Toni Marín


Executive Producer
Baseado nos quadrinhos homônimos de Paco Roca, RUGAS é um longa animado em 2D para adultos. Retrata a amizade entre Emilio e Miguel, dois idosos trancafiados em um asilo. Recém chegado, Emilio, nos estágios iniciais de Alzheimer, é ajudado por Miguel e outros colegas a não ser mandado para o “andar de cima” do asilo, também conhecido pelas “causas perdidas”. Seus planos loucos dão humor e ternura ao cotidiano tedioso. Ainda que para muitos suas vidas houvessem acabado, eles acabaram de começar uma nova.
Winnipeg, Seeds of Hope
Executive Producer
At the end of the Spanish Civil War, almost half a million people moved by fear of reprisals to France. A hundred thousand of them were children. The French Government overflowed by the human avalanche, put them in improvised refugee camps. Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, former consul in Spain before the war, convinced the President of Chile to save more than two thousand refugees. The film tells the story of Julia, a little girl that escapes Barcelona with his father, a young widower. They embarked on the Winnipeg, a ship chartered by Neruda. That saved them from a dark future in Europe. Now, she is “a daughter of Neruda”, as the descendants of the 2,200 refugees call themselves.