his cannibalistic son locked in the attic.
Hércules e o Labirinto do Minotauro
Hércules se estabeleceu com sua esposa e filhos, mas sente saudades dos bons e velhos tempos, tendo aventuras emocionantes. Então, um dia, ele é persuadido a sair de sua "aposentadoria" agrícola para ajudar uma aldeia distante que está sendo atacada por um monstro invisível.
Captive Factory Girls: The Violation
Natsumi (Ai Takeuchi) is forced to work in a steel factory in order to pay off a debt, a factory notorious for employing women with "dark pasts" as slave labor. Tsukada, Chief of Security places Natsumi in a team of four women led by Atsuko(Nagisa Umeno). When one worker fails to follow instructions, Tsukada rapes her, and Natsumi is next on his list. Natsumi tries to fight the insanity, but is hindered by managing director Hideko and factory president Kamiyama. It is up to Natsumi to take on the evildoings of the factory.
Jack Hardy is the sole survivor of a mysterious submarine disaster in World War II. Now, in 1981, the ill-fated submarine Scorpion has resurfaced, miraculously intact. Naval Intelligence need Hardy's expertise to retrace the course and mission that led to her original disappearance. But what's waiting for them under the grey waters of the Baltic Sea turns out to be much worse than the Russian submarines they're expecting. Wherever Scorpion has been all this time, it's brought some very bad luck back with it...
La matanza caníbal de los garrulos lisérgicos
Brides of Blood
Americans investigating the results of nuclear radiation discover a man-eating monster on a remote island.
Takin' It All Off
A school for strippers is in trouble. They audition for the owner, and he's pleased, except that the new girl can't make herself take her clothes off. After hypnosis, she's ready, willing, and able, but always strips when she hears music, and threatens the future of the strip school.
Womb Raider
When wealthy treasure hunter Cara Loft is delivered an invitation to meet renowned art collector Dr. Scrotus, the sexy adventurer is thrust head-on into the greatest and most dangerous erotic adventure of her life... the search for the three sacred wombs. With danger at every turn, and beautiful but lethal spy Natasha hot on her heels, Cara must travel to the scorching deserts of Arabia, the untamed jungles of Africa, and the mysterious mountains of Tibet in order to reunite the legendary womb idols of creation.
The Legend of Gator Face
Small-town Mississippians overreact to the appearance of a mythical swamp monster, partially the work of teen hoaxers.
Romance ou Pesadelo
Políticos planejam se clonar, garantindo vida imortal.