
Fang of the Sun Dougram - Dougram Vs Round Facer (1987)

Gênero : Ação, Animação, Ficção científica

Runtime : 3M

Director : Ryousuke Takahashi
Escritor : Ryousuke Takahashi


Flying Dougram battles in space.


Tatsuyuki Jinnai
Tatsuyuki Jinnai
Kazuhiko Inoue
Kazuhiko Inoue
Ryoichi Tanaka
Ryoichi Tanaka


Ryousuke Takahashi
Ryousuke Takahashi
Ryousuke Takahashi
Ryousuke Takahashi


Invasão Cósmica
Sete soldados desonestos lançam um ataque preventivo contra uma civilização alienígena recém-descoberta na esperança de acabar com uma guerra interestelar antes de começar.
Apesar de não ter mais os movimentos da perna, o ex-fuzileiro naval Jake Sully ainda sente que pode ser um guerreiro. Sua intuição começa a se tornar realidade quando ele viaja anos-luz até a estação espacial montada no Planeta Pandora. Habitado por grandes seres azuis, os Na´vi, o local tem uma atmosfera fatal para qualquer terrestre. Por isso, oficiais criaram o programa Avatar, em que um corpo biológico, híbrido de humano e Na´vi, pode ser comandado a distância.
Macross: A Batalha Final
Ano 2009: A raça humana está em meio a uma guerra de três vias com a raças humanóides alienígenas gigantes chamadas Zentraedi (masculino) e Meltrandi (feminino). Após executar uma dobra espacial que enviou ele e parte do Sul da Ilha de Atalia à borda do Sistema Solar, a fortaleza espacial Macross está em seu caminho de volta à Terra. Durante uma batalha contra as forças Zentraedi, o jovem piloto Hikaru Ichijo resgata a cantora Lynn Minmay e sua relação se desenvolve quando ficam presos em algum lugar da nave. Mas, logo depois de finalmente retornar à Macross City, Minmay é capturada pelos Zentraedi. Hikaru e a oficial Misa Hayase acabam de volta ao planeta Terra (apenas para ver as consequências da destruição de sua civilização). Apenas uma canção descoberta há milhares de anos, juntamente com a voz de Minmay, pode determinar o resultado da guerra.
Family Guy Presents: It's a Trap!
With the Griffins stuck again at home during a blackout, Peter tells the story of “Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.”
As Aventuras de Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai é um aventureiro completo que também atua como neurocirurgião, cientista, piloto de provas e até músico de rock, acompanhado pela banda The Hong Kong Cavaliers. Durante uma experiência, Buckaroo acaba abrindo um portal para a oitava dimensão, atraindo a atenção de alienígenas belicosos com planos de destruição mundial. Agora, ele e sua banda terão que enfrentar um ditador extraterrestre exilado na Terra, Lord John Whorfin, antes que exploda a Terceira Guerra Mundial.
Piratas do Espaço
No ano de 2196,John Canyon,ganha a vida transportando mercadorias com a sua pequena nave.Em uma de suas paradas,ele compra uma briga com a Companhia,uma organização dirigida com rédeas de aço.Para sair ileso do conflito,ele concorda em se associar ao jovem Mike Pucci para transportar um contêiner lacrado,cujo conteúdo é um grande mistério.Não demora muito para Canyon perceber que entrou numa fria.
War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave
Two years after the Martian invasion, George Herbert's worst fears are realized: The Aliens have returned. As a second wave of Martian walkers lay waste to what's left of Earth, an alliance of military forces prepares a daring attack on the Red Planet itself. Once again, the future of mankind hangs in the balance.
Piratas das Galáxias
Em um mundo sem água, um tirano controla as reservas do planeta, enviando para o espaço imensos blocos congelados. Para resgatar a única esperança de vida, habitantes do planeta buscam a ajuda de piratas espaciais.
Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
Criada por Michael Taylor, a história é situada no décimo ano da primeira guerra cilônia, cerca de 40 anos antes da trama desenvolvida em Battlestar Galactica. Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome conta a história do jovem William Adama, na época em que ele comandava sua primeira nave de guerra durante os primeiros confrontos dos humanos com os Cylons…
Babylon 5: A Grande Batalha
Aliados das Sombras buscam vingança contra a humanidade. Este filme configura a série "Crusade", a continuação de "Babylon 5."
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012
Flash Back 2012 is Minmay's farewell concert. Featuring some of her best songs, the music is performed over various scenes and events taken from the first Macross television series as well as Macross: Do You Remember Love film. Also included is a newly animated closing sequence showing the launch of Misa's colony vessel, the Megaroad-01, into space.
Outlaw of Gor
An Earthman returns to the planet Gor, and fights against tyranny.
Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle
The hilarious story of a restless young farm-thumb, Loke Groundrunner, and his tasty companion, Princess Bunhead, who go on an quest to combat Black Helmet Man and the Evil Thumbpire.
Battle Planet
In the not-so-distant future, Captain Jordan Strider, a Special Forces Officer in the New World Alliance, is chosen for a top-secret mission. Sent to a desolate planet, Terra 219, to arrest possible traitors to the Alliance, Strider must survive with only a government issued experimental suit as protection. He quickly learns of a plan to end all humanity.
H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds
This movie is a faithful adaptation of H. G. Well's book, set in the 19th century.
Star Wreck V: Lost Contact
See how Pirk got stranded in the past! Star Wreck V: Lost Contact was the first film to use live actors instead of cartoons. Real sets would have cost too much, so we decided to try bluescreen, just for fun. Our expectations weren't high, but it worked. So the movie was shot against a cheap blue bed-sheet and the blue background was replaced with spaceship bridges. The story was a parody of Star Trek: First Contact. The Korg send a ship back in time to 20th century Earth. The Kickstart, being the only functioning P-fleet ship around, has to follow. The Korg plan to assassinate rockstar Jeffrey Cochbrane (Played by Rudi Airisto and a pair of sunglasses) and his band Dethdestro before their concert attracts the attention of Vulgars. This would stop humanity's first contact aliens and change the future. If that wasn't bad enough, all Jeff wants to do is play loud and drink too much, but now Pirk and his crew must force him to save the world...
Star Wreck
The first Star Wreck animation was inspired by the classic computer game Star Control 2. Star Wreck I was drawn frame by frame using Deluxe Paint Animation, so the visuals are just as crude as the dialogue. Then again, this was one of Samuli's animations to have dialogue. The only thing Star Wreck I has in common with the later episodes are the characters' names. The so called plot is simple: Plingons are attacking Earth and the CPP Kickstart must fight them off. The story is bad, the graphics are bad and the acting is really bad. This is a classic!
Star Wreck III: The Wrath of the Romuclans
Pirk's fumbling voyages continue in Star Wreck III - Wrath of the Romuclans. There were improvements in the graphics, a more complicated storyline, and lots of new, tasteless humour. Many consider this to be the funniest of the old episodes, although Pirk's excessive swearing did raise a few eyebrows back int he day... Star Wreck III saw the first of the now traditional red-shirted security guard jokes. Having wrecked his ship in the previous episode, Pirk now commands a brand new starship, and is sent to investigate a Romuclan attack plan on a backwater space station. It all ends with the most massive space battle in the history of the P-fleet, and it's lead by Pirk... With odds like that, does humanity stand a chance?
Star Wreck IV: The Kilpailu
In Star Wreck IV: The Kilpailu ("kilpailu" is Finnish for "competition"), several new characters were introduced, now drawn by Rudi Airisto. He would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the silly-looking Ferret graphics - the palette simply ran out of colours. The Kickstart is sent to take part in a competition organised by a powerful alien race, the Zarquons. Further complicating Pirk's already impossible mission, Mr Spook, unable to bear Pirk's incompetence, resigns and returns to his home planet of Vulgarus. His replacement is Mr Info. Being a robot, Info is immune to Pirk's insults, but is at least as irritating as good old Spook.
Star Wreck II: The Old Shit
Samuli returns to the crime scene in Star Wreck II: The Old Shit, this time with Rudi Airisto, who joins as a writer and the voice for the Vulgar, Mr. Spook. The second film is a huge improvement over the first in every way. This time the space battles and the bridge were rendered in 3D and more sounds and music were added. The acting was much improves and the crew come across as actual personalities. The film is full of slapstick humor and it actually works very well at times. This time, Pirk's mission is to go to the Fibula sector and destroy all enemies. But before getting to fire a single shot, the crew of the Kickstart must solve some serious problems on their own ship...