Bogdan Tirnanić


All Right, I Won
A documentary about Dusan Petrovic Prele "urban Jekyll and Heidi". Singer. Bohemian. Wild intellectual. His life philosophy was - as little philosophize. The last of its kind from Belgrade. Equally well-known to sing, write and drink.
The Black Bomber
Vođa opozicije
In a near-future Belgrade, a DJ stirs up trouble with his rocking anti-establishment broadcasts. After his station is shut down, he takes to the street and starts transmitting revolution with the police hot on his trail.
June Turmoil
The film speaks of student demonstrations in Belgrade, 1969 and of the critical quality, enthusiasm and discipline of this form of protest. It was the most powerful public criticism of "red bourgeoisie" - members of communist apparatus, who suppressed creativity and affirmation of new generations throughout Eastern block.
Trabalhos Preparatórios
Inspirado por "O Capital", de Karl Marx, três homens e uma rapariga chamada Jugoslava decidem acordar a consciência dentro da classe trabalhadora e camponeses. Confrontados com o primitivismo e falta de ânimo, a sua revolução falha e a rapariga vai ser sacrificada como um testemunho de sua tentativa mal sucedida.