Colombo works at a 24-hour parking lot and tops up his measly wages by selling weed. Mario is a lawyer and a keen birdwatcher, but unfortunately for him, he is unable to drive due to a past accident. Mario offers to pay Colombo to drive him from Valencia to a lake in the Costa Brava (Spain), where he wants to see some cranes. When they reach the lake, the lawyer tells him that the birds have changed their migratory route and are now going to nest in the Danube delta in Constanza (Romania). Mario needs to get there, and Colombo needs the money. Neither of them is aware of the other’s story, but at that moment, a new and definitive journey starts for both of them.
Guatemala, in the 80s. The worst days of the Civil war. Andrés is 9 years old. He lives with Pedro González, one of the men who massacred all the women and children in his village. Andrés has survived, but he's scared. Pedro's wife, María, is also scared, scared to go out, scared to lose Andrés, whom she considers as "her new son" - even Pedro is scared, scared of himself and what the Army bounds him to do. Andrés would like to run away but he also wants to stay in his new family - until his sister appears.
Alvaro se separa de sua esposa, autora de romances de grande sucesso. Ele então decidiu trabalhar duro para realizar seu sonho de escrever um grande romance, mas ele tinha um grande obstáculo a superar: ele não tinha talento e imaginação. No entanto, um dia, ele percebe que este grande romance deve ser retirado da realidade e começa a manipular amigos e vizinhos, a fim de desenvolver um enredo intrigante. A situação, porém, logo ficará fora de controle e a história terá uma curva cada vez mais cinza.
Executive Producer
No presente, na Espanha, a mente de Miguel, afetada por uma doença cerebral, parece enclausurada no passado, na Argentina, nos anos 70, quando ele arriscou sua vida por seus ideais. Ele está obcecado em encontrar uma mulher chamada Diana. Mario, seu filho, que está longe de Miguel há muito tempo, agora se sente obrigado a desvendar o mistério de um nome que, como uma maldição, persegue seu pai.
Executive Producer
Pablo é contratado para escrever uma comédia romântica que se passa em Madrid. Ele não tem problema, domina o gênero, e testemunhamos os primeiros passos na história de amor entre Marina e Víctor. No entanto, logo Pablo entra em crise, pois não sabe como continuar escrevendo. Sua vida amorosa está uma bagunça e ele não sabe como será o fim de Victor e Marina.
A Spaniard in Argentina becomes aware of his approaching death while staying at a hospital, so he decides to run away from Buenos Aires and start a trip up North, heading nowhere in particular.
Script Supervisor
For eleven months a year, Evaristo, Máximo and Jacinto have only thought of one thing: summer vacations. Each one, in his own way, will try to deal with the forty degrees in the shadow of Madrid. Evaristo is a beach man and this year, as always, he approaches the coast with Filomena, his wife. The agglomerations to get a square meter of sand, the cakes in the chiringuito to eat the tortilla will be about to kill him. But it does not matter, September will come to rest from the summer. Maximum, on the contrary, is of the mountain. And this year he has rented a villa for himself and his family, including mother-in-law. Finally, Jacinto, owner of a gym, has sent his wife and children to Benidorm, while he remains "rodríguez" in the capital,