National Geographic: Pyramids of Death (2005)
A look at the ancient city of Teotihuacán.
Gênero : Documentário
Runtime : 52M
They are some of the biggest pyramids on the planet, millions of tons of stone and earth towering above the landscape in a display of massive wealth and power. But it wasn't the pharaohs that built these pyramids. This is the majestic ancient city of Teotihuacán, Mexico, home to one of the most powerful civilizations of its time. But why, around 750 AD, did the advanced civilization that created Teotihuacán suddenly vanish? The identities of its founders, the language they spoke and even the original name of the city are all unknown. DNA analysis of bodies from Teotihuacán shows they weren't Mayan, Incan or Aztec, but an entirely different civilization. It was assumed to have been a peaceful, utopian society, but the latest discoveries are revealing a much darker scenario. In the depths of Teotihuacán's pyramids, experts have uncovered vault after vault filled with curious human remains.
Rick O'Connell, Alex e Evelyn, estão de volta, desta feita para combater a múmia ressuscitada do Imperador Han, num épico combate da China até aos Himalaias para impedir o cruel imperador chinês de lançar uma maldição sobre o mundo e colocá-lo, de modo impiedoso, à sua mercê.
O agente especial Danny (Jason Statham), embora quisesse desistir de seu profissionalismo na arte de matar, foi forçado a fazer um último serviço para garantir a sobrevivência de seu antigo parceiro de missões secretas Hunter (Robet De Niro). Para isso, ele deverá vingar um poderoso xeque do petróleo que teve seu três filhos assassinados por três agentes das forças especiais britânicas SAS. Contudo, Spike (Clive Owen), um poderoso ex-membro do grupo, está disposto a defender seus antigos parceiros e não medirá esforços para eliminar seu novo oponente.
Pronta para andar pela terra mais uma vez, a múmia de Imhotep continua a desejar imortalidade. Mas desta vez uma outra força também está à solta, e é ainda mais poderosa que Imhotep. Quando essas duas forças colidirem, o destino do mundo está em perigo, levando Rich e Evie O´Connel a uma desesperada batalha para salvar o mundo da maldade e resgatar o seu filho das garras de Imhothep.
Em 1926, um grupo de arqueólogos descobre um túmulo na cidade perdida de Hamunaptra. Dentro da tumba é encontrado o corpo de Imhotep, o sacerdote do Faraó Seti, que foi mumificado vivo e amaldiçoado por ter dormido com a amante do faraó e assassinado o faraó. Um dos membros da equipa lê um manuscrito encontrado no local, trazendo Imhotep de volta à vida, com toda a sua sede de vingança e arrastando consigo as dez pragas do Egipto.
Três universitários do Texas decidem atravessar a fronteira para festejar a chegada da formatura com muita farra, mas um deles acaba sendo raptado para participar de um ritual macabro. Baseado numa história real.
Max Donigan (Chuck Norris) parte em busca de um tesouro com o seu amigo Leo e a sua sócia Patricia. Quando encontram o templo com o tesouro de ouro, deparam um "caminho de fogo" que pretende reter o poder dos seus antepassados e pôr um ponto final à caça ao tesouro...
Há 6 anos atrás a NASA enviou uma sonda para o espaço para recolher amostras de possível vida alienígena. Ao regressar a sonda caiu na América Central, e pouco tempo depois uma nova forma de vida apareceu no México, colocando metade do México com zona de quarentena na tentativa de conter as criaturas.
Alfredo Garcia engravida a filha de um latifundiário mexicano que, revoltado, oferece 1 milhão de dólares por sua cabeça. Um músico arruinado descobre que o procurado já está morto e corta a cabeça do defunto para receber a recompensa.
Um homem acredita estar morto após um acidente de pára-quedismo. Sua filha descobre que sua esposa atual e todas as ex-esposas reaparecem e disputam quem consegue enterrá-lo e quem o amava mais.
Emily Gault chega à mansão Carrell determinada a reacender um antigo relacionamento com Guy Carrell, apesar da desaprovação de sua irmã, Kate. Guy supera seu medo intenso de ser enterrado vivo por tempo suficiente para se casar com Emily, mas logo fica obcecado novamente, construindo uma cripta projetada para garantir que ele não será vítima de seu pesadelo mais temido. Tentando provar que foi curado de sua fobia, ele abre a tumba de seu pai e fica em estado de choque em um estado catatônico. Seus piores medos se concretizam quando ele é baixado à sepultura e coberto, aparentemente para nunca saber que a traição de alguém muito querido foi a responsável direta por sua situação.
Benjamin Garcia, Benny é deportado dos Estados Unidos. De volta ao México e diante de um quadro sombrio, Benny se envolve no tráfico de drogas, no qual tem pela primeira vez na vida, uma ascensão espetacular cercado de dinheiro, mulheres, violência e diversão. Mas logo ele descobrirá que a vida criminosa nem sempre cumpre suas promessas.
Darwin meets Hitchcock in this documentary. Directors Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine have created a parable about the search for paradise, set in the brutal yet alluring landscape of the Galapagos Islands, which interweaves an unsolved 1930s murder mystery with stories of present day Galapagos pioneers. A gripping tale of idealistic dreams gone awry, featuring voice-over performances by Cate Blanchett, Diane Kruger, and Gustaf Skarsgard.
O pobre e faminto camponês Macario sente saudades de uma boa refeição. Então, no Dia de Finados, a esposa prepara um peru assado. Na hora do jantar, Macario recebe a vista de três espíritos: o Diabo, Deus e a Morte. Cada um quer dividir o peru com Macario, mas ele só oferece a comida a Morte. Como recompensa, a Morte dá a ele uma garrafa de água capaz de curar qualquer doença. Logo Macario está mais saudável do que qualquer um na cidade. Mas isso desperta a atenção da população e, mais que isso, causa medo a todos, levando Macario a uma verdadeira inquisição.
Um cientista planeia o regresso do povo asteca sacrificando donzelas que têm uma marca em suas mãos, mas que só podem ser vistas por um feiticeiro. Isso decorre da interpretação que isso faz de um antigo códice. Cantinflas é seu secretário sem noção que possui poderes sobrenaturais.
A troubled sheriff, a failure at everything in his life, tries to redeem himself by extraditing a popular gunfighter from Mexico to stand trial for murder.
Vanessa, a television reporter covering a story of a farmer attacked by his chickens, discovers that this is not an isolated incident. Travelling to Spain with her cameraman Peter, the two discover the survivors of a town wiped out by the birds thirty years ago. Meanwhile, attacks continue as a child's birthday party ends in tragedy and doves devour a poultry farmer and his wife. Vanessa soon comes to the conclusion that the birds are organizing themselves against the ecological ravages of man, but time is running out as thousands of birds launch an attack against a train Vanessa is traveling on.
Eight tales based on the most brutally terrifying Mexican traditions and legends, an anthology of haunting stories woven into the fabric of the Mexican culture, some told through the centuries and some new, but all equally frightening. Bogeymen, trolls, ghosts, monsters, all brought to life. Time for Aztec sacrifices. This is the Day of the Dead.
Dr. Karl Sternau, the personal physician of the count Bismarck, who spent much of his youth in Mexico, is sent back to that country during the occupation by French troops in the service of the Austrian 'Emperor' Maximilian, to carry an encouraging letter from U.S. President Lincoln to the nationalist Mexican president Benito Juarez.
Feature length documentary examining the troubled life and tragic death of college football standout and talented NFL running back Lawrence Phillips, whose scars of childhood abuse and abandonment haunted him throughout his career.
Gary is turning into a dinosaur, and Eric must find the cure. This becomes a globetrotting journey into everything dino while searching for the magic waters needed to stop Gary's odd transformation. Will Eric be too late? Get ready to meet the Garysaurus!
Weaponology looks at the genealogy of Israel's Elite Commando Unit from the Israel Defense Forces which specialize in hostage rescue missions and pre-preemptive strikes against terrorists.
Nazis-the occult conspiracy is a documentary about how the Hitler and the Nazis made use of occultism to win the war, and to remind the Germans that they were the best humans on the planet, the master-race. There are better documentaries around, but this is a solid documentary. There are many rare pictures from Nazi-Germany to be seen here, and you get to learn more about the religious beliefs of Nazi-leaders like: Hitler, Goebbles, Göring, Hess and Himmler.
In 1970, a picture of a snow monkey bathing in a hot spring graced the cover of Life Magazine. Ever since, Japan's hot-tubbing primates have been protected and well fed for the enjoyment of tourists and photographers - they have become international superstars of the natural world. But while their unique lifestyle has brought fame, the rest of Japan's snow monkeys lead very different lives, enduring incredible hardships as they fight for survival in their beautiful but unforgiving mountain home.
Jonathan Scott narrates the extraordinary story of the leopard - the one big cat that still survives across half the world while tigers, cheetahs and lions are all struggling. By following the lives of leopard mothers and their cubs in East Africa the film investigates what it is about the natural history of these cats that makes them born survivors. Perhaps the most extraordinary revelation is that leopards are living undercover on farms and even in cities across Africa and Asia.
Was Adolf Hitler influenced and motivated by the occult? Through the years, historians have debated the mysterious connection between the occult, Hitler and the Nazi party, including some who maintain that Hitler killed others to keep his occult beliefs a secret. NGC examines how Hitler's involvement with the German Worker's Party brought him face-to-face with occultists who may have influenced his beliefs.
A credible investigation of possible connections between UFO sightings in the past half century and secret flying saucer technologies developed by the Nazis in WW2
Covering the domestic cat in great detail, The Ultimate Guide: House Cats is both informative and humourous. Illustrated in detail are how man and cats have become companions over the last 4,000 years and how the cat has never really been domesticated even though we think they’ve been. The familiar Ultimate Guide techniques are used to demonstrate why they can see in the dark, why they can jump so high and why they land on their feet. Also, explore a house with a 150 foot cat path that runs through the entire house, hanging from the ceiling.
Big Bucks, Big Pharma pulls back the curtain on the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to expose the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated, and in some instances created, for capital gain. Focusing on the industry's marketing practices, media scholars and health professionals help viewers understand the ways in which direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising glamorizes and normalizes the use of prescription medication, and works in tandem with promotion to doctors. Combined, these industry practices shape how both patients and doctors understand and relate to disease and treatment. Ultimately, Big Bucks, Big Pharma challenges us to ask important questions about the consequences of relying on a for-profit industry for our health and well-being.
Aminatta Forna tells the story of legendary Timbuktu and its long hidden legacy of hundreds of thousands of ancient manuscripts. With its university founded around the same time as Oxford, Timbuktu is proof that the reading and writing of books have long been as important to Africans as to Europeans.
The Aryan Brotherhood is a secretive criminal gang that began inside California's maximum-security penitentiaries and expanded rapidly into dozens of state and federal prisons across the nation. Outwardly a white power group, its real interest is in controlling drug and extortion rackets. Now, Explorer unveils this underworld society and comes face-to-face with some of the gang's most infamous members, including a former Aryan Brotherhood leader who, by his own count, has killed 22 men.
David Attenborough is in the Swiss Jura Mountains to discover the secrets of a giant. Beneath his feet lies a vast network of tunnels and chambers, home to a huge empire of ants. It is believed to be one of the largest animal societies in the world, where over a billion ants from rival colonies live in peace.
Methamphetamine is one of the hardest drugs to quit. Its abuse is ravaging rural communities and cities alike. NGC correspondent Lisa Ling goes inside this global epidemic to find out what makes meth so addictive and destructive.
Unlike other great civilizations such as the Romans and the Ancient Egyptians, the Mayan empire did not arise from the banks of a mighty river. Much of the Mayan world is in fact devoid of even the smallest river or lake. Then why did they populate Yucatan? The Maya believed that the freshwater pools, ‘cenotes’, dotted across the area were sacred portals to the underworld. They are indeed portals, but rather to an incredible underground labyrinthine systems of rivers. Only now being properly explored and understood, this secret world was created by nature in a unique chain of dramatic events. Underneath the jungle-clad Mayan temples of Yucatan lies a world even more mysterious, even more incredible than the Maya could have ever imagined. A whole food chain has been found in the cenotes deepest recesses — over 20 species that have never seen the light of day. Some of the underground caverns are not totally full of water… incredibly, they are home to thousands of bats.
As Brazil prepares to host the next World Cup, it's people are confronted with the growing problem of child prostitution. The country's relaxed attitude to buying sex has long attracted millions of tourists, particularly men. But now the world's oldest industry is recruiting the world's youngest workers. UNICEF estimates there are 250,000 children forced into prostitution across Brazil. In this shocking episode of Our World, Chris Rogers goes undercover, posing as one of the millions of so-called sex tourists who visit the South American country in search of cheap sex, often with children as young as seven years old.
In this fascinating documentary, historian Bettany Hughes travels to the seven wonders of the Buddhist world.Her journey begins at the Mahabodhi Temple in India, where Buddhism was born; here Hughes examines the foundations of the belief system - the three jewels.At Nepal's Boudhanath Stupa, she looks deeper into the concept of dharma - the teaching of Buddha, and at the Temple of the Tooth in Sri Lanka, Bettany explores karma, the idea that our intentional acts will be mirrored in the future.At Wat Pho Temple in Thailand, Hughes explores samsara, the endless cycle of birth and death that Buddhists seek to end by achieving enlightenment, before travelling to Angkor Wat in Cambodia to learn more about the practice of meditation.In Hong Kong, Hughes visits the Giant Buddha and looks more closely at Zen, before arriving at the final wonder, the Hsi Lai temple in Los Angeles, to discover more about the ultimate goal for all Buddhists - nirvana.
You'll learn how to strike safely and effectively, and how to defend against common chokes, headlocks, and other assaults. -- You'll also learn to deal with knife attacks, and you'll learn gun defenses that have been praised by civilians and law enforcement around the world. -- Instructional DVD's: Line of Fire, Basic Combatives, Self Defense, and On the Edge show you the techniques in dramatized true-to-life situations. -- To easily master the exercises you are then taken into the training studio to examine the techniques as they are explained and analyzed by Krav Maga's highest level instructors: U.S. Chief Instructor Darren Levine and International Krav Maga Federation Head Instructor Eyal Yanilov. * Krav Maga's battle-tested techniques emphasize simple, practical movements, based on the body's natural instincts that can be performed by people of all levels of ability.
Where do dogs in all their amazing diversity come from? Tradition says that thousands of years ago someone tamed a wolf pup, thus creating the first of our best friends. But many scientists disagree. On "Dogs and More Dogs," NOVA goes to the dogs—and to leading researchers—to find out the truth. Narrated by John Lithgow, the program ranges from a wolf research facility in rural Indiana to the Westminster Dog Show in New York's Madison Square Garden. NOVA makes a fascinating detour to the city dump in Tijuana, Mexico, where viewers get surprising insight into the origin and evolutionary strategy of our canine companions.
Ice is one of the strangest, most beguiling and mesmerising substances in the world. Full of contradictions, it is transparent yet it can glow with colour, it is powerful enough to shatter rock but it can melt in the blink of an eye. It takes many shapes, from the fleeting beauty of a snowflake to the multi-million tonne vastness of a glacier and the eeriness of the ice fountains of far-flung moons. Science writer Dr Gabrielle Walker has been obsessed with ice ever since she first set foot on Arctic sea ice. In this programme she searches out some of the secrets hidden deep within the ice crystal to try to discover how something so ephemeral has the power to sculpt landscapes, to preserve our past and inform our future.
Orange-and-black wings fill the sky as NOVA charts one of nature's most remarkable phenomena: the epic migration of monarch butterflies across North America. To capture a butterfly's point of view, NOVA’s filmmakers used a helicopter, ultralight, and hot-air balloon for aerial views along the transcontinental route. This wondrous annual migration, which scientists are just beginning to fathom, is an endangered phenomenon that could dwindle to insignificance if the giant firs that the butterflies cling to during the winter disappear.