Nirut Sirijanya

Nirut Sirijanya

Nascimento : 1947-05-03, Thailand


Nirut Sirijanya, nicknamed Nhing, is a Thai film and television actor, born to a Thai Police Lieutenant and a Thai woman whose mother was half Thai-French. He attended Assumption College in Bangkok and received a graduate certificate in Business Administration in Australia. He then went to Kuala Lumpur to study. When he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree, he started working at AM PAC as an engineer, before moving to positions in various airline companies, including Alitalia. Nirut began his acting career at the suggestion of Terng Stiphuang. His first TV series was Sangsoon, in which he co-starred. He then starred in Kae Kop Fah (Just Horizon), shown on Channel 3. By now known throughout Thailand, he attracted the most attention for his part as Jaded in Poo Cha Na Sib Tid. His first film was Derby, and he continues to perform to this day. He gained international attention from his role in The Hangover Part II. Nirut is best known internationally for his role as Lauren's father Fong in the 2011 sequel The Hangover Part II. He is the recipient of Suphannahong National Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor in 2006. Nirut also appeared as a judge in the first season of Thailand's Got Talent.


Nirut Sirijanya


Cave Rescue
Thai Govt Minister
Based on the true nail-biting mission that captivated the world. An international team of elite divers is mobilized to rescue a boys soccer team trapped in a cave by rising floodwaters.
Milagre na Caverna
Thai Govt Minister
Quando um time de futebol juvenil de 12 meninos, de 11 a 16 anos, e seu técnico de 25 anos estão presos no fundo de uma caverna no norte da Tailândia, milhares de voluntários e soldados de todo o mundo se unem em uma corrida contra o tempo para encontrá-los . Uma vez que os meninos são encontrados vivos dez dias depois, a única saída é um mergulho-mergulho impossível de cinco horas que apenas mergulhadores de caverna experientes poderiam sobreviver. Na Irlanda, Jim Warny, eletricista de fábrica de aviões e mergulhador recreativo de cavernas, recebe a ligação: "Quando você pode estar aqui?" Chegando à Tailândia, Jim sai do avião e entra na caverna - uma missão de três dias no fio da navalha está em andamento. Baseado em eventos reais.
Senses from Siam
A celebration of traditional Thai cooking with drama taking place in a high class restaurant and a cooking school.
Pantai Norasingha
The story of the relationship between the King who is renown for his ruthlessness and his subject who became his trusted steersman. They met when the King decided to disguise himself as commoner to see how his subject was doing. He befriend a commoner after a fight to decide who should win the girl’s hand. They become blood brother and the commoner was assigned to be his steersman. When there was an assassination attempt at the King, the steersman tried to evade the threat and cause the boat to run aground with death penalty. It’s time to see if the friendship is stronger than the rule of law that the King must have absolute authority over the life of his subject regardless of their personal relationship.
Lupin III e o Coração Púrpura de Cleópatra
Momrachiao Pramuk
O neto de um lendário ladrão reúne uma equipe de criminosos para roubar um colar de Cleópatra que está dividido em duas partes, com dois donos distintos: um aliado que virou rival e um magnata do submundo.
Das Mädchen aus dem Regenwald
Lin Thanapat
Kon Khon
The story of love, revenge and friendship between an orphaned protagonist, his teacher and the woman of his dreams, set in an elite classical dance school.
Se Beber, Não Case! - Parte II
Phil, Stu, Alan e Doug viajam à exótica Tailândia para o casamento de Stu. O que poderia dar errado? Dois anos depois da desastrosa despedida de solteiro de Doug em Las Vegas, agora é a vez de Stu. Ele decide se casar na Tailândia, país de sua futura mulher. Com medo de que os incidentes da despedida de solteiro em Las Vegas se repitam, Stu organiza muito bem a comemoração, mas nada sai como o esperado, e as confusões prometem ser inimagináveis.
Largo Winch II
General Kyaw Min
Com a morte de seu pai, Largo Winch se torna presidente do grupo de empresas W Group. Ele não se adapta ao cargo e decide vender tudo, criando uma grande fundação beneficente. No dia da assinatura dos papéis, Largo é acusado de crimes contra a humanidade e precisa provar sua inocência.
Pop Star
An ordinary girl gets involved with a famous pop star who is on drugs and her life changes drastically...
Ong-Bak 3
Master Bua
A lenda de Ong Bak 3 começa após Tien (Tony Jaa) perder suas habilidades de luta e de seu padrasto e chegar a morte. Tien é devolvido à vida com a ajuda de Pim (Primrata Dechudom) Mhen (Petchai Wongkamlao) e moradores de Kana Khone. Através da meditação Tien está de volta em sua melhor forma para combater o mal.
Alle Sehnsucht dieser Erde
Pat is working as an insurance detective for the large insurance company IVV in Bangkok. She is tasked to find the former co-worker Jan Hansen who has embezzled tens of millions.
Ong-Bak 2: O Guerreiro Sagrado Voltou
Master Bua
Um jovem, no período Ayutthaya, cresce entre os aldeões que preservam o legado da tradicional dança mascarada Khon. Ele se torna um paria quando considera que seu grupo não segue as tradições de seus antepassados. Mas, seguindo o conselho de um misterioso guru, ele começa a desenvolver um novo estilo de luta que mistura a força das artes marciais com a elegância da dança Khon.
Demon Warriors
Opapatika is a special power that makes one become practically invincible. The power remains alive so long as that person is remains alive. In this film, five Opapatikas, each with their own unique power, are brought together. They meet in the middle of a great assassination that finally brings them loss, but a new start of their lives.
(as Nirut Sirijanya)
O agente especial Nick durante 8 anos trabalhou disfarçado no lucrativo negocio do crime organizado da Ásia. No seu trabalho joga e protege a um dos jogadores-chave, Banker. Nick tem de agir agora, mas começou a sentir necessidade de ser fiel e leal ao seu novo ambiente e ao dinheiro.
The Last Song
The Last Song tells the bittersweet story of Somying Dawrai, a beautiful and successful showgirl working in the famed transvestite cabaret Tiffani Show in Pattaya, Thailand. Somying swears to herself that she will never fall in love. However, when she meets Bunterm, a handsome young singer, her promise to herself falls by the wayside. While she's falling in love with him, Bunterm confesses to her that he has instead fallen in love with Somying's sister, Orathai.
Lieben und Töten
Elizabeth and Tom Schubert are going through a marital crisis due to jealousy of him. They decide given a new opportunity and travel to Phuket in Thailand, where they expected Julia, a friend of Elizabeth to that Tom does not support. The couple had a heated argument and she decides to leave with Julia for a few days, a period in which lives a romance with an attractive architect.
Guardião Real
King Chairacha
Em 1547, Fernando De Gama, um jovem soldado de Portugal, segue para o Oriente em busca de fortuna e do homem que matou sua família. Uma tempestade quase acaba com seus planos e ele é levado até a Tailândia, por árabes, para ser vendido como escravo. O destino de Fernando é ser guardião do Rei de Siam que acaba morto depois de uma covarde conspiração. Agora, para salvar sua própria pele, Fernando terá que descobrir quem são os mentores da traição contra o rei, além de vingar a morte da própria família.
Hit Man File
Tantai, a smart hit man is hired to silence some powerful godfathers who are linked to a business case. One of the major targets is Lheemeng, a big drug agent who's feuding with village chief Baum. Also involved a misled soldier named Sompong, who is an old enemy of Tantai. Meanwhile, Detective Chat is secretly watching it all, waiting for his time to clean up the outlaws.
The Siam Renaissance
Maneechan's Father
A mirror joins two worlds, modern-day Bangkok and Bangkok under Rama IV, together. Maneechan, a diplomat investigating recently uncovered documents in France concerning ancient Thailand, learns the story behind them first-hand as she travels back in time through the mirror.
Boonchu 1
Boonchu, a decent and innocent young man from Suphan, comes to Bangkok to fulfill his dream to become a university graduate. At class Boonchu meets Molee, a cute young girl whom he falls in love with. However, he realizes that it might be an impossible romance seeing how many other guys also share the same feeling towards her.
Operation Foxhunt
(archive footage)
Undercover cops are on the trail of a Caucasian drug baron.
Retroceder Nunca, Render-se Jamais 2
Colonel Tol Nol
Americano tenta resgatar sua noiva sequestrada pelas tropas Russas e Vietnamitas e mantida nas florestas do Sudeste da Asia.
Khad Cheuk
Tiger 6 Lands
The beginning of a transnational hunt when a gang of thieves rob a diamond in Hong Kong, but "David" disagrees with the action. hurt But the police arrested him as a co-incriminator. and was also targeted by a gang of thieves But the diamond shop's daughter saw the incident. So David was acquitted of the charges. The diamond heist group known as ASIAN KING robbed in Asian countries. to buy weapons of war And the final goal is to show the Siam Ruby diamond show in Thailand. Must mobilize to subdue good skills in the name of the 6 lands bad tigers to prevent and suppress the ASIAN KING gang to the end. Will the mission of the 6 lands bad tigers be successful?
Nam Tai Sok
Drakula Tok
Things seem to be normal in an area of Thailand. But then Dracula is summoned to that region from Europe. He goes after a young woman. He has a bunch of dancing female vampire servants. Devils, zombies and some other weird creatures also show up.
A teenage schoolgirl, the daughter of a sex star, is friends with an eccentric artist. Their friendship however is misunderstood by people around them.
The Man from Hell
A detective's bride and her bridesmaid are raped and killed on the eve of the wedding, and the bodies are left covered in red roses. The detective is drugged and framed for the murders and he must clear his name and find the killers.