Louise Bombardier

Louise Bombardier

Nascimento : 1953-07-11, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada


Louise Bombardier


L'osstidquoi ? L'osstidcho!
The Greatest Country in the World
In a province not so distant from ours, now controlled by a far-right government, the borders are closed and immigrants, now under threat, are desperate to get out. A Haitian woman hands over her young son to a thirty-something Quebec man before fleeing. With help from a Vietnamese former refugee, they try to solve the mystery.
Matthias & Maxime
Tante Ginette
Matt e Max, dois melhores amigos de infância vão a uma festa para celebrar a partida de Max para uma viagem de dois anos. Um beijo inesperado porá tudo em causa.
Heads or Tails
Panicked at the idea of losing his position, incumbent mayor Joseph L’Heureux refuses to accept the result of his hometown’s municipal election.
March Fool
Struggling with depression, Louis finds out that his family is planning a prank on him for April Fools' day. Problem is: we're still in March...
The Woman
Em uma mina a céu aberto, dois meninos se enfrentam em um jogo de poder perverso, com a natureza como única testemunha.
Vote Bougon
Aline Bessette
Paul Bougon ignites social media networks and public opinion after his brief participation in a television program. Having become an instant celebrity thanks to his outspokenness, he decides to go into politics and founds his own party. With the help of his devoted entourage and at the head of the PEN (Parti de l’Écœurement National) [National Disgust Party], he wins the elections and becomes Premier. The challenges of his new career place him in front of heartbreaking choices.
L'odeur après la pluie
Claire, a recently retired widow, shares her suburban house with her sister Gisele. On a scorching summer day, Julien an old flame, shows up unexpectedly with the intention of winning Claire back. Proof that life never ceases to amaze us.
Love Project
Love Project despicts the lives of young adults developing within the artistic community around a production by director Touga. These Millennials are living in an era where everything seems transient, torn between their dreams of absolute freedom and anxieties about their uncertain future. They live in the fast lane and have difficult choices to make.
On the very same day of her second abortion, Marie Sophie’s attending the shower of her younger sister Maude, who’s seven months pregnant. As Maude gets all the attention deserved to a future mom, and makes sure everything’s perfect for the celebration, Marie Sophie, after the casual humiliating roundup, is tagged as the self-centered and insensitive woman.
Denise Boucher
Born into a modest family, Gerry Boulet found fame with the Québec rock group Offenbach. After a life of drug and alcohol abuse and a great love story, Gerry died of cancer in 1990.
5150 Elm's Way
Francine Bérubé
Elm é uma rua tranqüila em uma cidade pequena. Quando Yannick cai de sua bicicleta, ele bate na casa dos Beaulieu. No entanto, Jacques Beaulieu e sua família tinham outros planos para Yan. Beaulieu é um psicopata e jogador de xadrez fanático que pretendia isentar o mundo do mal. E mesmo que Yan nada tenha feito de errado, ele é golpeado e torturado antes Beaulieu lhe faça uma oferta: jogar xadrez com ele e, se vencer, estará livre. E assim, Yan torna-se um peão no jogo de Beaulieu, um jogo em que ele poderá perder sua vida.
So the Moon Rises
Cliente Madame Lafontaine
Struggling with AIDS, Aimée comes out of the hospital. Her friend Francine leads her to the Maison Bleue for her convalescence. But Aimee's state of health does not improve: she falls into mental confusion and must stay at the Blue House until her death.