
A Martian Named Desire (2003)

Gênero : Drama, Ficção científica

Runtime : 1H 20M

Director : Antonio Fortunic


It tells the story of Jorge who dreams of going to live in the United States. He loves the American way of life and above all, the gringas, but at the North American embassy they deny him a visa. That afternoon she meets Ganzo López, who has just been given the "Greencard" because he married a gringa. Jorge then decides that the solution to his problems is to also marry a gringa and travels to Cuzco to look for her ...


Christian Meier
Christian Meier
Robin Hunter
Robin Hunter
Bruno Odar
Bruno Odar
Aristóteles Picho
Aristóteles Picho
César Ritter
César Ritter
Ganzo López
Adolfo Chuiman
Adolfo Chuiman
Mónica Sánchez
Mónica Sánchez


Antonio Fortunic
Antonio Fortunic
Luis Quequezana
Luis Quequezana
Antonio Fortunic
Antonio Fortunic
Micaela Cajahuaringa
Micaela Cajahuaringa
Juan Durán
Juan Durán


A Nova Onda do Imperador
Divirta-se com o arrogante imperador Kuzco que é transformado em Ihama pela malvada conselheira Yzma e seu capanga bonitão Kronk, para governar o reino. Agora o imperador, que sempre teve o mundo a seus pés, tem de se aliar a um caipira simpático chamado Pacha. Mas será que essa realeza tão antipática conseguirá mudar, tornando-se uma pessoa mais bondosa e gentil?
O pacato vilarejo de Cabo Blanco perde o clima de paz com a chegada de um navio inglês. Um ex-combatente americano, que atualmente mora na região, se vê ameaçado pela beleza de uma viúva e a presença de um ex-oficial nazista, que chegam com a expedição.
A Peruvian teen lusts after his wild sister while the new wife of their difficult, wealthy father tries to hide her lower-class background.
Touching the Void - Uma História de Sobrevivência
Em 1985, Joe Simpson e Simon Yates prepararam-se para subir os 6.400 metros de Siula Grande, nos Andes do Peru - a única montanha daquela região ainda por conquistar. Eles eram novos, alpinistas em boa forma física e com experiência, convencidos de que iriam ser bem sucedidos onde outros falharam. Após uma subida triunfante em apenas três dias, o desastre aconteceu: Joe cai e parte a perna direita, deixando Simon encarregue de os conduzir a salvo. Mas, sem comida nem água, e com um frio excruciante a uma enorme altitude, a única coisa que podiam esperar é a morte certa.
Terror in the Jungle
Little boy Henry Clayton Jr. survives a plane crash in the untamed Amazon jungle. However, he's discovered by a tribe of vicious savages who plan on sacrificing him. Meanwhile, Henry's father ventures into the jungle to find the missing lad before it's too late.
As Aventuras de Tadeo
Tadeo sonha em ser um explorador e, por acaso, é confundido com um famoso arqueólogo e enviado para uma expedição no Peru. Lá, precisa enfrentar uma organização criminosa que pretende saquear uma mítica cidade inca.
The Enigma of Nasca
Join a team of archaeologists and the Discovery Channel in an investigation into the mysterious lines of the Nazca region in Peru. Created by the Nazcas, these huge sculptures are only visible from the sky and depict people, animal, geometric forms, and strange creatures. See a premier exhibition of pottery and textiles, musical instruments, and mummies from this long-forgotten, pre-Columbian civilization and visit Cahuachi, a buried city of pyramids and ceremonial buildings which may have once been the religious capital of the Nazca people
Na trama, Paddington, que é um dos personagens mais conhecidos da Inglaterra, chega do Peru e é detido na estação de mesmo nome em Londres. Perseguido por uma perversa taxidermista, ele conhece a família Brown, que lhe oferece carinho e abrigo.
Wings of Hope
Werner Herzog returns to the South American jungle with Juliane Koepcke, the German woman who was the sole survivor of a plane crash there in 1971. They find the remains of the plane and recreate her journey out of the jungle.
Polvo enamorado
When she was 17 years old, Natalia married Don Matias following her parents desires. But it wasn't until Father Santiago arrived to this little town that Natalia felt in love for the very first time.
Sin compasión
Lima, 1980s. Based upon Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment.
The Green Wall
A young couple forsakes their urban existence for life in the exciting but dangerous Peruvian jungle.
Miss Universe in Peru
A documentary which shows the struggle of many women surrounding the Miss Universe 1982 pageant hosted by Peru. The government invested a large sum of money in this event, during a time the country suffered an acute political, economic and social crisis. On the other hand, we can appreciate the denigrating use of the women's image in publicity.
Machu Picchu Post
This is the story of the unexpected meeting between a young peruvian boy living with his lama and a pilot from the airmail flying above the boy's house.
Dancing with the Incas
Documentary about the most popular music of the Andes -- Huayno music -- and explores the lives of three Huayno musicians in a contemporary Peru torn between the military and the Shining Path guerrillas.
Heaven Earth
This documentary examines ayahuasca shamanism near Iquitos (a metropolis in the Peruvian Amazon), and the tourism it has attracted. The filmmakers talk with two ayahuasqueros, Percy Garcia and Ron Wheelock, as well as ayuahuasca tourists and local people connected with the ayahuasca industry.
Gregorio, a boy from the impoverished countryside of Peru emigrates to Lima, the capital city. Experiencing a cultural shock due to the chaotic nature of the city, he must challenge himself to learn Spanish, since his native tongue is Quechua, and survive in this whole prejudiced new world. A hostile world for poor immigrants.
Three people fly from Chile and Spain to Iquitos, Peru to experience the magic of the sacred plant ayahuasca.
An Odd Evening in April
It's story of Abril, a mysterious woman with a particular life-style that she stands in the way of Bruno, a Chilean young man who lives in Peru and he's passing through an existential crisis. Abril's philosophy impacts to Bruno. One day, he decides to leave everything, including his job and his girlfriend. Suddenly, Bruno tries to follow Abril's life-style, no suspecting the real reasons why she turns her back to the world.
“Dog,” an ex-militiaman granted amnesty by the government, is now an assassin for hire. One of his missions leads him to a Christian church where he meets Milagros, an adolescent towards whom he feels a strange attraction. Among prayers, tears, and assassinations, the voice of the temple’s apostle prompts Dog to question his own raison d’être. His gun is on the verge of becoming a sword of God