Paul Chung Fat

Paul Chung Fat

Nascimento : 1953-12-02, Chaozhou, Guangdong, China


Was a member of Madame Fan Fok-Fa's The Spring And Autumn Drama School's Peking Opera. Was a member of the Sammo Hung Stuntmen's Association.


Paul Chung Fat


Kung Fu Stuntmen
A new documentary film revisits the golden age of kung fu stuntmen and action directors in Hong Kong during the 1960s-'80s, exploring their pain and struggles. The documentary is a tribute to kung fu stuntmen. “They risked their lives for stunts,” said kung fu choreographer Yuen Bin. In their heyday, these stuntmen and choreographers presented the best, most creative and most complicated kung fu fight sequences anywhere in the world, creating stunts that looked seemingly impossible.
Soccer Killer
Ling Qiao Miao
In the Song Dynasty, a group of patriots play soccer against the traitor with a team of foreign enemies, royal pro-nobles, bandits, martial arts masters and embrace the country hatred to compete for the first time in the history of China International soccer match.
Rigor Mortis
Chin Siu-ho (Siu-ho), é um ex-ator caçador de vampiros, que agora encontra-se chegando ao fim da linha como uma estrela decadente, que também está separado de sua esposa e alienado de seu filho. Sem sorte e com apenas um dólar, ele verifica a sala 2442, de um conjunto habitacional, que é supostamente um apartamento mal-assombrado. Seu objetivo é acabar com sua miséria, mas em vez disso Siu-ho é interrompido por alguns dos outros "ocupantes" do edifício, incluindo um mestre taoísta-exorcista (Anthony Chan), uma dona de casa traumatizada com um passado trágico (Kara Hui), assim como uma mulher idosa aparentemente benigna (Paw Hee-ching), que tem um caixão vazio visivelmente pendurado no meio do seu apartamento.
It Takes a Thief
The plot is essentially a re-make of “Midnight Angel/The Justice Women.” Yukari plays HK Police Inspector Shum Ling. When a shootout goes wrong, one of her men, Ye Jin, is injured. He’s engaged to her sister, Tong, and Shum Ling must break the news of his death to Tong while she’s planning her wedding. She blames Ling for Jin’s death, and angrily rejects her. When Ling’s investigation fails to yield progress, Tong goes undercover as a masked vigilante.
Faces of Horror
Horror anthology with three stories. In the first, four youngsters return to the house that claimed their friend's life to confront the demon. Story 2 involves a single mother and her daughter who live with a curse. Finally, a wandering ghost searches for her still living lover.
Leopard Hunting
A late 90s action vehicle with several Girls with Guns ambitions seen in its casting, most obviously Yukari Oshima.
The Hunted Hunter
Fok's henchman
The Hunted Hunter is a Hong Kong Crime movie starring Yuen Biao
Vengeance Is Mine
A newly married bride's blissful life is suddenly shattered when her home is invaded by a group of thieves who murder her husband and take turns sexually assaulting her. As the years pass and the police come up with no leads, she decides to turn herself into a living weapon and track down the men who destroyed her happiness.
Deadful Melody
Hon Suen
A young security man must prove himself worthy by defending the one object wanted by all the masters of the Martial Arts world - the Magic Lyre!
A Dancing Boy in Underworld Street
The leader of an underground gang wants to collaborate with the gang in the Northern of Thailand to control the supply of weapon in Hong Kong, but unexpectedly, the game is changed by a newly formed gang led by Melvin Wong
The 13 Cold-Blooded Eagles
Shinshu monster
The Eagles are a group of orphans raised as killers, whose job is to liquidate baddies ….. or so they are lead to believe. Disharmony begins among the Eagles when they are ordered to kill Shinshu Monster, an ex-colleague of their loud-laughing leader, whom they call Foster Father. Before dying, Shinshu sows the seeds of doubt with the Eagle Yingming who, nearly dead, is nursed back to health by Quihua. Quihua's ill father is another of the Foster Father 's ex-colleagues, and is the holder of the Star Bleed Skill scroll, which the Eagle's leader covets above all else.
Crime Story
Ng Kwok-Wah / Wu Kuo Hua
Wong Yat Fei, um rico empresário de Hong Kong, suspeita que esta correndo o risco de novamente ser raptado. Ao pedir proteção a policia, O Inspetor Eddie Chan, é escalado para tentar impedir que o sequestro acontece. Depois de uma tentativa fracassada de salvar o empresario, que acaba sendo sequestrado e dois policiais são mortos, Eddie, que já estava tendo problemas por ter enfrentado um tiroteio onde havia ocasionado a morte dos bandidos tenta descobrir o paradeiro do empresário e seu sequestradores.
Danger of the Wedding
Yu Ping comes to Hong Kong in search of the murder who killed her father. She sings in a nightclub and meanwhile hires detective to track down the killer. On the stage, Yu Ping deeply fascinates Black Dragon, but she has a liking for the man next to him, with the name of Ox. They start to fall in love with each other. In an incident, Black Dragon is killed. Black Dragon’s sister and Ox denounce to avenge him.
Garras de Aço
Yuen Lung
Jovem é acusado de ser o responsável pelo desaparecimento de algumas garotas e descobre que foi usado por uma quadrilha especializada em tráfico de escravas brancas, agora ele precisa levar os culpados à justiça para provar a sua inocência.
Shadow Cop
Hsiong, a young narcotics officer, hooks up through comic accidents with a party girl named Witty. She shops, plays mahjongg, and charges him for every kiss, and they are in love. When he dies in the line of duty, his ghost stays around for a few weeks, hoping to get Witty's attention, trying futilely face to face and by phone, and then through a relative of hers who claims to have occult powers. Through this shadow cop's investigations, it comes to light how he died and where $10 million is that was the cause of his death. Before he disappears into the void, they leave each other final messages. Can their last wishes come true?
Ghost's Love
A young woman, Sin Yun, dates Wu Tian - a gangster. He drugs her and has intercourse, then turns her over to his gang. When she resists, they beat her to death and dump her body in Lake Tian. Her spirit returns to haunt Wu Tian. The ghost also contacts her sister and enters the body of another young woman who has been killed.
Angel of Vengeance
Lori é uma jovem mulher que sai a procura de sua irmã que foi raptada por um chefe da máfia que trafica garotas a fim de torná-las prostitutas. E nada e nem ninguém vai impedi-lá, e ela pretende derrubar todos os envolvidos.
Ladies Killer
Lok is a famous photographer. He always has sexual relationships with his models. Lok's wife loved him so much, she did not say a word. One day, a model Chi was found died in the studio. Police believe the murderer is Lok. However, he was helped by the lawyer...
Beauty Investigator
A serial killer is loose in Hong Kong, murdering hostesses from high class night clubs. As punishment for their flaky style and lack of discipline, two young policewomen are assigned to work undercover as hostesses to catch the sadist. While solving that crime, they discover who's behind some of the city's drug trade. In trying to halt this enterprise, which they undertake without orders, they must face the crime lord's Japanese hit woman.
Behind the Curtain
Behind the Curtain is a Taiwanese crime movie starring Kara Hui.
Ghost Killer
Lousy Chao
Drug courier Lousy Chao and his wife Ngor are killed by his boss, after being framed for drug substitution. His ghost finds a man with the same birthday, Ming, to help take revenge. The unfortunate Ming has just proposed to Hung, but Lousy hijacks his body, and starts by killing his immediate boss Shing Yiang To in a sauna. This alarms Shing's boss Nan. Meanwhile, the possessed Ming take nightclub host Jenny home for "late supper". Hung is sure something is amiss, and consults her taoist uncle Shun. Nan is further shaken when his partner Chuen is killed, but still keeps an appointment with Thai drug dealer Buddha. Up until this point, both Ming and Nan consider ghosts to be "bullshit", but they are soon convinced otherwise...
The Pretty Ghostress Story
A young man gets involved with a female ghost. He finds himself caught in the middle of a fight between a monk and The King of Hell.
To Be Number One
The story of Ho, a chinese peasant/slave worker who escapes to Hong Kong and becomes one of the most feared crime bosses in Hong Kong.
The Gambling Ghost
Leung's Scam Partner
Sammo Hung plays three different characters: Fatty, Fatty's father and Fatty's grandfather, Hung Kau. Fatty is a hotel worker, yearning for sudden wealth. Therefore, he, and his co-worker, enter the gambling world, to the dismay of his father. When Fatty hits rock bottom, the ghost of his grandfather resurrects to help him. However, Fatty learns that his grandfather was murdered, therefore, he will stop at nothing to avenge his death.
Ghost Gambler
Obscure HK horror film centered around the world of gambling. Not to be confused with the fantasy-comedy The Gambling Ghost starring Sammo Hung and released the same year.
Spiritual Trinity
Two ghostexterminators have been married for many years. But they encounter a ghost they can not manage on their own and therefore ask the wife's old boyfriend for help. This leads to a love triangle while the ghost is stronger than they had imagined.
Liao Zhai - Home for the Intimate Ghosts
High Priest
Very seldom shown erotic story of a cuckolded husband who departs his home and unwittingly becomes included with not one, but two, alluring ghosts. [Rim movies Catalog] Mandy and his spouse (that's right, Mandy is a man) will be an uncommon few under any conditions. Mandy fools around with young women while his spouse is within the home, nevertheless the wife isn't bothered a lot. She is just considering in the job she's offered Mandy, which is .... to frequently check with the neighborhood brothelkeeper, and find away if she's found guys with incredibly difficult manhoods. How hard ? Complicated enough to punch an opening in a sack of grain (ouch !). And one more thing. Mandy and his wife are ghosts. Of course, this means you will find people who are seeking to exorcise them. In between residential disputes and pursued exorcisms, there's acres of nudity and lots of sex.
Mortuary Blues
Treasure Hunter / Hsiu's Lover
On a remote island off Hong Kong, its rich and happy inhabitants are celebrating an annual ritual by staging an operatic show. The island is not productive but its people are rich. No wonder police chief Yuan Kuei becomes suspicious. He thinks he is sitting on top of a narcotics ring. His two men are ordered to watch closely movement of the opera people. Little does the chief know that actually the islanders are living off the loot their ancestors made by raiding a government gold galleon some centuries ago. They buried much of the treasure and a dormant vampire under a pagoda......
Pantyhose Hero
Robber with chainsaw
Two policemen must pretend to be a gay couple in order to investigate the murders of homosexuals in Hong Kong.
The Revenge of Angel
Chan Ping
Moon Lee plays a beautiful actress named Angel who is killed in a brutal fashion after she refuses the advances of a gangster. Twenty years later, a struggling young actor (Lau Chi-Wai) comes upon Angel's ghost, who teaches him some new moves which gain him the starring role in the local production, as well as the affection of one of the other stars of the show (Alvina Kong). In return, he and his uncle (Wu Ma) set out to help Angel gain her revenge on the gangster that took her life.
My Neighbours are Phantoms
Doggie Chan Ah Kau
Chingmy starts noticing some very odd things about the neighbors and it turns out they they are evil spirits needing the blood of 49 humans. Cheung Man is one of these spirits - but a kind hearted one who falls in love with Natalis Chan
She Shoots Straight
9th Uncle
Hong Kong police officer Mina Kao marries Huang Tsung-Pao, who is a member of a law enforcement dynasty. His father and his many sisters are also officers, and the eldest sister Chia-Ling is one of the highest ranking women in the police department. When a Vietnamese gang begins a rampage through the city, the women must overcome their suspicion of one another to bring the criminals to justice.
Stage Door Johnny
Lao Er
Shanghai is now in the 1920s. Pop's troupe of all female leads is struggling. Pop calls on Tsui to join him in the hope of her fighting sequences will pull the troupe out from imminent close-down. This enrages the actresses who are already quarreling among themselves. However, they come together with godfather Chang, who has favour to one of them. Young Lu and his friends are new generation of underworld toughs. They resist Chang's invasion because Chang deals in narcotics...
The Spooky Family
Hung Ping is a vampire buster in early 20th century China. He shares his home with his fortune teller wife, his dim-witted son, his beautiful daughter Fa and their ghost servant. We follow Hung on his exploits as he tries to capture the copper vampire, a bloodthirsty demon that brings misfortune to whomever controls him.
The Fortune Code
Japanese officer
Set in China during the Japanese occupation. A young man breaks out of a POW camp to marry his sweetheart, but finds she is now a spy for the resistance, code-named "Number 3". With the help of "Number 2" he returns to the camp to find "Fortune", an agent who possesses the pass-code to a Swiss bank account with $500 billion intended for the Chinese army.
Ghost Busting
Master Cheung Kwok Wing
Salesmen Bangladesh and Robert once worked in countryside and came across a female ghost and a sissy ghost, but their driver was killed by the ghosts unfortunately. Bangladesh and Robert were rescued by a Taoist Master, Cheung. They were so scared that they had to find a new job. The boss of the new company, Mr. Kan, authorized his daughter to be the manageress. His son, Tin Wai, was jealous and requested various ghosts to make a mess of the company in order to usurp power. So, the staff receive special training on exorcising ghosts.
Vampire Buster
Demon from the Vase
In ancient China, a demon was defeated in a fierce battle with a priest, who sealed it's evil spirit in a vase. Centuries later, during the cultural revolution, rebels attempted to gain possession of the vessel from the priest's descendant; however, he threw it into the ocean to keep it from being tampered. The vase was recovered years later in Hong Kong and was auctioned off to a councilman. The demon, unfortunately, escaped and took control of the councilman's body, beginning a spree of terror in the city.
Lady Reporter
Te's thug in rat scene
Cindy, an American FBI agent, travels to Hong Kong to investigate a newspaper editor, Ronny Dak, who is suspected of printing counterfeit money using the newspaper’s presses. The American teams up with a rival reporter and her friend Yu, an undercover law enforcer. Cindy’s investigation takes a sharp turn, however, when Yu’s father, the prosecuting lawyer in the counterfeiting case, is kidnapped.
Confronto Arriscado
Master 5's thug
O filme conta a história de Lo Tung (Sammo Hung), líder de um grupo de condutores de riquixás. Lo, juntamente com seus três melhores amigos, leva uma vida normal até que é forçado a enfrentar o maléfico Mestre Yu, um criminoso inescrupuloso e assassino frio que está barbarizando na sua região.
Mr Vampire Saga 4
Taoist Crane
A Taoist priest protests against the idea of a Buddhist priest being his neighbour. They often argue with each other until a vampire is at large and threatens the villagers' safety.
Spooky, Spooky
Coroner Queency
Years ago, a village head in the Hong Kong countryside executed a man for committing adultery by drowning him in the ocean. His mistress, in attempts to flee the village, dies when she plummets into a pool of quicksand. Years later, people swimming in the ocean mysteriously vanishes, and their bodies wash ashore days later. A local policeman named Lu Hsien who practices Taoist magic believes a water ghost (presumably the ghost of the adulterer) is responsible for their deaths. Therefore, he joins forces with his colleague, Wang Hsiao-Ming, to rid the countryside of this demon before he can strike again. However, Hsiao-Ming is unaware that the ghost of the mistress, having risen out of her muddy grave, fell in love with him and will see to it that no other person falls for him.
The Vampire Partner
Three Against the World
Gambler on train
Three Against The World is a 1988 Hong Kong action film directed by Brandy Yuen and starring Andy Lau and Rosamund Kwan.
Miss Magic
Uncle Fok
When a woman suspects that her actor-husband has been fooling around with an actress, she commits suicide. Afterwards, she becomes a vengeful ghost and haunts her former husband and his co-workers. As a result, the actors seek the help of stagehand Uncle Fok, who practices Taoist magic.
Chaos By Design
Fake Mr X
Controversial director Angela Chan explores the "La Cage Aux Folles" demi-monde that thrives in today's Hong Kong, but which has never before been portrayed in a major movie. Alex To plays a handsome fashion designer trapped in a tangle of ambiguous relationships that becomes even more complex when he falls for a beautiful D.J. (Cecilia Yip) who, with the help of her best friend (Cherie Chung), is trying to get out of an arranged marriage. This film looks and sounds like a comedy, but has some serious comments about a veiled segment of Hong Kong.
Dragões Para Sempre
Thug on Ship
Uma tranquila fazendeira começa a perceber que suas terras estão sendo poluídas. Os detritos vêm de uma industria instalada nas proximidades e por isso ela decide procurar o dono para reclamar e pedir que alguma providência seja tomada. Porém o que acontece é que o industrial chama seu bando de capangas para resolver a questão… O que eles não sabiam é que a jovem fazendeira conquistou dois aliados para sua causa e para defendê-la também.
Shy Spirit
Mr Ko
Two feuding families brag about their sons on christening day. One, called Long-life, is destined to die early, while Sing, the other, will do well. Twenty years pass. Long-life has survived, and he fancies pretty Hsio. In a scene stolen from My Life As A Dog, he spies on her in the shower, falls through the roof, kisses her as he lands..... but then her spirit leaves her body. Having died naked, Hsio wanders around sans clothing, and is dubbed the Shy Ghost by other spirits she meets. What follows mainly concerns her family and friend's efforts to lay her spirit to rest. These include taking revenge on Long-Life, getting some clothes to her, stacks of fu fighting, incantations and a duel between a buddhist and a taoist.
The Haunted Cop Shop
Chung Fat Pak
The police station used to be the army club during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. Many Japanese officers committed hara kiri there on V-J Day. The old building thus became a ghost house. Petty thief Ming is detained in the basement. It is the Ghost Festival when ghosts are allowed one night's leave. The Colonel shows up and bites Ming, who becomes a vampire.
Os Condores do Oriente
Soldier Sitting in Staging Area
Um grupo de prisioneiros asiáticos nos EUA recebe uma chance de perdão se forem ao Vietnã destruir uma base de mísseis secreta que os americanos deixaram para trás no fim da guerra. Lá se unem a um grupo de guerrilheiras e um artista marcial local, mas há um traidor entre eles e é preciso chegar à base antes dos vietnamitas. Guerra, humor e ação nesta espécie de Os Doze Condenados (1967) de Hong Kong.
Na Beira do Abismo
Red Porsche Cop
Jason Chan, a Hong Kong lawyer, is angry at the way the law protects criminals and decides to take the law into his own hands, dishing out vigilante justice when a key witness and his entire family are murdered. But hotshot cop Cindy Si is soon on Chan's case, and the situation unravels into a fight that only a few will survive.
Cristal Mágico
Triad Boss' Thug
Archaeologist Shum finds an antique jade with supernatural power in Greece. The stone is wanted both by KGB's agent Karoff and the Interpol. Shum asks his friend Nike (Andy Lau) for help. However, Shum is finally caught by KGB but the jade is slipped into the hands of a boy called Pan.
Mr. Vampire II
Professor Kwok Tun-Wong
Modern grave robbing "archeologists" find perfectly preserved specimens from the past of a man, a woman, and their child. Unbeknownst to the scientist and his two bumbling assistants, these are vampires immobilized only by the paper spells pasted on their foreheads. While transporting the child to a buyer, its spell blows off and the vampire child escapes and befriends some local children. Eventually, the parent vampires are also awakened and escape, but by now the local herbalist is on their trail to destroy them.
Two ambitious graduates of the police academy bumble their way through their first big case.
Tang's assistant in black suit
Hsia and Lei Kung are two bumbling cops assigned to protect the gorgeous Rosa, girlfriend to a missing informer named Lee. But Rosa's wanted by more than just the law - the bad guys want her for leverage, and Lei Kung just wants her to be his girlfriend! Meanwhile, Hsia attempts to romance Lei Kung's sister, and the bad guys prepare for a final blow-out fight sequence!
New Mr. Vampire
Master Chin
A Hopping Ghost terrorizes a local warlord causing the local Tao Priest to compete for his services to rid the town of the menace.
The Millionaires Express
Mountain Bandit
What happens when a glamorous express, with high government officials, wealthy merchants, concubines and a gang of brigands on board, speeds towards the small town of Hanshui, where escaping bank robbers, corrupt officials, and gamblers await? Well, let's just say the Titanic had a smoother maiden voyage.
Yes, Madam! Justiça em Dose Dupla
Big Moustache / Mad Dog
A Inspetora Ng se une à Inspetora Carrie Morris em busca de um micro-filme com provas criminosas. Porém, dois ladrões azarados acabam encontrando o micro-filme antes.
Coração de Dragão
Fa / Moose
Um policial (Jackie Chan) tem a difícil tarefa de cuidar do seu irmão deficiente mental (Sammo Hung). Quando ele acidentalmente se envolve num roubo, ele é sequestrado por bandidos e seu irmão tem que salvá-lo. O filme se concentra com muita ação, no ressentimento do policial em cuidar do seu irmão e os sacrifícios que tem que fazer por ele. Os ocidentais chamaram este filme de o Rain Man das artes marciais.
Guarda Costas do Inimigo
Parachute Assassin
Um informante da polícia enviou uma carta contendo informações sigilosas sobre a operação ilegal de drogas para o seu amigo, Yi-Ching. Durante suas férias na Tailândia, o informante é assassinado por capangas do traficante e para encobrir o seu funcionamento, eles tentam eliminar Yi-Ching e o agente duplo Lau. De volta em Hong Kong, os detetives Muscles e Ricky Fung são designados para proteger Lau e Barbara Woo é designada para proteger Yi-Ching.
Those Merry Souls
Messenger of death
Chiu Chi-Lung and Ng Kuai-Tak are two movie stunt actors in Hong Kong and are suspicious of Lung's father Chiu's mysterious behavior. Unbeknownst to them, Chiu was commissioned as a "messenger" by the Spirit World to take newly-departed souls to the other side. When Tak suffers a major accident on the movie set, Chiu keeps Tak's soul from being taken away, thereby, reviving him.
Zu: Time Warrior
Blue Commander
This is the US Release Version of Zu: Warriors From The Magic Mountain. Features additional footage extending the backstories of the main protagonists, and a simpler story line with the deletion of other footage.
The Return of Pom Pom
Sherlock Holmes
Hong Kong detectives Chau and Beethoven return in this sequel to "Pom Pom." This time out, they join forces with their boss, Inspector Chan, to find the notorious Flying Spider, who is suspected of stealing government money Chan was responsible for. Meanwhile, Beethoven falls in love with Flying Spider's daughter, Mimi.
Pom Pom
Chau and Beethoven, two Hong Kong police detectives, go through misadventures to protect a young girl from a ruthless crime lord, as she possesses a ledger that contains all of the gangster's activities. In the mix is a tough, no-nonsense policewoman, who falls for one of the detectives. Written by Oliver Chu
Perdedores e Vencedores
Chan Chiu's Bodyguard
Cinco ex-presidiários tornan-se amigos na cadeia e após serem libertados resolvem morar juntos e viver honestamente. Unidos pelo objetivo comum de trabalhar e restabelecer suas vidas dentro da lei, seguem seus rumos normalmente até que uma maleta cheia de doláres falsos e com as placas de impressão, de um mafioso em potencial, acaba no carro deles. Agora, para não serem mortos ou acabarem tendo que voltar para a prisão, terão que se livrar da maleta e resgatr a irmã de um deles, raptada pelo mafioso.
The Trail
Action Director
A gang of opium smugglers, disguised as Taoist Priests transporting hopping corpses, are hired to transport a real dead body to it's final resting place.
The Trail
A gang of opium smugglers, disguised as Taoist Priests transporting hopping corpses, are hired to transport a real dead body to it's final resting place.
Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain
Blue Commander
In the fifth century, constant civil war scars western China. To escape death, Ti, a young scout, jumps through a crevice in the Zu mountains where he gets entangled in a great battle against the Blood Demon, a supernatural entity seeking to wreak havoc upon the world.
To Hell with the Devil
The Devil
A shmo makes a deal with the devil so he can become a great Pop star just to impress his dream girl. After he makes the deal, a catholic priest hangs around him to try and convince him that he screwed up and he needs to get his soul back or he'll be damned for eternity. Well, everything goes bad for the shmo and he wants his soul back. But, the devil's lacky doesn't want to give it back. So the priest and the devil's lackey go at it mano y mano.
O Morto e o Mortal
Wah Li, conhecido como Fat Boy por seus amigos, vive com seu tio-avô, um sacerdote (o tio). Junto com seus amigos esquisitos Lai Li e Momo, Wah Li ajuda o tio para executar os serviços funerários locais. Quando o corpo Ma Lun Chio é trazido de volta para a aldeia por sua nova esposa e seu "irmão", e Wai Li acaba sendo considerado suspeito. Contudo ele se propõe a descobrir como seu amigo morreu, mas as coisas não são o que parecem...
A Vingança do Filho Pródigo
Mr Law
Jovem mimado, filho de um rico empresário, pensa que é o melhor lutador da cidade. Mas não sabe que todas as suas lutas são armadas por empregados de seu pai. Quando ele entra em uma luta de verdade e é humilhado, descobre a farsa e decide treinar kung-fu com um lendário mestre para poder se vingar.
The Phantom Killer
Sun Chi
Talented, young and handsome, Siu is a hero to the town folks and idol of the girls. Still, he has an avowed enemy, bad man Kam. Lately, several girls are murdered immediately after they met Siu. Sheriff Chiu is unable to find a lead but decides to trail Siu. Siu calls on his long time girlfriend Sien Sien but find her grieved by her sister's disappearance. Something untold does happen to Siu as he walks into an ambush set up by Kam. Chiu rushes to Siu's rescue and incidentally finds blood coming out from a porcelain statue. The statue turns out to be an enameled corpse...
Encounter of the Spooky Kind
Priest Tsui
Sammo is Courageous Cheung, a pedicab driver in a rural community who is known around town as the man who fears nothing. Well, this is proved false before the opening credits finish when he endures a particularly frightening nightmare of flesh-eating zombies. But, that's just the beginning of his run-ins with the supernatural.
By Hook or By Crook
Chung Fa-Pai, the Golden Killer
'FLOWER KID' was a 'Robin Hood' type of hero who robs the rich and gives the poor. He was adored by many people especially a kid named 'FATSO', who considered himself as 'FLOWER KID jr.' Madam Bee, a woman of guts and evil hated 'FLOWER KID' because he once refused to kill her husband. She then married a rich 'Big Shot' and used his money and power to hire a bounty hunter called 'SKINNY'. Skinny caught the imitating hero 'Fatso'. They fought, understood, became good friends and went on look for 'Flower Kid'...
The Victim
Chung Yao, a martial arts expert, has long been on the run from his stepbrother, who he caught trying to rape his wife on their wedding night. His brother has never given up the chase however, and Chung Yao live in constant fear that the vengeful stepbrother will murder him and his wife.
Two Toothless Tigers
Two men each possess half of a treasure map, but over the years, their greed has prevented either from actually finding the treasure. But it seems that they may now be too late, as a third man plots to steal the treasure right out from under them.
Death Duel of Kung Fu
Ming General Cheng (Wang Dao) and his band of soldiers escape to Taiwan after Ching forces topple the Ming Dynasty. Still fearing the deposed general's deadly potential, however, the Ching prince Ta orders his own band of ruthless mercenaries to finish off Cheng and his warriors. The rivals prove to be equally skilled, and soon everybody is kung fu-fighting in this action-heavy martial arts spectacular.
The Magnificent Butcher
Weird Cat
A plump butcher student of Wong Fei Hung, Lam Sai-Wing gets into trouble with a rival kung-fu school known as Five Dragons. He is accused of raping the Head of that school's goddaughter and killing his son. Now Ko, the Head of Five Dragons, wants revenge.
Crazy Partner
Smart Boy and Big Eyes are happy foes, and idly cheat one another to make a living. One day, they meet and injured man who has a secret for them.
His Name is Nobody
Ping the Dreg
Lau Kar-Wing plays "Nobody", an orphan who grows up stealing food to survive, learning some meagre skills as a con artist. When he meets a true master con artist, he begs to become a pupil and learn some tricky kung fu. The pair are later separated, and Nobody finds another master to learn more deadly skills.
Combate Sem Fim
Martial Arts Choreographer
Dois rivais mestres nas artes marciais O Rei da Espada e O Rei da Lança se encontram de dez em dez anos, para num combate tirarem a teima de qual dos dois tem a melhor técnica. Esses combates terminam sempre empatados, e com o passar dos anos, já envelhecidos, resolvem cada um treinar seu próprio discípulo para que os combates possam continuar. Porém, um poderoso inimigo aparece pondo em risco a vida dos dois mestres. Eles percebem então que a única chance de vitória é unirem forças para enfrentá-lo. Aclamado mundialmente, Combate Sem Fim é considerado uma verdadeira aula de Kung-fu nas técnicas de manuseio da espada e da lança.
Combate Sem Fim
Ti (Scarface's Fighter)
Dois rivais mestres nas artes marciais O Rei da Espada e O Rei da Lança se encontram de dez em dez anos, para num combate tirarem a teima de qual dos dois tem a melhor técnica. Esses combates terminam sempre empatados, e com o passar dos anos, já envelhecidos, resolvem cada um treinar seu próprio discípulo para que os combates possam continuar. Porém, um poderoso inimigo aparece pondo em risco a vida dos dois mestres. Eles percebem então que a única chance de vitória é unirem forças para enfrentá-lo. Aclamado mundialmente, Combate Sem Fim é considerado uma verdadeira aula de Kung-fu nas técnicas de manuseio da espada e da lança.
Kung Fu vs. Yoga
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
Vegetable Hawker / Big Eyes
Yipao e Taipao são dois amigos malandros de rua que passam a maior parte do tempo planejando como irão aplicar um novo golpe. Suas armações não têm limites e de um modo geral os dois sempre conseguem se livrar de seus cobradores. Contudo em determinado dia o inevitável acontece, isto é, alguém mais esperto que eles lhes aplica uma pequena lição, seu nome é Chia. Yipao e Taipao decidem pedir a Chia que lhes ensine o verdadeiro Kung Fu. Sem ter como se livrar da incomoda dupla, Chia se vê obrigado a aceitá-los como alunos.
The Lama Avenger
Thug with pole
When two acrobats are fired for fighting with punks in the audience, they go to live with an aunt who's being pressured to sell her house for a real estate development. The developer's nasty son, Lee Fu, decides to muscle the sale, and soon he's at war with the acrobats, plus their unlikely ally, an American named John who used to be Lee Fu's friend. The acrobats open a kung fu school, the scene of several battles with Lee Fu's thugs. A fight to the death, jail time, auntie's surprise decision, a budding acting career, a possessive girlfriend, a debilitating injury, a friendship that needs recalibrating, and Lee Fu's avenger are all in the mix before the end.
The Incredible Kung Fu Master
Sei Gao
Tung Wei (18 Fatal Strikes Enter The Dragon) is a lad who wants to learn kung fu. He trains in two different styles: Hung Gar and Wing Chun. Everything is fine until a jealous master creates a rift between Tung's two teachers, and he has to choose sides. But a bigger problem looms ahead. The Tiger Master, played by Philip Ko (Dragon On Fire, Fearless Dragons), wants to fight both men to the death. They're no match for him, so Tung goes to the one man who can train him properly: Sammo Hung
A Grande Luta
Beggar/Thunder's Men
Após descobrir um complô para assassinar o chefe da aldeia de Fo Shan, Chan Wah encontra-se em fuga de uma quadrilha de bandidos liderado pelo empresário corrupto, Mo. Wah é forçado a se esconder dos bandidos na residência de Leung Jan, médico e mestre do estilo Wing Chun. Após a gangue matar sua mãe, Wah implora a Leung Jan para adotá-lo como aluno para que ele possa vingar sua morte. Leung Jan recusa, mas acaba por reconsiderar a sua decisão após a intervenção de seu aluno, Fei Chun.
Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog
Chicken's blood brother
Multi-Hand Chick asks Crazy Frog for protection after stealing someone's wallet at the casino. Foolishly he accepts, and even more foolishly he follows her home and removes his Invincible Armor when she pretends to be willing to sleep with him. Of course she steals it, and when he tries to follow her, he's stopped by Dirty Tiger who is on a mission to bring Crazy Frog back to his wife. However, Dirty Tiger would really like to have that armor himself...
Operação Dragão Gordo
Ah Lung é um jovem fã de carteirinha do Bruce Lee que vai para Hong Kong trabalhar no restaurante de seu tio. Apesar de seu sobrepeso e de seu jeito desastrado, conhece muito bem a arte do kung fu e faz de tudo para igualar-se ao seu ídolo, se metendo em diversas encrencas com bandidos locais.
Jogo da Morte
Extra (uncredited)
Billy Lo é um ator de filmes de artes marciais e sua namorada, Ann Morris, é uma cantora que está atingindo a fama. Agora, o sindicato quer que os dois se unam a eles, mas Billy sabe que serão tratados como propriedades e, após um ataque que quase o mata, forja sua morte e prepara uma vingança impiedosa.
Kung Fu Means Fists, Strikes and Sword
Crazy Sword, Blind Fist and Queer Strikes are three kung fu fanatics who team up with Mung, the debonair master in white. Together the four real friends smash a massive kung fu gang led by Moose Face, Tsai Hung. Once smashed the girls are freed from vice and valuables returned to their rightful owners. A kung fu rare classic from Goldig Films.
Broken Oath
One of Qi's men
Jie-Lian nunca teve uma chance. Sua mãe fervia de raiva por ter sido presa injustamente por seu estuprador por ter furado seu olho. Sua mãe repetidamente fez boas amigos e companheira de prisão, Mil mãos, cuidou de Jie-Lian para se vingar por ela como um adulto. Jie-Lian é dada a um mosteiro e cresce ali, mas 20 anos de paz e amor não fazem qualquer ideia sobre a historia de Jie-Lian, que ignora os ensinamentos do budismos para a pratica de seu bastão e as técnicas da espada. Unindo forças com Mil Mãos e seus novos amigos, Jie-Lian recebe sua chance de vingança.
Soul Brothers of Kung Fu
Dois imigrantes ilegais fazem amizade com um rapaz bom de briga. Quando ele se junta às Tríades, organizações criminosas de Hong Kong, seus dois companheiros iniciam uma batalha mortal contra os bandidos para resgatá-lo.
O Monge com Punhos de Ferro
Husker is a student of the Shaolin monks, learning kung fu so that he can avenge his uncle who was murdered by the Manchus who control the province. He leaves his training early, desperate to teach the killers a lesson, and teams up with a martial artist monk who is teaching a group of factory workers how to defend themselves. When the Manchus strike again, Husker and his Buddhist pal decide it's time to even the score.
A Trama Shaolin
O Príncipe Daglen é um dos melhores artistas marciais do seu país e está planejando subjugar todas as escolas de artes marciais. Primeiro, ele enviou os "Pratos de Ouro" do lama tibetano à escola Kunlun para exigir o segredo máximo do chefe Ku. Ku se recusa, mas perde a luta. No entanto, seu filho "Pequeno Tigre" consegue escapar com o segredo. O "Pequeno Tigre" busca a proteção do monge Shaolin Pu Hui. O lama fere Pu Hui e descobre o segredo com "Pequeno Tigre". O Príncipe Daglen agora vai para o Templo Shaolin, ele se apresenta como um monge Shaolin e entra no templo para roubar os segredos. "Pequeno Tigre" fica sabendo da trama do Príncipe por acidente. Seu mestre Pu Hui o envia a Shaolin para alertar os monges. Mas Daglen raptou o abade e exige que o monge negocie os segredos de Shaolin para o abade. O "Pequeno Tigre" invade o palácio de Daglen, causando uma série de lutas ferozes com o Príncipe Daglen.
The Himalayan
The Tseng family is one of the most noble and respected clans in a small village in Tibet. The patriarch of the Tseng family wants to marry off his daughter Ching Lan into the Kao clan. However, the cunning and deceitful eldest brother Kao Chu only wants his younger sibling Kao I-Fan to marry Lan so he can gain access to the Tseng family's considerable wealth and power.
The Tournament
As the title indicates, Angela and her brother played by Carter Wong fights in a Thai kick boxing tournament. Angela Mao shows her amazing skills in this movie, and she's in her top form. The movie is also beautifully shot, and its quality is a notch or two above similar movies of the era.
The Young Dragons
Wan Fai's assistant
The powerful mobster Leung, who is protected by the dangerous and wicked Huan Fai, sells two hundred Japanese weapons and ammunition to a Chinese gang. He uses the smuggler Luy Fu to bring the weapons but the smalltime thief Kim and his gang heist the shipment on the road and dump the cargo into the sea. However, he lures Luy Fu and asks a large amount to return the weapons with the intention of traveling abroad with his brother. Meanwhile Kim befriends Fan Ming, an undercover police office from Shanghai that is investigating the illegal activities of Leung. When the mobster finds that Fan Ming is a policeman, Leung ambushes him and Huan Fai and his men stab the officer that falls from a cliff into the sea. Kim brings Fan Ming's fiancée Ipi Feng to the house of his lover, the prostitute Hung, and tells Ipi Feng that her fiancé was murdered by Leung. She decides to revenge the death of her beloved Fan Ming with tragic consequences.
The Bravest Fist
After intimidating numerous towns and bullying the residents, Chan Wai Man goes on a fierce attack against the thugs responsible.
Freedom Strikes a Blow
A martial arts fighter, haunted by his past, takes a job as a dock worker in a small village. His vow never to fight again is tested by the cruel owner of the pier.
Operação Dragão
Guard Executed by Bolo
O chefão chinês Han realiza um torneio de artes marciais em sua ilha-fortaleza, mas o evento serve apenas de desculpa para o recrutamento de novos distribuidores de ópio.