Darío Sabina


Mi memoria carmesí
It is the beginning of a love story between a groupie and a contract killer who cross one night by chance in a hotel room where the two are staying.
The Second Death
Clueless on a gruesome case, a skeptical and lonely policewoman in a small village, is guided by a newly arrived clairvoyance gifted boy, who claims that the murderer is the Virgin Mary.
El hombre que corría tras el viento
Director of Photography
Post Production Consulting
Dois caminhos num dia de verão. Tristán perde a pasta e o amor. No dia seguinte, Cristina encontra uma aventura. Cristina e Tristán caminham numa Santiago do Chile abafada e contaminada. Ele tentando recobrar algo que nunca teve e ela, testemunha silenciosa de sua queda. Uma fábula urbana, uma pequena canção pop sobre um homem que busca e uma mulher que encontra.
Pin Boy
Color Grading
A country boy tries to find his place in Buenos Aires. He goes to live with his cousin in the outer suburbs and works as a parapalos ("pin setter") in one of the city's last hand-operated bowling alleys.