Sex und Identität (2021)
Gênero : Documentário
Runtime : 52M
Director : Olaf S. Müller
An explosion of gender identities and sexual orientations is currently underway: They are becoming more flexible, more diverse and, above all, more visible. One is non-binary, gender fluid, genderqueer, trans or cross gender, bisexual or pansexual. There is also strong opposition to this. The Catholic Church sees the "gender ideology" as a "postmodern aberration", and all over Europe thousands of people take to the streets to fight the supposed "gender madness" and to promote the heterosexual nuclear family as the basis of a healthy society. What is it up to the strict distinction between man and woman? Do we no longer need our classic gender roles? Is this so-called binary concept still tenable? This documentary examines these questions from a scientific perspective and shows that the world is definitely more colorful than we long believed.
Uma comédia sobre as alegrias e os embaraços do sexo adolescente, mas principalmente sobre os embaraços!
Will Hayes, um trintão de Manhattan, está no meio do processo de seu divórcio quando sua filha lhe pergunta sobre sua vida antes do casamento, incluindo como conheceu a sua mãe. Will regressa a 1992 e fala de três mulheres, alterando seus nomes de modo que sua filha deva adivinhar qual delas tornou-se sua esposa.
A free-wheeling chronicle of the Munich sex film industry in the 1970s.
A group of teenage girls at camp discuss their various sexual escapades while they read a new journal about sex has been published to help teenagers understand the consequences of sex.
Seven more first-hand accounts of sexual awakening amongst school girls in the early Seventies.
The 12th movie of the series.
After the big success of the first part the film-makers apparently felt pressured to launch a new "investigation" and gather new material. Therefore, Friedrich von Thun again ventures out into the streets, this time of Berlin, to ask schoolgirls about their sexual experiences. The invinted guests talk about (allegedly) true events. Schoolgirls that seduce their teachers, runaway girls that have been robbed and who have to prostitute themselves or innocent girls that have been drugged and raped...
In Part 7, the filmmakers explore what’s lacking in modern German schoolgirls.
Schoolgirls before high school graduation - By law they are of age, but despite their physical maturity, both innocent and experienced young women can get into big trouble. The 9th Schoolgirl Report reveals the sometimes grotesque transition from youthful rebellion to responsibility. Six different stories reveal tender confessions and sensational revelations that get to the heart of young adults' desires and problems.
This is the 11th of "Schulmädchen" movies and core issues this time is protection of young people and helping them in dangerous or critical situations.
Uma apresentação das polêmicas teorias e terapias do psicanalista Wilhelm Reich, ferrenho incentivador da liberdade sexual. Simultaneamente duas jovens iugoslavas - uma delas militante comunista - tentam seduzir um astro russo, enquanto norte-americanos adeptos do sexo livre contam suas aventuras e compartilham algumas de suas dicas.
Short film depicting a fictional educational film about fork lift truck operational safety. The dangers of unsafe operation are presented in gory details.
Seven more first-hand accounts of sexual awakening amongst school girls in the early Seventies.
Tis is the 8th part of series. Another story based on what real-life German teenagers schoolgirls of the day were up to...
A modern tragedy about a group of 14-year-old schoolchildren whose daily life is shaped by the power of social media and ever increasing sexualisation through the Internet.
Durante o governo comunista na Polônia, uma ginecologista e sexóloga desafia os tabus da sociedade e luta para publicar seu livro revolucionário sobre amor e sexo.
A sex columnist gains popularity even while a ban on comprehensive sex education in schools is adopted by approximately a third of India’s states.
Hosted by some unnamed escapee from a twelve-step program, Man and Wife, moves from anatomy charts and Asian erotic art into actual footage of two couples demonstrating nearly fifty different sexual positions.
After two students are caught doing “extra-curricular” activities in an abandoned school classroom, they plead their case to the student council. To the headmaster’s surprise, the teen lovers expose what’s really going on in their school behind closed doors....
'Sticky' é tudo o que sua mãe tinha vergonha de lhe contar sobre masturbação. Cheio de entrevistas francas de celebridades, profissionais de saúde, terapeutas sexuais, geólogos, antropólogos e figuras religiosas, este documentário responde a perguntas seculares como: O que é masturbação? Será que vai me fazer ficar cego? É "normal"? É errado? E por que temos tanto medo de ser pego no ato? Em um mundo onde a confusão sobre a sexualidade permanece na raiz de muitos problemas sociais - o estupro, abuso sexual, e a ameaça de DSTs - 'Sticky' vai ajudar a quebrar equívocos e mitos que cercam este aspecto íntimo da sexualidade humana. O documentário investiga, através de entrevistas com especialistas e casos famosos, a forma como a sociedade lida com a prática da masturbação.