José Luis Adserías

José Luis Adserías


José Luis Adserías


Eu, Minha Mulher e Minha Mulher Morta
Bernardo, 63 anos, acaba de enterrar a sua esposa, mas desrespeita o desejo dela de ser cremada e ter as cinzas lançadas na Costa do Sol, onde nasceu. No entanto, após um evento traumático, ele muda de ideia e inicia uma jornada até a Espanha.
El triunfo
Barcelona, 1980s: in a tough urban neighbourhood inhabited by survivors and ruled by ex-legionnaires Gandhi, Fontán and Andrade - who are fighting a war for control of the streets - Nen and his friends Palito, Topo and Tostao dream of making it big in the world of rumba. But Nen discovers why his father, El Guacho - of whom all Nen has left is the memory of his brilliance as a rumba singer - disappeared many years earlier. He learns how the relationship between his mother, Chata, and Ghandi, leader of the neighbourhood, was connected to his father's disappearance, and so Nen is forced to balance his own desire for vengeance with his longing to triumph.
Platillos volantes
Based on real events, in 1972 Juan and José are two textile workers from Tarrasa, Catalonia (northeast to Spain) who meet during an UFOs' convention. Both share their passion about the paranormal, specially about UFOs. In these years where was very much UFOs' sightings, they feel captivated by the mystery and start to investigate the diverse theories about the intentions or purposes of the sightings. Their friendship and the obsession they have will turn in dementia and paranoia, hurting their relations with their respective friends and familiars and exposing their lives to an extreme decision due to the conclusion of their own investigations. Written by Chockys