
Lustful Revenge (1996)

Gênero : Crime, Thriller

Runtime : 1H 21M

Director : Masaru Konuma
Escritor : Takeshi Saito


After reading about beautiful women killed in a gruesome manner during the recent months, Akiko tries to nail down the sick serial killer herself. What she does not know is that the killer has already targetted her as his next victim.


Itsumi Ohsawa
Itsumi Ohsawa
Moki Ahashi
Kazuhisa Kawahara
Kazuhisa Kawahara
Chihiro Yoshioka
Chihiro Yoshioka
Shōko Kudō
Shōko Kudō
Susumu Terajima
Susumu Terajima
Kazumasa Koura
Kazumasa Koura
Tatsumi Aoyama
Tatsumi Aoyama
Kenjirou Ishimaru
Kenjirou Ishimaru
Masasuke Hirose
Masasuke Hirose


Haruhisa Okino
Haruhisa Okino
Development Manager
Takahiro Hanzawa
Takahiro Hanzawa
Minoru Ueki
Minoru Ueki
Takeshi Saito
Takeshi Saito
Shinichi Hayashi
Shinichi Hayashi
Lighting Technician
Hiroshi Maruyama
Hiroshi Maruyama
Art Direction
Akimasa Kawashima
Akimasa Kawashima
Masaru Konuma
Masaru Konuma
Tōru Satō
Tōru Satō
Director of Photography
Kiyoshi Kakizawa
Kiyoshi Kakizawa
Sound Recordist


Filme erótico em episódios com argumento e roteiro de Ody Fraga. Em "As Gazelas", Castillini mostra a intimidade de duas normalistas numa tarde dedicada ao estudo; David Cardoso, ator e diretor do segundo segmento, "O Prazer da Virtude", encarna um fetichista obcecado por hábitos religiosos; em "O Gafanhoto", John Doo dirige um drama sobrenatural sobre mulher cega e dominadora que pode ver através dos espelhos.
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A Pervertida
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