Licínio Azevedo


Brazilian filmmaker.


In the form of a short political fable, Nhinguitimo explores the relations between the dispossession of rural land—and its crops—and the colonial system. The story of the rebellion of one single farm worker against the colonizers six decades ago can also shape a reflexion on the persisting exploitation of the territory and its people.
In the form of a short political fable, Nhinguitimo explores the relations between the dispossession of rural land—and its crops—and the colonial system. The story of the rebellion of one single farm worker against the colonizers six decades ago can also shape a reflexion on the persisting exploitation of the territory and its people.
Comboio de Sal e Açucar
Em 1989, Moçambique é um país arruinado pela guerra civil. O trem que liga Nampula ao Malawi é a única esperança para as pessoas dispostas a arriscar suas vidas a trocar alguns sacos de sal por açúcar. Correndo devagar por trilhas sabotadas, a jornada é cheia de obstáculos e violência. Mariamu, uma viajante frequente, compartilha sua viagem com sua amiga Rosa, uma enfermeira que está indo para seu novo hospital, vivendo a realidade da guerra pela primeira vez, tenente Taiar, que só conhece a realidade de sua vida militar, e outro soldado , Salomão, com quem ele não se dá bem. Entre balas e risadas, histórias de amor e guerra se desenrolam à medida que o trem avança em direção à próxima parada.
Comboio de Sal e Açucar
Em 1989, Moçambique é um país arruinado pela guerra civil. O trem que liga Nampula ao Malawi é a única esperança para as pessoas dispostas a arriscar suas vidas a trocar alguns sacos de sal por açúcar. Correndo devagar por trilhas sabotadas, a jornada é cheia de obstáculos e violência. Mariamu, uma viajante frequente, compartilha sua viagem com sua amiga Rosa, uma enfermeira que está indo para seu novo hospital, vivendo a realidade da guerra pela primeira vez, tenente Taiar, que só conhece a realidade de sua vida militar, e outro soldado , Salomão, com quem ele não se dá bem. Entre balas e risadas, histórias de amor e guerra se desenrolam à medida que o trem avança em direção à próxima parada.
Virgem Margarida
1975, Mozambique’s rebirth as an independent nation. The young revolution sweeps the streets of Maputo clean of prostitutes and bad habits. The prostitutes are sent to re-education camps deep in the countryside, where they will become “new women” – loyal comrades of the new nation. As the “clean-up” takes place, Margarida, a 16-year-old girl from the countryside, is mistakenly taken. Drawing on the stories of real women, Virgin Margarida is a dramatic exploration of a little known chapter in Mozambique’s history. A chapter that made no allowance for individuality and enshrined male domination as an ideology.
Virgem Margarida
1975, Mozambique’s rebirth as an independent nation. The young revolution sweeps the streets of Maputo clean of prostitutes and bad habits. The prostitutes are sent to re-education camps deep in the countryside, where they will become “new women” – loyal comrades of the new nation. As the “clean-up” takes place, Margarida, a 16-year-old girl from the countryside, is mistakenly taken. Drawing on the stories of real women, Virgin Margarida is a dramatic exploration of a little known chapter in Mozambique’s history. A chapter that made no allowance for individuality and enshrined male domination as an ideology.
The Island of the Spirits
A small island, a great history. Long before giving its name to the country, the Mozambique island had a fundamental role in the Indian Ocean during centuries. Anchor point for caravels, meeting point for pirates, it is a melting pot of races. It raises its walls in the middle of the sea. Its winding streets full of life reveal small palaces, churches and white houses. Its inhabitants are eccentric characters, proud of the island's past history. As we wander through the streets we meet an historian, a maritime archaeologist, a fisherman, the "doorman" of the island, a dancer, many spirits...
The Island of the Spirits
A small island, a great history. Long before giving its name to the country, the Mozambique island had a fundamental role in the Indian Ocean during centuries. Anchor point for caravels, meeting point for pirates, it is a melting pot of races. It raises its walls in the middle of the sea. Its winding streets full of life reveal small palaces, churches and white houses. Its inhabitants are eccentric characters, proud of the island's past history. As we wander through the streets we meet an historian, a maritime archaeologist, a fisherman, the "doorman" of the island, a dancer, many spirits...
Hóspedes da Noite
In the colonial era the Grande Hotel in the city of Beira was the largest in Mozambique: 350 rooms, luxurious suites, Olympic-sized swimming pool... At present the building, which is in ruins, with no electricity or running water, is inhabited by 3500 people. Some have been living there for twenty years. In addition to the rooms, the foyers, corridors, service areas and basement of the hotel - here it's always night-time - also serve as residences.
Hóspedes da Noite
In the colonial era the Grande Hotel in the city of Beira was the largest in Mozambique: 350 rooms, luxurious suites, Olympic-sized swimming pool... At present the building, which is in ruins, with no electricity or running water, is inhabited by 3500 people. Some have been living there for twenty years. In addition to the rooms, the foyers, corridors, service areas and basement of the hotel - here it's always night-time - also serve as residences.
O Grande Bazar
Two boys with different experiences and goals meet up in a sprawling African market. One is looking for a job, to get back what was stolen from him and return home. The other will do anything to avoid having to go back with his family. They become friends and together they reinvent the world.
O Grande Bazar
Two boys with different experiences and goals meet up in a sprawling African market. One is looking for a job, to get back what was stolen from him and return home. The other will do anything to avoid having to go back with his family. They become friends and together they reinvent the world.
Rosa, camponesa moçambicana, é acusada de ter causado o suicídio do marido. Dizem que ela tem um “marido-espírito” que a levava a desobedecer ao marido verdadeiro. Numa carta descoberta durante as cerimônias fúnebres, e que é lida diante de todos os presentes, o suicida determina que os cinco filhos que teve com Rosa sejam entregues ao seu irmão gêmeo, para não viverem com a mulher que arruinou a sua vida. Para provar a sua inocência, recuperar os filhos e os poucos bens que o casal possuía, Rosa submete-se a dois julgamentos: o primeiro num curandeiro, o segundo num tribunal. Nos dois julgamentos ela é absolvida. Porém, para que um segredo da família seja preservado, Rosa tem que ser inculpada. E os familiares do morto vingam-se dela de uma maneira atroz.
Rosa, camponesa moçambicana, é acusada de ter causado o suicídio do marido. Dizem que ela tem um “marido-espírito” que a levava a desobedecer ao marido verdadeiro. Numa carta descoberta durante as cerimônias fúnebres, e que é lida diante de todos os presentes, o suicida determina que os cinco filhos que teve com Rosa sejam entregues ao seu irmão gêmeo, para não viverem com a mulher que arruinou a sua vida. Para provar a sua inocência, recuperar os filhos e os poucos bens que o casal possuía, Rosa submete-se a dois julgamentos: o primeiro num curandeiro, o segundo num tribunal. Nos dois julgamentos ela é absolvida. Porém, para que um segredo da família seja preservado, Rosa tem que ser inculpada. E os familiares do morto vingam-se dela de uma maneira atroz.
A Water War
Four stories in a Mozambican village. Stories about a water can, a well that gets broken, a lonely hunter, and a bird that becomes a radio.
A Water War
Four stories in a Mozambican village. Stories about a water can, a well that gets broken, a lonely hunter, and a bird that becomes a radio.
The Devil’s Harvest
“A Colheita do Diabo is my first major film experience (…) in which for the first time, aside from theatre actors, I used people who had no [film] experience. The main characters were former fighters, former FRELIMO guerrilla fighters who took part in the war for independence.” Licínio de Azevedo
O Tempo dos Leopardos
As children, a Mozambique native and a Portuguese colonialist were friends. Years have passed and Mozambique is fighting for its independence. Two childhood friends meet on opposing sides.