Gloria F. Osuna


Divorcio a la andaluza
Sexy Cat
A movie crew shooting a film featuring a comic-strip hero named The Sexy Cat finds itself stalked by a serial killer who begins murdering the cast and crew.
Pecados conyugales
Film consisting of three episodes. The first, "Doubt": Sofia, early summer, young and beautiful, always choose a dog that matches their outfits and a lover that matches them. It is up to Ricardo, a playboy who is not known for their intelligence. The second, "Ambition" Amparo and Vincent are married. She is ambitious and wants her husband to be important and famous. To discover a process that infallible: that her husband will be burnt in the street bonzo. The third, "Jealousy" Manolo and Eulogio are friends and colleagues. For certain indications Eulogio think your wife is cheating on him with Gregory and advised by Manolo, he decides to wash his honor.
Hell Commandos
Resistance Girl
Members of a German tank crew become trapped behind enemy lines.
Uma Pistola Para Cem Caixões
Ao retornar da Guerra Civil, Jim Slade (Peter Lee) encontra seus pais mortos em sua fazenda. Jim jura vingar-se ao descobrir que os rensponsáveis foram a gangue comandada por Corbett (Pierro Lulli), mas seu caminho se revela mais complicado que o esperado. É então que, em busca de dinheiro, ele aceita se tornar o xerife da cidade.
El halcón de Castilla
Leonor,sobrina de Don Gonzalo
Adventure film of Spanish production that follows point by point the parameters set by other literary characters, such as "El Zorro" or "El Coyote". José María Elorrieta, director with extensive experience in western spaghetti, is in charge of the direction and the script, in this film starring a gallant who was fervid among the female audience, Germán Cobos ("La patrulla", "La vida es maravillosa"). Shot on a small budget and with no other pretense than to entertain, "El falcón de Castilla" had considerable box office success.
O Magnífico Texano
Carmen Perera
Glenn Saxon, Barbara Loy, Massimo Serato, Gloria Osuna. Saxon é um dono de saloon duro e armado que ajuda os camponeses mexicanos a opor-se a um notório barão terrestre que os oprimiu cruelmente.
A Few Dollars for Django
Sally Norton
Django, bounty killer, hunter and repentant bandit wants to start a new life. No more bullets and blood, after years of killing and horror. Django wants to replace the sherrif and restore law and order to lawless land, but faces the history and bloodshed of his own past. Helped by the love of the daughter of a bandit Django can finally bring his life of violence to and end and spend his days in peace... If he can live that long!
Algunas lecciones de amor
Presentadora / Rosa Durán
Agente X1-7 operazione Oceano
Eurospy movie.
Julieta engaña a Romeo
Roberto decides to ask for permission at the office because he suspects his wife has a lover and wants to catch her. A friend of the protagonist offers to investigate the woman with the intention of giving sufficient evidence of thedeception. However, he soon discovers that his wife knows his plans.
Viento del sur
El mujeriego
Gunfight at High Noon
Susan Westfall
Three unequal brothers seek revenge for the murder of their father. Each of them goes a different way.
La cuarta ventana
María Rodrigo
In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless person to sit down to dinner at their wealthy table. Plácido, a humble worker, is hired by the organizers to participate in a parade with his three-wheeled vehicle, a seemingly simple mission that will not be easy for him to accomplish.
Regresa un desconocido
Novia de Pardo
John, manager of a company, play a game of cards with a group of people he has met in a nightclub. Realizing that one of them cheats, fights with him, and there is a violent fall. Another attendee, a doctor certifies his death. To remove the dead, John is forced to commit embezzlement in your company ...