
PC - Digitando Confusões (1997)

Some heroes are all talk.

Gênero : Aventura, Família, Fantasia

Runtime : 1H 23M

Director : Karl Zwicky
Escritor : Harry Cripps


Após seu dono ser assassinado, PC, um Terrier que é capaz de falar, une-se a um adolescente especialista em computadores para investigar o desaparecimento de um milhão de dólares que pertenciam ao seu falecido dono. Eles são perseguidos por Anja, que deseja o dinheiro para si.


Billy Connolly
Billy Connolly
PC (voice)
Nathan Cavaleri
Nathan Cavaleri
Emilie François
Emilie François
Joe Petruzzi
Joe Petruzzi
Caroline Gillmer
Caroline Gillmer
Rachael Blake
Rachael Blake
Sandy Gore
Sandy Gore
Freyja Meere
Freyja Meere
Norman Kaye
Norman Kaye
Kevin Golsby
Kevin Golsby
Heath Ledger
Heath Ledger


Karl Zwicky
Karl Zwicky
Harry Cripps
Harry Cripps
Karl Zwicky
Karl Zwicky
Harry Cripps
Harry Cripps
Andrena Finlay
Andrena Finlay
Rebel Penfold-Russell
Rebel Penfold-Russell
Executive Producer
Vicki Watson
Vicki Watson
Mario Millo
Mario Millo
Original Music Composer
Ian Gracie
Ian Gracie
Art Direction
Geoff Burton
Geoff Burton
Director of Photography
Nicholas Holmes
Nicholas Holmes
Ann Fay
Ann Fay
Steven Jones-Evans
Steven Jones-Evans
Production Design
David Rowe
David Rowe
Costume Design
Peggy Carter
Peggy Carter
Makeup & Hair
Leilani Hannah
Leilani Hannah
Focus Puller
Phil Balsdon
Phil Balsdon
Steadicam Operator
Scott Brokate
Scott Brokate
Key Grip
Gary Burdett
Gary Burdett
Robbie Burr
Robbie Burr
Best Boy Grip
Jasmine Yuen Carrucan
Jasmine Yuen Carrucan
Clapper Loader
Finbarr Collins
Finbarr Collins
Terry Cook
Terry Cook
Toby Copping
Toby Copping
Tim Duggan
Tim Duggan
Assistant Grip
Cliff Henry
Cliff Henry
Benjamin Jasper
Benjamin Jasper
Clapper Loader
Ian McAlpine
Ian McAlpine
Assistant Grip
Steve Newman
Steve Newman
Second Unit Director of Photography
Ian Plummer
Ian Plummer
Simon Quaife
Simon Quaife
Clinton Roy
Clinton Roy
Assistant Grip
Brad Shield
Brad Shield
Steadicam Operator
Christopher Taylor
Christopher Taylor
Focus Puller
Damien Toogood
Damien Toogood
Still Photographer
Simon Williams
Simon Williams
Lighting Technician
Jonathan Yates
Jonathan Yates
Spike Cherrie
Spike Cherrie
Stunt Coordinator


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