Dmitry Kulichkov

Dmitry Kulichkov

Nascimento : 1979-06-03, Saratov, USSR (Russia)


Dmitry Kulichkov
Dmitry Kulichkov


Land of Legends
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
By The White Sea
The story of the boy Sana, a pupil of a boarding school in the Far North. His father drowned in the White Sea, and one day the child's intransigence and thirst for justice lead the child to a small island. Sanya will have to face the local "hermit" and even the police, but, most importantly, the teenager will challenge the very elements.
Kill Boss
Three friends - a police officer from the traffic police Nika, a family man and a marketer Stas and a seller of children's toys Tyomich - decide to arrange a gift for themselves for the New Year: to deal with their bosses, who got them incredibly. They only have 24 hours to plan three perfect murders.
It's Cold
The intention is to be a good police officer, but in Russia it is very cold. In the distant regions of Russia, two police officers go on a job. The task they face is rather simple, but the local climate creates a serious obstacle for its fulfilment.
Daddy Coded
After coding from alcoholism, Anatoly Snarov looked at his life with new, sober eyes. It turns out that he has a wife, children and a responsible position of the head of housing and communal services in the district town of Sorochinsk. Having achieved enlightenment, Snarov decides to make others happy. He becomes an exemplary family man and an active citizen. His stormy activity quickly goes beyond the powers of the head of housing and communal services. In the hope of saving themselves from an active reformer, Snarov's entourage is throwing all their strength into decoding him...
Every morning Sasha gets on a shuttle bus and commutes to Moscow for several hours where he works as a promoter in a banana costume at a fruit and vegetable shop. He is often late, so his employer has been threatening to fire him for a long time. In his thirty-seven, Sasha still lives with his mother, with whom he cannot find a common language. His ex-wife wants to deprive him of his parental rights and the opportunity to see his son, whom he has not seen for a long time. The overdue loans turn into serious threats from the collector. He seems to live and not feel what is going on around him. But will he be able to change something if his life is threatened?
We Are Meant
Oleg lives a completely closed life, maybe his state of mind has a medical term, but he grew up in a small town, where such problems does not matter. Oleg directs his disorder to the painstaking work of assembling watches. The orderliness of a guy’s life allows him to maintain a delicate balance between his illness and reality. Next door, a girl Katya lives. On the contrary she strictly opposes order and regularity. These contradictions come close and create chaos.
Present Future
Father Mikhail
On their way home through an unknown city, Alexander and his father are attacked and seriously injured by some drunken juvenile delinquents. The father dies, and Alexander becomes a dangerous witness, which must be eliminated.
AK-47: A Arma Que Mudou o Mundo
Major Lebedev
O comandante de tanque Kalashnikov está gravemente ferido em batalha em 1941. O acidente o deixa incapacitado e incapaz de retornar à frente. Enquanto se recupera no hospital, ele começa a criar os esboços iniciais do que se tornará uma das armas mais lendárias do mundo. Um inventor autodidata, Mikhail Kalashnikov, tem apenas 29 anos quando desenvolve o agora icônico rifle de assalto – o AK-47.
Odessa Steamboat
Zhora - muzykant pokhoronnogo orkestra
Based on the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The plot of the new comedy is based on the famous miniatures “Odessa Steamboat”, “Two Apples”, “Meeting at the Distillery” and other works by one of the country's most famous humor writers Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In total - 13 miniatures. The fates of the heroes of each story are intertwined, and the viewer will see a panorama of life in which the head of the transport department could not be heard, the plane’s crew wonders if passengers can land the plane, the barmaid stands at the helm of the ship, and the father teaches his son arithmetic, destroying all the apples in the house...
Sveta, her two children and stepfather Semen solemnly celebrate the birthday of the hero-submariner Victor - the first husband of Sveta, who went missing five years ago. Right during a toast to the birthday boy, he unexpectedly returns home and claims that all this time he was fulfilling the task of the Motherland.
Sober Cab
A young naive provincial guy Artem visits a friend in Moscow in the hope of finding a new beautiful life, but first he has to help him working the bizarre job of “sober driver” at night. On the first evening, picking up beautiful Christina from a nightclub, a misunderstanding leads to Artem ending up with her in a hotel room. Completely forgetting of last night’s events, Christina mistakes the guy for a young millionaire, and he, in turn, is in no hurry to disappoint her. With each date Artem falls more and more in love with her, but getting out of ridiculous situations becomes more difficult.
A Maldição do Espelho
Depois que o terrível fantasma da Rainha de Espadas ressurge, os alunos de um antigo colégio interno viram as próximas vítimas do seu banho de sangue. O terror começa a partir do momento em que eles recitam antigos encantamentos no banheiro do local para conquistar tudo o que desejam — mesmo que o preço seja suas almas.
In Mira's life, everything is wonderful: she is the owner of a fashion gallery, at home a loving husband awaits. But once on the seashore, a man with amnesia is found who remembers her name. No one knows who he is. It is not in any database. But he knows something about her that only a very close person can know, although Mira has never seen him in her life. The prosperous world of Mira begins to collapse when it turns out that an unknown person spent several years in the Middle East and a real hunt is following him.
Petersburg. Noir
Moscow writer ordered a story for the collection. At this time, his wife is going on a business trip to St. Petersburg. Writing imagination awakens jealousy in the main character.
Vivendo no Limite – Um Retrato de uma Geração Perdida
Karina's Stepfather
Sasha e Petya são dois jovens músicos nos seus vinte e poucos anos que levam uma vida inconsequente na Moscou moderna: festas barulhentas, drogas, altos e baixos, relacionamentos instáveis e sentimentos conflituosos. Abandonados em mundo que valoriza amor, amizade, família e oportunidade, eles se sentem solitários, desconectados, cheios de dúvidas e com a sensação de que estão se corroendo por dentro. De repente, ocorre um evento em suas vidas que exige que ambos olhem para si mesmos com mais honestidade do que nunca.
The Factory
When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.
Owl's Shadow
Pavel Vladimirovich Savin (nickname Sova — the Owl) has long wanted to leave his business. To this end he advances Denis for the post of city head. Things are going smoothly, but suddenly Denis is kidnapped by his own employees. As he is taken away in an unknown direction, Denis tries to remember what it is that he has done to draw all these troubles upon himself.
Road Accident
A young girl is involved in an accident with the car of a migrant worker. Nothing serious. The situation could be resolved quite simply. But the police officers who arrive on the scene have their own ideas.
The Hand
This story, full of tender sentiment, is about a mechanic who accidentally cuts off his hand while rehearsing a love declaration. And the story continues with the hand stitched back on. Back on it is, true; but the wrong way round.
O Portal
A vida perfeitinha de Michael muda dramaticamente quando ele descobre um portal que lhe permite viajar no tempo. Assim, ele viaja até o período da Segunda Guerra Mundial para salvar o amor da sua vida.
The Envelope
A strange envelope is delivered to an architect bureau by mistake. Igor, a driver, gets the task to bring it to the right address. From that moment his life becomes a string of paranormal events. The cursed letter invades Igor's life and leads him to a mysterious addressee.
Tests 8
Vitya (segment "Exhalation")
Short stories shot by four different directors on 8 mm film. The first story by Dmitry Ryabikov is a real field test for a feature which was done as experimental film about the Creation of the World. The second story is an action short by Dorji Galsanov about problems and understanding between two friends. The third one from Anton Bilzho, a teaser for upcoming thriller, is about love to invisible creature. And the fourth story by Anton Sokolov is about love to aliens - a logical final of all parts.
Nikita, Vika's friend
He was his absolute copy – his gestures, body language and jokes were so real, no one suspected the change. Bogdanov looked at the screen as if it was mirror. the double has taken over his tV-show, held meetings with his fans, lived with his women and had drinks with his friends. Bogdanov’s life and identity were erased in an instant. Popular, successful and cynical writer Bogdanov lost everything he has been working on for years building his career. As he clearly sees that the double is better and sincerer than he, he realizes the battle of his life is lost. the only one who wants to have real Bogdanov back is his daughter...
A Noiva
Nastya é uma jovem mulher que viaja com seu futuro marido para a casa da família dele. Logo após chegar, ela percebe que a visita pode ter sido um erro terrível. Rodeada por pessoas estranhas, ela passa a ter visões horríveis à medida que a família do seu futuro esposo a prepara para uma tradicional cerimônia de casamento eslava.
Dama de Espadas
Um homem fica intrigado com a história da mulher que perde tudo em um jogo de cartas e recupera tudo de volta.
O Duelista
Rússia, século 19. Yakovlev é um veterano de guerra que recebeu a previsão que nunca morrerá. Para ganhar a vida, ele organiza duelos para aristocratas, o que era ilegal na época, mas as pessoas ignoram a lei enquanto ele mata seus adversários.
A story of a young girl Claudia who works as a security guard on a slowly dying metal plant.
A Dama do Espelho: O Ritual das Trevas
Uma lenda antiga diz que todo espelho pode ser um portal para o mundo dos mortos e ser usado para convocar a Rainha de Espadas. Quatro adolescentes brincam com um espelho sem saber do horror que os aguarda.
The Land of OZ
chief of department
In Yekaterinburg over the Christmas period, shop assistant Lenka Shabadinova experiences a number of incredible events and unexpected meetings.
Decent People
What would you do if a relative recently released from prison would move to your house? And you accidentally killed him...
O Idiota
drunk man
Dima Nikitin é um encanador simples e honesto que trabalha em uma pequena cidade russa. Exceto por sua integridade incomum, nada o faz se destacar da multidão, até que uma noite, em um dormitório ocupado principalmente por bêbados e marginais, os canos estouram, colocando em risco os ocupantesrús. Todo mundo precisa ser imediatamente evacuado, mas ninguém se importa. Nikitin, então, parte em uma odisséia durante toda a noite para combater um sistema de burocratas corruptos e tentar resolver o problema do dormitório.
Kill Stalin
This TV Mini-Series is directed by Sergey Ginzburg, known for "Once Upon a Time in Odessa". "Ubit Stalina" takes time in 1941, when Germans sent troops to invade Russia. Winter was very cold and soldiers couldn't stay on the front for a long time, so Germans decided to strike a crushing blow and cunning - to kill Ioseb Stalin. Leadership of the Reich created special group of officers from the team "Abwehr" "Brandenburg-800". This team helped Nazi agent to deeply embed in USSR army - Will generals of USSR army find out agent? Will they save Russia from invasion of Nazi?..
The Major
On a cold winter’s day Sergey Sobolev, a major at the local police office, is driving to the hospital where his wife is about to give birth to their child. High from happiness, he’s driving too fast and runs down a boy on a passage walk, who dies. Now the major has only two options: go to prison or conceal the crime. Sobolev decides to compromise with his conscience and calls on a colleague to help him out. But the case turns out to be messy and when Sobolev finally changes his mind and tries to make up for his deed, it’s already too late…
Bite the Dust
A village so small all the residents not only knows each other, but also can easily recognize the neighbor's cow face a frightful news. It was announced on TV that the most powerful coronal mass ejection in the Earth's history would take place. Humankind has only 24 hours left. The world runs mad in different ways getting ready for the apocalypse, and a unique local scenario of waving the life goodbye is inverted in the village. Tables are put together, pies are baked, and some gather strength and courage to make the most important decisions of their lives... But what about the doomsday? It just doesn't arrive. Oops, got it wrong! The situation is heating up. Everybody realize they can't go on as they did before.
The Person on Duty
The story about a difficult post-war time. About destiny of the young lieutenant and the young girl, whose love passes through the hardest vital and moral ordeals.
In the second feature film by Russian director Vasily Sigarev, fate brings ordeals to characters that find themselves immersed in deep crisis; they must seek the strength to cope with adversity. In a remote and cold region of Russia, Galya, a middle-aged woman with a drinking problem, has been separated from her twin daughters and she wants them back. On the other hand, Grishka and Anton are a young couple who decide to get married, but right after the wedding their relationship is put to the test in a brutal way. While Artyom longs to see his missing father, but his mother objects. There is only one element that brings all of these characters together: misfortune.
The Convoy
Following a brawl, Captain Ignat, who is traumatised by the death of his daughter, is ordered together with a regular soldier to find a deserter and bring him back via Moscow to stand before a military court. Although they locate the young soldier, their journey across the wintry moloch that is Moscow is slow and tortuous. Before long, the unlikely trio find themselves drawn into a chaotic maelstrom of violence, corruption, criminality, degradation and squalidness. In the face of the monstrous malaise and everyday horror of life in Russia, the gradual breakdown of the film’s anti-hero becomes a metaphor for Russian society.
Captain Vasily Khlopko
In the city centre, two thieves steal a bag with one million Euros from a car, thinking that at last they're in luck; yet they cannot even fathom what they got themselves into. A proper hunt for this money begins.
A Resistência
Karelin, pilot
Brestskaya Krepost é um drama de guerra único, uma vez que foca nos primeiros dias da guerra para os soviéticos, assim como Pearl Harbor focou no primeiro dia da guerra para os americanos, com a diferença de que seu desfecho tem um sentido muito mais profundo, assim como o filme como um todo, a julgar pelo realismo de suas cenas, de sua história e a brilhante atuação dos atores, com pouquíssima fantasia. Sem dúvidas um filme que marcará o cinema e tem seu lugar dentre os melhores filmes de guerra já feito nos últimos 20 anos.
Moscow, I Love You!
18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...
Tambourine, Drum
A mining town in Russia at the end of the nineties. A miners' strike has paralysed the place, corruption and fraud are flourishing in the transitional period from a socialist economy to a market economy. In this world of lost souls lives Yekaterina Artemovna (Katya). This unconspicuous woman has, in the words of her future lover, a "heart of gold". The only bright spots in her lonely life in a meagre communal apartment are literature and her work in the town library. The only bright ray flashed in the life of the heroine is a visiting sailor. But he turns out to be a gigolo and leaves the poor woman. The tense string inside the heroine bursts, the iron nerves lose, and restrained Yekaterina at this point loses all patience with life and ready for the most desperate and cruel revenge...
Sergeant Chakhlov
A provincial war vet arrives in Moscow and subsequently takes on a gang of bad cops.
On Upper Maslovka Street
Semen Krajchuk
A story about a friendship between eighty years old sculptor and a way younger theater director.
Белая гвардия
Shukshinskiye rasskazy
Коля Скалкин - шофёр (Ораторский приём, фильм №4)
The anniversary ceases to be a holiday when happiness and love replace mutual reproaches, unjustified hopes and domestic conflicts. But maybe that was the plan?