Kōzō Uchida

Nascimento : 1881-01-21, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


The Worship of the Flesh
Hot Springs Geisha
Um olhar sobre a vida de uma tropa de gueixas trabalhando em uma pequena cidade costeira. Na maioria das vezes, suas vidas consistem em cumprimentar cargas de barcos de homens de negócios excedentes e proporcionar entretenimento obsceno durante a noite, seguido de companhia privada à noite, intercalada com brigas ocasionais com a casa de gueixas rival. Sua rotina é repentinamente desencadeada pelo aparecimento de um bebê abandonado no dormitório das gueixas, seguido por seu desaparecimento pouco tempo depois. Quem poderia ser responsável por uma coisa dessas?
Tokugawa: Genealogia Feminina
Durante a era Tokugawa, o Shogun tinha um harém de 3.000 mulheres condenadas a conhecer apenas um homem na sua vida, ele. Tudo é bom para elas ganharem os seus favores e compartilharem as suas fraldas. Manipulado, decepcionado, o Shogun afunda na paranóia e se entrega à crueldade psicológica e sexual. Uma trágica história de amor envolvendo o 5.º Shogun (Tokugawa Tsunayoshi) da dinastia Tokugawa e uma mulher que se tornou uma de suas concubinas.
Once and For All Pt.2
Continuation of the film Once and For All about two yakuza brothers Joji and Goro.
Phantom Monster Agon
A re-edit of the 1968 Agon miniseries. Released by Toho Video in the 1980s
Once and For All
Film concerning warring yakuza families.
The Horizon Glitters
5 criminals organize a jailbreak in search of a cache of stolen diamonds.
Counterattack of a Queen Bee
Cave Queens
Rumi (Yoko Mihara) and Emi (Masayo Banri) are sisters who dance nightly at the Blue Moon cabaret, which happens be the headquarters of a drug ring. Offstage, Rumi captivates the gang boss, Iwahara (Shuntaro Emi); while Emi attracts the portly club manager, Yajima (Saburo Sawai). Meanwhile their older brother Shinichi (Ryo Kuromaru), a seaman, is unwittingly assisting Iwahara with his drug running. When Shinichi’s ship is sea-jacked by another drug gang, an outraged Iwahara suspects him of treachery and has him beaten and confined in a dungeon-like basement. Rumi and Emi try to free him, but a gang hitman discovers them - and their attempt ends in failure. Now under suspicion themselves, the girls try to escape, but luck goes against them and they are taken to an island where Iwahara and his crew plan to ambush the rival gang.
Queen Bee and College Boy Ryu
Japanese action film.
Japanese war film.
Queen of the China Sea
Rika, a manageress of a night club is about to be arrested on suspicion of smuggling. However, she escapes through the assistance rendered her by First Lieutenant Yokoyama of the Japanese Naval Commander's Office. After the end of war, Yokoyama plans to escape from riot-ridden Amoy and finally succeeds with the help of Rika to whom he gives a destroyer. Rika is actually the leader of a gang of pirates, and plans to rule the East China Sea by crushing Banryu, her rival.
Queen Bee's Anger
Part of the Queen Bee series.
Secret White Line Zone
First film in Teruo Ishii's Line series.
Japanese comedy film.
Queen Bee
Earlier version or Prequel to Queen Bee and the School for Dragons.
Woman Diver's Terror
Chie, who's chosen as 'Ms. Woman Diver', and her friend Yuki, have been missing for several days after they left for Tokyo to be interviewed by a magazine. Later, Yuki is found dead in the sea. Yoshi, Chie's sister, along with sailor Shunsuke, try to find Chie. Soon they learn about a conspiracy with diamonds in a ship sunk in the sea.
King of the Ring: The World of Glory
Boxing film directed by Teruo Ishii in his directorial debut.
1956 Japanese film, originally released in two parts.
Japanese comedy film.