
Vigarista 62 (1961)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 42M

Director : Camillo Mastrocinque
Escritor : Castellano, Pipolo


Antonio, a former variety actor, keeps his daughter in an excellent boarding school by organizing small scams with his friend and colleague Felice. Commissioner Malvasia good-naturedly persecuted him. When their respective unsuspecting children fall in love, the two fathers make peace.


Antonio LoRuffo
Nino Taranto
Nino Taranto
Lia Zoppelli
Lia Zoppelli
Geronimo Meynier
Geronimo Meynier
Franco Malvasia
Estella Blain
Estella Blain
Luigi Pavese
Luigi Pavese
Terlizzi, il padrone di casa
Ernesto Calindri
Ernesto Calindri
Police Commissioner Armando Malvasia
Mario Castellani
Mario Castellani
Teacher in 'Lausanne' College (uncredited)
Oreste Lionello
Oreste Lionello
Pippo, l'amico di Franco
John Kitzmiller
John Kitzmiller
L'ambasciatore del Katonga
Ugo D'Alessio
Ugo D'Alessio
Decio Cavallo, turista italo-americano
Gino Buzzanca
Gino Buzzanca
Il console del Nicaragua
Ignazio Leone
Ignazio Leone
Il vigile urbano
Renzo Palmer
Renzo Palmer
Baldassarre, lo sfasciaarrozze
Amedeo Girard
Amedeo Girard
Carla Macelloni
Carla Macelloni
Pietro De Vico
Pietro De Vico
Peppino De Martino
Peppino De Martino
Rosetta Pedrani
Rosetta Pedrani
Nino Frera
Nino Frera
Loredana Cappelletti
Loredana Cappelletti
Evi Marandi
Evi Marandi
Marcella Rovena
Marcella Rovena
Salvo Libassi
Salvo Libassi
Edy Biagetti
Edy Biagetti
Franco Moruzzi
Franco Moruzzi
Betsy Bell
Betsy Bell
Maria Di Quattro
Maria Di Quattro
Gianni Partanna
Gianni Partanna
Laura Verney
Laura Verney


Camillo Mastrocinque
Camillo Mastrocinque
Isidoro Broggi
Isidoro Broggi
Renato Libassi
Renato Libassi
Gianni Ferrio
Gianni Ferrio
Original Music Composer
Mario Fioretti
Mario Fioretti
Director of Photography
Gisa Radicchi Levi
Gisa Radicchi Levi
Alberto Boccianti
Alberto Boccianti
Production Design
Ennio Michettoni
Ennio Michettoni
Set Decoration
Giuliano Papi
Giuliano Papi
Costume Design
Maria Miccinilli
Maria Miccinilli
Elsa Carnevali
Elsa Carnevali
Script Supervisor
Franco Groppioni
Franco Groppioni
Titi Efrade
Titi Efrade
Makeup Artist
Gianni Minervini
Gianni Minervini
Production Manager
Nino Zanchin
Nino Zanchin
First Assistant Director
Totò Mignone
Totò Mignone
Unit Manager


Five episodes :1) A husband has taken the place of the confessor to find out about his wife's betrayals and while he spends the night at the door of the house, the woman can freely receive her lover. 2) Judge Volfardo, to take revenge for the constant pranks of Lambertuccio, head of the guards, invites Leonetto, a young man whom women yearn for, to take advantage of his wife. But everything is resolved to their own damage 3) While Domitilla's husband sends the boy into his bed to be able to sleep with his lover. 4) Don Casimiro has Don Ciccillo treat his wife who will use a very intimate therapy. 5) Messer Ciccio and Messer Gerbino exchange confidences on how not to be betrayed by their wives, so that...
O Sabor do Grão
Lorenzo é um professor recém-formado que vai ensinar num vilarejo rural da Itália. Após fazer amizade com o seu aluno Duilio, ele se vê envolvido em situações complexas que colocarão em cheque suas certezas sobre identidade e sentimentos.
Love Sacrifice
Leonidas, of noble lineage but poor, serves in the house of Count Aristide Of the Fava Dongo, waiting patiently for his death to arrive. He dies at last, but rumors reveal that, on his deathbed, the Count has decided to leave everything to Marco (Claudio Ercoli), his illegitimate and retarded son who secretly grew up in a boarding school. In the meantime, the whole family of Leonida moves to the luxurious estate as for certainly no one wants to miss out on this wealth opportunity...
An Italian in Greece
Charming, affluent--with his father's money--and self-assured, a frivolous son who can have any woman he desires falls head over heels for a beautiful Italian student; however, she is a hard nut to crack. Will he manage to impress her?
Fantaghiro: Quest for the Quorum
In the middle of a world of darkness, the stars foretell the arrival of a brave warrior who will win back the Kuorum, symbol of Eternal Love. It is to be a princess who can manage her feelings as well as her sword. Her name is Fantaghirò.
A Professora vai ao Colégio
Mônica é a professora, Roma, a cidade e Semeraro, o hotel. junto a este cenário está o Colégio Agostiniano com todas as suas regras e tradições, onde Mônica, a nova professora de inglês, irá mudar o comportamento da comunidade através de sua beleza e sensualidade. Uma comédia picante e bem humorada. com toda a malícia italiana nas situações criadas pela 'Professora que vai ao colégio'.
La dottoressa ci sta col Colonnello
Colonel Anacleto Punch, military doctor, falls in love with the beautiful and sensual South African Dr. Eve Russell, specializing in transplants. Thinking that his manhood is not adequate for the beautiful colleague, decides to do a transplant with the unsuspecting nurse prawn, that with women has always been successful. But the end result will not be as anticipated.
Nos Tempos do Cinto de Castidade
Durante a Idade Média, um cavaleiro desajeitado retorna para casa, onde sua esposa o espera. Sensual e bonita, ela atraiu vários admiradores do sexo masculino durante a sua ausência, mas seu cinto de castidade tem mantido sua fidelidade. Agora é sua chance de tirar a chave dele e se divertir. Um desafeto do cavaleiro tem um problema semelhante com a sua igualmente linda esposa. E como se não bastasse, os dois homens têm projetos semelhantes sobre a esposa do outro, levando-os a conceber métodos drásticos para desencorajar qualquer invasão.
Uma Viúva à Italiana
After the death of Salvatore in a car accident, his beautiful wife Catherine is preparing to collect the enormous legacy but, because the deceased did not make a will and when he was alive was sterile, his wife’s legacy will benefit only if, within three hundred days established by law, she will give birth to a son.
Valentina... The Virgin Wife
Valentina and Giovannino have just got married, but the Honeymoon has gone by and nothing happened between the two. Tension grows and they are about to break up the marriage, until a French tourist satisfies Valentina, while Giovannino regains his virility with his mother in law.
O Soldado em Manobras
Doctor Eva Marini takes up a position at an army base to investigate the sexual behavior of the Italian male soldier and soon finds out she's taken on more than she bargained for.
School Days
When the local science teacher hurts herself during a failed experiment and ends up in hospital, she is replaced by young and sexy Stevania Marini. Barely out of school herself, Stefania finds herself the object of affection for several men, including a young baron and and even most of her male students. One of these, Andrea Balsamo is part of the family with whom Stefania is staying and as such has a stronger foothold than most of the other men in town
Killer Crocodile 2
The Caribbean swamps which is to be made into a holiday resort is terrorized again by a second monstrous crocodile which is killing off anyone unfortunate to be on the water.
Under the Sheets
Three medical students who are reluctant to hit the books and unwilling to work are much more enthusiastic about creating pranks and targeting a thriving confidential, female doctor.
Anos Felizes
Em Roma, nos anos 1970, o relacionamento entre o artista Guido e sua esposa Serena passa por dificuldades. Enquanto ele não esconde a atração cada vez maior por suas modelos, ela começa a pensar se não deveria também experimentar as paixões extraconjugais. Enquanto isso, os dois filhos do casal observam as brigas, os amores e as manipulações em família.
No One Will Notice You're Naked
Rosario Trapanese is determined to show he is not the typical old-fashion Sicilian. When his firm sends him to Denmark, a more sexual liberated nation than Italy, he immediately adopts the Danish "free-sexual-taboo" way of life. He meets and married Karen and succeeded to come back in Italy. Once here, he discovers Karen did a porn movie and his determination on being open minded is over. The typical Sicilian jealousy drives him crazy. Anyway, after a while, Rosario understands that what his wife did before to meet him it has not to be an issue for him. Karen confesses Rosario she signed a contract for a second movie and she could refuse only by paying a fine. The couple doesn't have enough money so they need to find a solution. And what a solution!
The Bachelor Father
Lonely in his English country estate, Sir Basil decides to gather his grown (albeit illegitimate) children around him in his declining years. He uses a ledger which keeps track of the payments he has been making to ex-lovers to locate 2 of them, and a third is found by a lawyer in New York, her mother was too proud to accept any money. Sir Basil is a curmudgeon, and his three adult children have a hard time with him at first. Toni, the American, is a free spirit who had a budding career in show business. Jeffery is English and a semi-gentleman, and Maria is Italian, with a Latin temperament. They begin to bond, especially Sir Basil and Toni, whose outgoing personality finally wins over the old man. But past lives begin to creep back into the picture and threaten the old man's plans for a life filled with his children.
Mambo Italiano
Rapaz com aspirações a escritor resolve sair da casa dos pais e ir morar com sua paixão secreta, um policial. O casal gay terá de enfrentar os preconceitos e também as tentativas de ajuda das famílias, enquanto lutam para fazer o relacionamento funcionar.
Italiano para Principiantes
No subúrbio de uma cidade dinamarquesa, um jovem pastor chega para trabalhar na igreja local e é persuadido por um assistente a freqüentar aulas de italiano em um curso noturno. Não demora muito e o sacerdote torna-se o centro de um grupo de pessoas para quem o destino reservou golpes um tanto duros, e, aos poucos, cada uma delas vai tentando superar seus problemas, buscando a melhor solução.
Os Contos de Canterbury
Segunda parte da Trilogia da Vida do aclamado diretor italiano Pier Paolo Pasolini, o longa é baseado nas obscenas histórias de Geoffrey Chaucer do século XIV. Mergulhando com prazer em alguns dos mais perversos e lascivos contos, Pasolini celebra de forma ardente quase toda forma imaginável de ato sexual com um humor rico, rude e visual mágico. Para completar, Pasolini faz uma representação de inferno que teria deixado Hieronymos Bosch orgulhoso.


Vence o Amor
Antonio, Peppino e Lucia são três irmãos que moram perto de Nápoles. O filho de Lucia, Gianni, vai para Nápoles estudar medicina, mas lá ele conhece uma dançarina de balé. Eles se apaixonam e, quando ela vai para Milão, Gianni vai atrás. Quando ficam sabendo disso e com medo de que seu sobrinho pare de estudar, os três irmãos Caponi partirão para persuadir Gianni a voltar a Nápoles e continuar estudando e que abandone a "Malafemmina". (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Confusões à Italiana
Eugene, a young nobleman, asks two penniless idlers to impersonate his noble relatives to help him marry Gemma, the daughter of an enriched cook.
Totó Fora da Lei
Antonio and Peppino live in a small town in central Italy: Peppino is the barber, Totò is maintained by the rich but avaricious wife Teresa.
A Quadrilha dos Honestos
Italy, mid '60s. Three guys from a poor neighbourhood try to get rich by printing fake money using the fact that one of them works as a typographer. The story unravels around their embarrassed efforts to spend the money, their little family issues and ends with a surprise.
Guardas e Ladrões
Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.
Um Turco das Arábias
Naples/Sorrento, mid 20s. A couple of small thieves conceive a scam whereby one of them dresses up as a eunuch Turk to care for the women of the family of a wealthy man. They end up messing everything up, with lots of gags and funny events in the meantime.
Totò contro Maciste
Totokamen is an entertainer and an illusionist who performs in various Egyptian nightclubs assisted by his manager, Tarantenkamen. Taking advantage of cheesy tricks, Totokamen pretends to be the son of the god Amun.
Totò diabolicus
The marquis Galeazzo di Torre Alta is murdered by a mysterious killer who calls himself Diabolicus. His heirs are his three brothers and a sister, but all of them, with the exception of Monsignor Antonino di Torre Alta, are killed by Diabolicus. The police are unable to solve the case, but when Antonino gives his inheritance to Pasquale Bonocore, illegitimate son of his father and Pasquale is in prison and therefore can't be the killer, all the clues are in the hand of the police.
The Monk of Monza
Pasquale takes all of his 12 children and runs away from Monza, looking for a house of a wealthy and generous awning. Having met on the way impoverished peasant, Pasquale takes him also, having granted the rank of "Half-Monk" and thus having gained rustic, but a reliable friend.
Signori si nasce
Baron Zazà, always broke due his dissolute lifestyle, decides to con a hefty sum of money out of his wealthy but greedy brother.
Totó e Cleópatra
Mark Antony has a brother-lookalike, Totonno, a sinister slave trader. Totonno secretly replaces Mark Antony in the most delicate moments.
The Treasure of San Gennaro
A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.
Two Colonels
In WWII Greece, two enemy Colonels, one Italian and the other English, develop a grudging friendship which the war will test.
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
After their boss' death, two clerks eagerly await the arrival of the next one, each one of them hoping to become the apple of his eye. They compete in every possible way to impress him, which causes lots of trouble and many misunderstandings.
Toto the Sheik
Antonio is the humble servant of a rich family governed by the Marquis Gastone. He is a young man madly in love with Lulu, but she betrays him, and he desperately enlist in the foreign legion.
Gli onorevoli
Some political candidates are determined to win the electors' preference during an election campaign in Italy.
47 Talking Corpses
Greedy Baron Antonio Peletti refuses to give to his town the heredity left by his father, a box full of precious jewels, which he keeps for himself. The major and the rest of the townspeople therefore organize a trick at his expense: they'll make him believe he is dead, and, in a fake "afterlife", they'll try to convince him to finally show them where the money is hidden to save his soul.
Totó Procura Casa
Beniamino and his family have lived inside a school since the end of the war. After five years they have to move, but in Rome it's not easy to find an apartment.
Sinuca em Família
A boy and a girl fall in love but their fathers take a strong dislike to each other, clashing repeatedly during the preparations for the upcoming marriage.
Só Nos Resta Chorar
Um professor (Saverio) e um bedel (Mario) são dois amigos que de alguma forma se perdem em um lugar da Itália e voltam no tempo. Eles se veem no final do século 15. Sendo assim, eles tentam mudar a história, ensinando Leonardo da Vinci a jogar cartas. Também tentam parar Colombo, cantam uma canção dos Beatles etc ...