Andréa Ferréol

Andréa Ferréol

Nascimento : 1947-01-06, Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, France


Andréa Ferréol is a French stage, film and television actress.


Andréa Ferréol
Andréa Ferréol


Notre tout petit petit mariage
Max and Lou have made a promise to each other. For their wedding it will be only them and their witnesses. But that... That was without counting on the HUGE surprise party that awaits them! They wanted to be 4, they find themselves 300 and everything is going to get out of control very quickly... They were dreaming small, small... They will have big, VERY VERY big!
Choeur de rockers
Alex, whose singing career can't manage to succeed, accepts a strange job : to make a pensionner choir sing nursery rhymes. She finds out a bunch of out of control old people who dream of singing rock and roll music ! Her mission will be more complicated than expected...
The Castellis have worked as a family for three generations but today, this tenacious bond which unites them is diminishing day by day. Luna the youngest does not give any more news, business is bad and all Diego and Filippo are left with nostalgia for happy days. Until this tragic and unexpected event, a second chance that only life is able to offer you.
La voglia matta di vivere
Omar Sharif: Citizen of the World
Self - Actress
Several high-budget epic films became Omar Sharif (1932-2015) a film star. He was an actor, but also a bridge player, a womanizer, a bon vivant; he was a man full of contradictions, who enjoyed card games more than movies; he was an eternal nomad who spent half his life in a hotel.
Un mauvais garçon
Catherine Fontanelle
Um Amante Francês
Alex é um gigolô que passou a maior parte de sua vida ao lado de Denise, uma senhora ricaça de oitenta e poucos anos. Agora que está mais velho, o francês é trocado por um garotão e acaba tendo que ir morar com sua irmã e o sobrinho. Desesperado, ele tem um único objetivo: encontrar uma nova parceira para sustentá-lo.
Emma Peeters
Depois de 10 anos de luta em Paris, Emma Peeters tem que encarar os fatos: ela nunca será atriz. Ela decide cometer suicídio em seu aniversário de 35 anos. É quando ela conhece Alex, um funcionário da funerária.
Troca de Rainhas
Princess Palatine
Ano de 1721. Uma ideia audaciosa germina na mente de Felipe de Orléans, regente da França… Luís XV de 11 anos, logo se tornará rei, e, uma troca de princesas permitiria consolidar a paz com a Espanha, após anos de guerra, que deixaram os reinos enfraquecidos. Então, Felipe casa a filha, Mlle de Montpensier, de 12 anos, com o herdeiro do trono da Espanha, e Luís XV se casa com a Infanta da Espanha, Anna Maria Victoria, de 4 anos. Mas a entrada precipitada dessas jovens princesas na corte francesa, sacrificadas no altar dos jogos dos poderes, vai acabar com a sua tranquilidade.
Noir Enigma
Albina Destouches
Uma estudante é abatida na entrada de uma confeitaria famosa. Nenhuma arma, nenhum suspeito. Nada na vida ou no passado da vítima que pudesse servir como pista para uma linha de investigação. Crime perfeito? Paralelamente, Rousseau continua a investigar o desaparecimento do filho...
O Doutor da Felicidade
Mme Rémy
Doutor Knock é um ex-bandido que se tornou um médico e chega à pequena aldeia de Saint-Maurice para fazer sua fortuna de acordo com um método específico. Isso fará com que os moradores acreditem que eles não são tão saudáveis quanto poderiam pensar. É assim que ele encontrará em cada um deles um sintoma imaginário, ou não, e assim poderá exercer sua profissão lucrativamente. Sob sua aparência sedutora e depois de ganhar a confiança da aldeia, Knock está à beira de alcançar seus objetivos. Mas seu passado o alcança e um velho conhecido perturba os planos do médico.
A Lei de Gloria
La Contesse de la Tour
Marco Ferreri: Dangerous But Necessary
Marco Ferreri: Dangerous But Necessary is a trip through the auteur's singular cosmos - at once supernatural and earthbound. He dropped out of his studies to become a veterinarian, choosing instead to concern himself principally with the human animal, in our corporeal and yearning essence.
Saint Amour
La femme du petit-déjeuner
Every year, Bruno makes a tour of all the wine stands, without setting foot outside the Show’s premises and without ever finishing his wine trail. This year, his father suggests they finish it together, but a real wine trail, across the French countryside. Accompanied by Mike, a young, quirky taxi driver, they set off in the direction of France’s major wine regions. Together, they are going to discover not only the wine trails, but also the road that leads back to Love.
La trouvaille de Juliette
Murder in the Cevennes
After spending 10 years in Paris becoming a talented chef, young Laura Fanton decides to return to her hometown in the mountainous Cevennes area of France to turn her family home and property into an hotel. She was raised by her grandfather after the death of her parents. Many bad rumors about her family circulated in the small village so her grandfather took her away at a young age. Upon her return she discovers the rumors still circulating and she gets the feeling she is not wanted there but can't get anyone to tell her why. Shortly after her return, the brutal murders of two of her closest friends occur, and she herself is terrorized. It's obvious someone wants her out of the way. As she investigates, she discovers some frightening truths.
The French Trilogy
The French Trilogy showcases a series of 62 photographs taken by Philippe Terrier-Hermann with 25 actors in 6 French regions echoing his previous project, The American Tetralogy. Questioning the relationship between cinema, landscapes and representations, this project features a song by Edward Barrow and was visible in public space in France during the summer of 2013, through a distribution system borrowing from advertising strategies.
Bud's Best - Die Welt des Bud Spencer
Ceux d'en haut
The Cinema and its Double: Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 'Despair' Revisited
This absolutely top-notch documentary by Robert Fischer is a fascinating look back at not just the film in question, but Fassbinder's meteoric career which ended all too soon with his untimely death. Archival footage of Fassbinder is utilized (including several fascinating snippets culled from interviews he did at the disastrous Cannes premiere of Despair), as well as many others involved in the film and its release. Even if you're not a particular fan of Despair, or even in fact of Fassbinder, this is stellar documentary film making and is an intriguing look at one of the most enigmatic masters of the New German Cinema.
The New World
When her biological clock starts ticking, Lucie tells her lesbian lover, Marion, that she wants a baby. Marion agrees, and the couple embarks on the delicate process of finding a suitable father -- eventually settling on Marion's old pal Hugo. Lucie and Marion's unconventional path to pregnancy elicits a full range of reactions from their friends and family in this charming French comedy.
Ça se soigne ?
Hélène - la mère d'Adrienne
Dirty Money: Undercover
Emeline Girard
A Swiss policeman infiltrates an international money laundering ring. Based on a true story.
It Had to be You
la mère de Thomas
In this romantic comedy Thomas moves back in with his parents after his girlfriend throws him out. He runs into Florence, an old school friend, who invites him to dinner with her husband and two children.
Quand les anges s'en mêlent
The mother
Esther is a want-to-be author, trying to get her first novel published . She is about to get married to David, a young doctor. She feels quite unconfortable between her mom harassing her with the wedding preparation, her sister urging her to think twice before, her fiancé who falls for her best friend and a clairvoyant who tells her she will meet another man pretty soon. When she runs into Adam, a childhood friend, something clicks in her. She decides to reinvent her life. It is now time for her to make a real choice
Désiré Landru
La mère de Rolande
Désiré Landru - husband, lover - and murderer. Based on documented facts, this is the full story of one of the most ambiguous criminals and lovers of the 20th century, the first modern serial killer.
La Femme coquelicot
Mme Groslier
A septuagenarian widow feels revived by an old painter with whom she falls in love.
Les États-Unis d'Albert
Jane Pickford
Albert Renaud, a young French Canadian dreams of becoming a movie star and take the train to Hollywood. His trip is filled with adventures.
Elena's Gift
After more than 40 years of absence, Socrates spends some days in Corsica, accompanied by his son Antoine, to see his cousins. But Antoine discovers his father's secret before his birthday party.
Madame Edouard
La bouchère
In Brussels, one discovers the bodies of young women buried behind the tombs of famous painters… In each of them, it lacks the right forearm. Yarn needles, Commissioner Leon, whose secret passion is knitting, unravels the intrigue of this dark history, with the heart of this case Mrs. Edward Island, transvestite housekeeper bistro "In Sudden Death," where one encounters a high wildlife colors.
Le p'tit curieux
Madame Poulet
Clement, nine, curious about everything, wants to understand life. Camera in hand, he walks the streets of his small provincial town, following and studying "grown-ups".
A young female character, Nikki Douka, from Samothraki, is sailing to the U.S. to fulfill a marriage contract and save her family honor. Her skills as a seamstress keep her busily sewing throughout the voyage to alter wedding dresses for the third-class voyagers. But along the way, she meets a young American photographer who is returning from the Middle East where he was snapping shots of the war in Smyrna, 1922. Her honesty, pride, and beauty attract the attention of the American who falls in love with her. Tribulations abound during the voyage, following the dramas of several unfortunate young women upon whom nasty characters preyed, as Nikki struggles with her feelings for the photographer.
La Boîte
Five childhood friends, who live in a small provincial town, were excluded from the only nightclub in the region. With nothing else to do they plan to open a competing nightclub in the garage of two of the father of two of them.
Maverick director Melvin Van Peebles translates his own satirical novel to the screen with this multi-national portrait of race, class, and hypocrisy. The film's title refers to the name of a haute cuisine restaurant run by a self-satisfied conservative couple, Henri and Loretta. When the two find themselves overworked in the kitchen, they retreat to the local orphanage to find some cheap waitressing help, and the teenaged Diamantine fits the bill perfectly. The haughty couple has more plans for the girl than just waiting tables, however -- the conspicuously accommodating Henri and Loretta are actually bad-mouthing the girl behind her back to the townspeople and the restaurant's patrons. They go so far as to ask the naive Diamantine to pretend that she's pregnant, and she complies under the assumption that it's a harmless prank. When their intentions are revealed, however, the girl becomes wise to the couple's self-satisfied scheming, and sets her sights on revenge.
One 4 All
La femme du Roi de la Nuit
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
No respires, el amor está en el aire
Premier de cordée : la grande crevasse
Marie Servettaz
Letter to my brother Guy Gilles, filmmaker who passed away too soon
Posthumous tribute paid by actor Luc Bernard to his older brother, director Guy Gilles ( 1938 - 1996 ). Documentary composed of interviews with some of his brother's friends and some actors from his main films, excerpts of which we see.
The Colors of the Devil
A young talented painter dreams of glory. A man promises it in exchange for his talent and his soul.
Iris Blond
Em busca de uma mulher que tenha o nome de uma flor, que, segundo uma mulher santa, será seu destino, ele conhece Iris, uma garçonete com uma bela voz e sede de sucesso. Juntos, formam a dupla “Iris Blond and the Freezer”, mas suas expectativas divergem.
La vida privada
Lucky Punch
Jimmy (James Nesbitt) e Rudy (Lennie James) planejam um amador assalto a banco, mas são presos em flagrante e mandados para uma prisão de segurança média. Lá engajam-se na realização de um musical, produzido pelo diretor da instituição, sendo que o espetáculo acaba se transformando no primeiro ato de um elaborado plano de fuga. Mas Jimmy não havia planejado se apaixonar pela coadjuvante do musical, Annabel Sweep (Olivia Williams), a bela conselheira do presídio. Com um pé quase do outro lado do muro da prisão, ele é levado a arquitetar um novo desfecho para quando as cortinas caírem.
El Chicko
Paul and Erik, two introverted loosers lacking social contacts, both work in a smudgy kitchen of the cheap chickenburger fast food store "El Chicko". To pass time and monotony, Paul tells his partner time and again stories about a murderer killing women, of which Erik always wants to hear more and more. Eventually, Erik starts to believe that Paul is telling about himself.
As Cento e Uma Noites
Monsieur Cinema, a hundred years old, lives alone in a large villa. His memories fade away, so he engages a young woman to tell him stories about all the movies ever made. Also a line of movie stars comes to visit him giving him back the pleasure of life - but amongst them there are also some young students only striving after his money for the realization of their film projects. The two stories - Monsieur Cinema's and the young people's life - are told in parallel until they come together in the end when the old man plays a role in the film made by the students.
Scar holds a special place in the development and oeuvre of Ronit Elkabetz: it’s her first work as a co-screenwriter, and her sole work for someone other than herself or her brother, Shlomi.
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Emperor of a European country demands new clothes to wear every day, in fact sometimes several times a day. He imposes a heavy tax on the poor citizens to pay for his vanity. An itinerant man and boy come to the capital city and see the injustice, and make friends, but they soon have to flee. They return disguised as Arab tailors, and offer to make the Emperor a new suit of clothes. But only the wise will be able to see it; fools, or those unfit for their public office, will not see anything. The Emperor orders the suit made, and much money is needed to purchase the raw materials. Eventually the suit is ready, and the Emperor and his officials pretend that they can see a wonderful outfit; will anyone prick the bubble of the illusion?
O Fio do Horizonte
O fascinante romance de António Tabucchi na visão de Fernando Lopes, que criou uma admirável fábula necrófila em tom de thriller policial, com Claude Brasseur Em Lisboa num prédio da zona ribeirinha um homem é abatido a tiro. Spino, patologista da Morgue de Lisboa, reconhece o cadáver como sendo ele próprio há trinta anos atrás. Encontra a fotografia de uma bela mulher nua e decide ele próprio fazer o seu inquérito. Percorre todos os passos do falecido até ao momento da morte dele, que é afinal a sua.
La treizième voiture
Chloé Granval
A Scottish woman with her nephew travels to Russia in the Paris-Moscow express. On the same flight in the 13th carriage, the old icons are returning from France to Russia. Thieves try to replace real icons with fake ones.
I Don’t Just Want You to Love Me
A documentary about the life and work of director Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
Off Season
Miss Gabriel
The formerly great Swiss hotel which Valentin's family owned when he was a boy has been emptied and is about to be torn down. He revisits the magical site's empty halls and ballrooms.
The True Story About Men and Women
Five women leave their husbands and discover an opportunity for an unusual new beginning. They devise a scheme for the selection of the "ideal male," but the plan is turned upside down when the women jointly hire a housekeeper.
Vivendo um Conto de Fadas
Kelly Carter trabalha para o famoso estilista Francesco e tem o sonho de poder desenhar sapatos para ele. Após enfrentar alguns fracassos e não conseguir chamar a atenção do chefe, Kelly encontra uma fada bondosa que lança um feitiço em seus sapatos. Depois disso, ela se transforma na modelo Prudence toda vez que usa os calçados enfeitiçados. Kelly vai ao baile de Francesco e ganha seu coração, mas agora precisa fazer o estilista amá-la por quem ela realmente é.
Wings of Fame
A famous movie actor claims that he has written a book. As result, a real author, not a very well known writer, vengefully kills him but then dies as a result of an accident. Next, they both find themselves in after-life, where souls of all famous people are gathered.
Lo zio indegno
A businessman has trouble reuniting with his roguish con-artist uncle, especially when the uncle propositions school-age girls and comes on to his nephew's mistress.
Venetian Red
Princesse Hortense
Venice. March 1735. The carnival is in full swing Everybody's happy mood and the lively streets are filled with musicians, mimes, clowns and acrobats of pickpockets who practice their craft each, displaying a colorful rainbow and sounds. At every corner, there is something going on that should not be missed - especially if it's something forbidden. However, some people are concerned about something else. One is Carlo Goldoni young lawyer of 27 years, he dreams only theater and he thinks only the part that wants to ride. Alas, the money was also hard to find at that time than now. His two friends, Antonio Vivaldi and Gian Battista Tiepolo are better known than him but they are also looking for this rare bird: a patron, who was not on ONLY the desire but also the means to sponsor a work of art.
Uma Rua Sem Volta
A rock star-turned-bum, his vocal chords severed at the height of his career for the love of a woman, drunkenly roams the city, torn apart by sponsored race riots. When accused of murder, he may have the chance to get revenge on the magnate who maimed him.
Francesco - A História de São Francisco de Assis
Francesco's Mother
Um dos mais belos filmes sobre a vida de São Francisco de Assis. Mais que uma história de vida, Francesco narra, com muita emoção, a jornada de um homem que renunciou aos valores materiais para viver o cristianismo em sua essência.
Il maestro
A renowned conductor suddenly pulls out of an evening rehearsal of Madame Butterfly. The opera director senses something is going on and forces the musician to explain himself.
Taste of Life
Elvio Battistini works as a ticket taker in the local cinema of the small town where he lives. He has a prosthesis in one leg, the result of an accident, but he tells anyone who will listen it is a war injury. Giuseppe Mondardini, is also an older man living alone in what was the splendid family home. When Elvio and Giuseppe meet, they hit it off immediately. A trip to a cooler area is in order, so Mordardini unveils his ancient automobile.
La garçonne
Claire Dumas
The neglected daughter of an industrialist who made his fortune in explosives supplies during the war and of a mother who was mostly concerned with herself, Monique Lerbier is a pretty blonde with generous but strong ideas and a hard character. She has chosen to be an atheist since her adolescence and does not tolerate injustice and social hypocrisy. She was to be married to an engineer, Lucien Vigneret. It was an arranged marriage, the dowry having to allow Vigneret to enter the capital of his father's company, which needed it to finance its business. But two weeks before the wedding, Monique surprises the fiancé with a mistress.
Promised... sworn!
The life and love affairs of a 12-year-old boy Pierre who lived in France during the Nazi occupation in 1944. We see his family, his chubby friend, the girl who ignores him - and the German defector who hides in the cellar. He suffers from a slightly more prominent nasal appendage than the average of his congeners. This complex initially serving it, will ultimately be the detonator of his success with women and the entire population of the city.
Widow's Walk
Molinat is assigned to the case of a man found with a bullet in his ear on the shore of a little Atlantic coast resort he knows well. Indeed, he used to live there before his wife disappeared at sea, never to be found again. As the ocean rejects a new corpse everyday, the mystery thickens and the list of potential suspects grows longer. This slows Molinat's progress as much as the cumbersome Leroyer, sent in to spy on him and hopefully impede his progress. The tension mounts and the ring involving the three young ladies in the grey mansion, the village idiot and the real estate agent starts spinning out of control.
O Pesadelo do Século
Rosy Bloch
An experiment of psychological effects under stressful conditions in a shelter. When fifteen strangers are put into a nuclear shelter to see how long they can survive without interaction with the outside, things work out fine.
Letters to an Unknown Lover
During World War II, two allied soldiers escape from a Nazi POW camp to Lyons, where they accept the hospitality of mademoiselle Helene.
Down There in the Jungle
Um Z e Dois Zeros
Alba Bewick
Twin zoologists lose their wives in a car accident and become obsessed with decomposing animals.
As Duas Vidas de Mattia Pascal
Silvia Caporale
Marcello Mastroianni é um homem comum oprimido, tratado como lixo por sua noiva , desprezado por seus associados e enganado por seus parentes desdenhosos. O desanimado Mastroianni vai para Monte Carlo, onde acumula uma fortuna. Ele também assume a identidade de um jogador menos afortunado que cometeu suicídio. O "novo" Mastroianni é tratado com uma dignidade e respeito que o dominam - e quase o matam. Baseado em Le Deux Vite di Mattia Pascal, uma das muitas histórias de Luigi Pirandello sobre a natureza transitória dos intangíveis "Verdade" e "Identidade". (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
The Twin
Matthias Duval is in love, but he can't choose between the two twin sisters Betty and Liz Kerner. To pick up the two sisters, he invents his own twin brother and will play both characters.
The Judge
Regine Sauvat
A courageous judge tries to dismantle a drug traffickers ring.
Virginia Tregan returns to her home in the U.S. Deep South from a sojourn in Paris only to discover that her family plantation and its holdings have been lost. She determines to recoup her family's fortune.
Aldo et Junior
The confrontation of a sixty-eight-year-old father and his son with conservative ideas.
Stray Bullets
The Fighter
Sylviane Chabry
Jacques Darnay has served 8 years for robbing a jeweller. Now he is out of prison and looking for his loot worth 6 million francs.
The Prize of Peril
Elisabeth Worms
In a futuristic society, contestants pit their survival skills against each other in a fight to the death for cash prizes, and the contest is aired live on television.
Le Crime d'amour
Cameo appearance (uncredited)
To emerge from anonymity, a young man assumes responsibility for a crime he did not commit.
The Girl from Trieste
A middle-aged artist (Ben Gazarra) sketching on the beach witnesses a young woman (Ornella Muti) being rescued from drowning. He loans her a blanket. Later she returns the blanket and they have sex several times, but she always leaves right afterward, leaving the man to wonder who she is and where she goes. Things become more complicated as he begins to fall in love with her, and after his regular girlfriend (Mimsy Farmer), with whom he has a curiously open relationship, returns. He eventually begins to realize his mysterious new lover may be very much insane.
Casanova e a Revolução
Madame Adélaïde Gagnon
Em 1791, durante a Revolução Francesa, uma carruagem tenta sair da França, levando passageiros que querem fugir da situação enquanto enfrentam seus dramas. Entre eles, um patriota americano, um escritor e o famoso conquistador Casanova.
Is There a Frenchman in the House?
Georgette Réglisson
An official's earlier rise to power had some sordid aspects that are about to be uncovered by the death of his uncle. While he is trying to contain any potential scandal, the man becomes enamored of the daughter of his uncle's maid. This new romance inspires him to forget worries about a public image and focus on a new life -- not any easy objective when unsavory friends and foes have their own agendas in mind.
The Red Shade
The time is the 1930s and two Soviet spies (both Frenchmen by nationality) have been helping Communist factions during the Civil War in Spain. It is the time of Stalin's iron rule in the USSR, and the two agents are suddenly called to Moscow by the KGB. Knowing that they are in trouble for no fault of their own, fear drives one of them to suicide while the other gets his lover and her child and begins a run for his life, knowing that the KGB will never let him go free.
Au bon beurre
Julie Poissonnard
Raffaele's Wife
Por conta do falecimento da mãe, três irmãos voltam à fazenda da família, no sul da Itália. Raffaele (Philippe Noiret), que vive em Roma, é um juiz às voltas com um caso de assassinato político, Rocco (Vittorio Mezzogiorno) é conselheiro de menores infratores em Nápoles e Nicola (Michele Placido) é operário em Turim. Reunidos após um longo período de afastamento, os três relembram o passado e projetam o futuro.
Martin Eden
O Último Metrô
Arlette Guillaume
Durante a ocupação de Paris pelas tropas alemãs, um grupo de atores tenta fazer uma peça de teatro. Ninguém suspeita que no porão do prédio está escondido o diretor do grupo, um homem de origem judaica.
The Persian Lamb Coat
Maria Lenormand
Piero arrives in Paris from Luino after having won a pool tournament with friends. In the train he meets the famous place Ramazzini and has so many incidents that culminated with his arrest and the confiscation by the commissioner Juvet. Released, find randomly hospitality at the madame Lenormand and know the great painter Valentine. Both women are tied up, as a wife and lover, Maurice, in prison for robbery. A day Piero wears a mistake and the coat of astrakhan, Maurice, and then...
The Imprint of Giants
Germaine Hansen
The life of workers and their families in a construction site of a highway in 1965.
Retour à Marseille
Michel left Marseilles to Italy when he was twenty years old. Courageous and active, he has succeeded in the construction industry. Thirty years later, his return to Marseilles, for his aunt's burial will abruptly change the life of all of his family, who was first fascinated by his social success. He is regarded as the son who made it like wonder. Michel is the only one who has emigrated. They have all remained in the home country ("le pays") and their social status has hardly changed: workmen, small employees, craftsmen, all living in a modest framework.
Set in the greek island Milos, this action comedy follows a group of people searching for the actual Venus de Milo
O Tambor
Lina Greff
Adaptação do romance homónimo do Prémio Nobel Gunther Grass. Conta a história da primeira metade do século XX na Alemanha através da odisseia de uma criança precoce que aos três anos decide voluntariamente não crescer, lançando-se pelas escadas, e que com o tambor de que nunca se separa, se torna a testemunha dos sobressaltos da história alemã.
Lovers and Liars
American actress on vacation in Italy falls for her friend's married Italian lover.
Swept Away by Family Affection
This is an Italian sex comedy that, like the earlier sex comedy "Il Gatto Mammone", combines the comic stylings of Lando Buzzanca ("The Eroticist", "Il Domestico") with gorgeous, oft-nude body of Gloria Guida (Miss Teen Italy of 1974). Actually, Guida gets to demonstrate a few comic styling of her own as a bohemian theater "actress" who lives in cramped apartment with a whole bunch of other clothing-averse bohemian types. She is very devoted to her older beau Buzzanca, but his life is very complicated due to his own devotion to his very big and very old dog, the ironically named "Piccolo" (basically "Tiny"), and his even older grandmother. In order to take care of these two dependents, he forsakes his loyal girlfriend for a rich female pharmacist (Andrea Ferriola) and moves in with her and her haughty bourgeois mother and aunts--with disastrous results for all involved.
A Segunda Dimensão
Lydia Hermann
Berlim, década de 1930, durante a ascensão do nazismo. Hermann Hermann, um emigrante russo e fabricante de chocolate, casado com a caprichosa Lydia, perde cada vez mais a calma nas suas relações com os seus trabalhadores e outros empresários; até conhecer Felix, um vagabundo, que parece ser fisicamente idêntico a ele; um facto desconcertante que leva Hermann Hermann a traçar um caminho particular para sair de um mundo falso que ele realmente odeia.
In the winter of 1891 a stranger arrives in a small coastal town on the Isle of Man. His presence soon disturbs the lives of the local inhabitants, especially the beautiful daughter of the parson.
Lover Boy
Suzanne Chaput, la mère de Julien
"The Pocket Lover" tells the story of Julien, a 15 year-old boy who falls in love with an older woman, later discovered to be a prostitute. Now, Julien will have to face several obstacles, which includes his parents opposition with this affair, and Julien's own perceptions about the woman's line of work, going out with wealthy guys.
Le passe-muraille
La dame
A man learns one night that he can walk through walls, and uses this skill to get back at a nasty new boss, to rob banks, and to romance an overly protected lady.
Servant and Mistress
When a rich man' dies and his maid Maria unexpectedly becomes his heir, she is now the mistress of the man's household. In order to get revenge on the man's nephew Jerome, for slights on her person which he committed while she was but a maid, she has kept him on as her personal valet. The two of them engage in a form of rivalry bordering on warfare, because the nephew thinks he should have gotten the money. However, every mean trick she plays on him makes her feel even worse, because he accepts them all without a qualm.
Casanova & Cia.
The Baker's Wife
While hiding from the royal authorities, Giacomo Casanova, the famous romancer, encounters his look-alike: Giacomino, a fugitive petty con man. Meanwhile, the Arabian Caliph and his wife are arriving in Venice for a state visit, and she insists on a night with the legendary lover. Through a series of erotic encounters and mistaken-identity comedies, Giacomo and Giacomino make their way back to Venice for their appointment with the Caliph's wife.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1977
Rainer Werner Fassbinder reflects on the various stages of his career, discusses how his motives behind filmmaking evolved up his film Despair.
Senhoras e Senhores, Boa Noite
An episodic satire of the political and social status of Italy in the seventies, through the shows of one day of a television channel. An English language lesson turns into a killing of a black dignitary of an embassy by a CIA agent and then into his own killing by another colleague. In a television film, the police are befooled by a fake bomb and put a real one in order not to be derided by the public. In a film inquisition show, the bishop of Naples speaks highly of the importance of the family, but a child who lives a miserable family life kills himself. In the debate that follows it is proposed that they should eat the children, as Swift had said. In the next episode, a general who is in the toilet is called for the NATO parade, but the flasher breaks and in his effort to fix it, he dirts allover and kills himself. In a children's show an inspector finds excuses and delays the arrest of a powerful man...
Dimmi che fai tutto per me
Miriam Spinacroce
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
Marie, a Boneca
Ida Courtin
Quando Marie, uma mulher tão linda para parecer real, se casa com um fabricante de bonecas, seu novo marido acha difícil tratá-la como uma pessoa real, ao invés de uma boneca. Ela então passa a sofrer com este tratamento, que é uma versão exagerada do tipo de coisa que ela tem sofrido toda a sua vida.
Andréa, Marie
Werner Schroeter's rhapsody of excess leaps from 1949 Cuba to contemporary France to points in between, while its feverishly shifting visual style evokes and parodies everything from kitschy Mexican telenovelas to silent French art films.
In wartime France, Pharmacist Eliane (Lisa Gastoni) begins a torrid affair with her shop assistant Armand (Franco Nero), but she soon becomes dominated by him. He demands more and more from her, humiliating her and putting her family at risk.
Soldier of Fortune
Medieval soldier of fortune Ettore is travelling through Europe with his partners looking for fight where they can earn some money. When they come across a Spanish castle under siege by the French army, Ettore first bides his time to determine which side is the winning one (and thus more likely to pay his fee). This is as first the French, but the treatment he receives from them is unpleasant enough to make him change his mind and turn to the Spanish side. Somehow, Ettore must rally the weakened Spanish troops to battle their enemy long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
Mme Toffi
Cigalon, a restaurant owner in a small village in Provence, refuses to serve customers... And suddenly Mrs. Toffi, his former laundress, opens a restaurant with her nephew Virgil... Annoyed, Cigalon counter-attacks and goes back to cooking.
Parlez-moi d'amour
la voisine
Emerging from a lengthy dinner where his mother was exhibited without restraint for the favor of a man, Daniel returns alone, sickened. Without imagining the trap closes on him, he later agrees to have a drink with a neighbor he just help carry packages. She "vamp" and keeps her house without a very fierce resistance opposes too happy to escape his solitude. Taking advantage of the absence of his mother, Daniel finally leaves the high school and moved to the neighbor who, having close to her more often, gets him a place in the clinic where she is employed.
O Incorrigível
Tatiana Negulesco
Victor Vautier is incorrigible: he's in constant motion, working several cons at once, using different names and changing disguises. He's charming and outrageous, incapable of uttering a sentence that isn't embellished or an outright lie. His life goal is to make enough money to build a sea wall to protect Mont-Saint-Michel. Charlotte, a parole officer, shows up: she's young and seems taken in by Victor. He discovers she lives above the Senlus Museum, where her parents are the curators. With two pals he decides to steal a priceless El Greco triptych and then ransom it back to the cultural ministry. What will Charlotte do when she realizes he's used her to make a fortune?
A Virgin Named Mary
A second coming? This time our savior chose a shantytown outside Turin, in the north of Italy, overcrowded by poor families coming from the south in search of a job in a factory, or less legal ways to survive. Young Maria (Cinzia De Carolis) can predict the future during her epileptic seizures, or at least that's what everyone believes, and her mother (Clelia Matania) sells her predictions and responses to the superstitious neighbors, after inducing her "trance" with electricity. One night the shock is too strong, and Maria seems to die: when she wakes up, she is found pregnant. And being a honest unmarried girl from the south, she is obviously still virgin... Notwithstanding the opposition of the local priest (Turi Ferro), everyone, including her, believes in the miracle, and prepares for a second coming, in a crescendo of fanaticism that is soon noticed by the press, and by the official church..
La cliente au portrait
Henri Serin, a sales rep in umbrellas who lives in Saumur, is bored with his life. Married to an unloving, uptight wife, who, unlike him, has no interest in sex, he is also rejected by his children. Thus, he spends most of his time travelling from town to town, flirting with women and meeting all kinds of people in the hotels, restaurants, shops and places he visits. He also dabbles in painting, particularly portraits. After his car breaks down as he is driving through Brittany, he meets a rough, foul-mouthed painter who offers him to stay at his house, near Pont-Aven. There, Henri falls in love with Angela, the painters model and fling, and soon they run off together...
Le futur aux trousses
Odette, wife of the CEO
A large company offers consumers to acquire a "second identity", having the character traits that individuals would not normally adopt. Because of all these uninhibited behaviors, anarchy is quick to take hold.
Maria Camerò
Sicilian baron, Mimì Galluzzo, will be able to enjoy the legacy of his deceased father-in-law on two conditions: that his wife accepts the will and that there is a compromising document to be delivered to the mafia. While, however, the precious "dossier" is, in reality, in the hands of an avid widow, Donna Maria, willing to sell it only if Mimi marries her. Rosalba, obsessed with the absence of a child, suddenly goes mad or pretends 'go crazy. Recommended by Donna Maria, of whom he became the lover Don Mimì tries, with the help of his friend Langatta, undertaker, and a nurse in the clinic in which Rosalba was hospitalized, to get rid of his wife. Instead, he finds himself without having reached his goal, involved in an obscure series of crimes that will make him lose his mind.
Serious as Pleasure
La dame en blanc
"In Serieux comme le plaisir, two men and a woman live quite happily together in a romantic liaison. The woman is probably wealthy anyway, so the trio doesn't worry much about money. One day they decide to take a trip in their beat-up car, managing the whole affair in their own special, insouciant manner. They are followed by a suspicious policeman who thinks there's something fishy about this group..."
The Barons
Leopoldo Lalumera, grandson of a wealthy eighty-four-year-old baron, infuriated during a galactic convention with a prosaic maid, discovers, on the eve of the wedding with his cousin Mariantonia, that he has become impotent.
Il piatto piange
Cantante Lirica
In Luino, on Lake Maggiore, during the fascist twenty years, a group of friends belonging to the bourgeoisie spend the nights in the underground gambling den of the Metropolitan Hotel between poker games, gossip, manly goliards and escapades to the house of tolerance.
Donna è bello
Ottavia is left completely alone this summer, but not for long. Walter, who is to change her entire life, now come into it. He is very young, very good looking and cruel.
The Infernal Trio
Marseilles, 1919. Georges Sarret is a distinguished and respected lawyer, recently honoured for his services in the First World War. He takes as his lover Philomène Schmidt, a young German woman, who has just lost her job and home. To enable Philomène to remain in France, Georges finds her a husband – who dies conveniently of natural causes a month after the wedding. Georges repeats the trick with Philomène's sister, Catherine – marrying her off to an old man who dies suddenly so that the scheming trio can profit from his life insurance. When an accomplice in the scheme, Marcel Chambon, threatens to blackmail them, Georges and his two lovers have no option but to kill him and his mistress...
A Comilança
Quatro amigos ao atingirem a meia idade estão satisfeitos com o seu status social, mas alguma coisa nas suas vidas pessoais começa a tornar a existência um peso difícil de carregar. Decidem trancar-se em um final de semana sozinhos em uma mansão e cometer suicídio, mas a forma que escolhem é o mais poderoso paradigma da burguesia europeia: comer; comer até morrer.
O Dia do Chacal
Hotel Staff
Um assassino profissional conhecido pelo codinome "Chacal" é contratado para matar Charles de Gaulle, presidente da França. É o início dos anos 60 na França. Os sobreviventes restantes da extinta Legião Estrangeira Francesa, agora numa organização terrorista, a OAS, fizeram repetidas tentativas de matar o presidente francês Charles De Gaulle. O resultado é que ele se tornou o homem mais bem protegido do mundo. Em um ato de desespero eles contratam O Chacal, o codinome do assassino de aluguel que se compromete a matar De Gaulle em troca de meio milhão de dólares. Ele começa então a planejar a morte do famoso presidente francês para o dia 25 de agosto de 1963. Veremos os preparativos do assassino que são tão minuciosos que nos perguntaremos como ele poderia falhar, mesmo quando vemos a tentativa da polícia francesa de achar seu rastro. A situação é historicamente precisa. Houveram muitos desses atentados e o filme segue de perto o enredo do livro. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
The White Gloves of the Devil
Crime thriller.
The Right of the Maddest
The guardian of a nursing home lends a compassionate ear to the complaints of two new pensioners who love each other and have only one dream: to see the sea. To help them realize their dream, the brave man steals the car of the director. She quickly discovers the crime and drags her pale husband to the pursuit of the trio, aboard a tanker truck...
Scoumoune, o Tirano
La prostituée en colère
Há mais de 15 anos, dois amigos e criminosos de Marselha batalham contra a lei, gangues rivais, autoridades prisionais e até praias minadas para sobreviver.