Barbu Bălășoiu


Something Is About to Happen
Director of Photography
A woman whose life takes a definitive turn the day that loses her job as a computer programer.
Director of Photography
When he spies on his partner, Camil discovers something sinister: a cult with white robes and strange rituals. Sebastian Mihăilescu’s experimental narrative cinema plays with myths, gender roles, and the set pieces of the horror genre.
Day of the Tiger
Director of Photography
31-year-old Vera is a vet in a small-town zoo veterinarian in Transylvania. After losing her new-born baby, she becomes obsessed with giving him the proper Eastern Orthodox burial rituals, spends more time at work and subsequently drifts apart from her husband, Toma. One day a tiger escapes from the zoo…
The Girl With the Golden Hands
Director of Photography
East Germany, in autumn 1999. Gudrun Pfaff is about to turn sixty when she finds out that the orphanage she grew up in is being sold to turn into a hotel, and she is willing to do anything to stop it.
A Higher Law
Ecaterina, a high school Religion teacher and wife of the town priest, gets involved with Iuliu, a 16-year-old student with a troubled past. Ecaterina tries to keep him under control, but she loses her own sense of control in this process.
You Are Ceaușescu to Me
Director of Photography
An experimental blend of documentary and fiction in which young people aged between 15 and 22 from different backgrounds are auditioning for the role of young Nicolae Ceausescu in the mid-1930s while trying to find the drive behind his actions.
You Know Him
Director of Photography
Doctor Kemal is head of a private hospital, is ambitious and has the best intentions for the residents of Istanbul. He is the best candidate for mayor of the Beyoglu district – in his opinion. An opinion not shared by his sceptical ex-wife; nor by the voters who come to eat and drink at his expense; nor the party leader, who even after several meetings still thinks he's an architect rather than a doctor; not even his faithful chauffeur. The slogan 'the doctor has the cure' might be catchy, but the doctor has little clue how sick the climate of political nepotism really is.
The Parallel State
Director of Photography
Dan, a twenty-something security specialist, receives an ominous phone call. A spa resort. A high-profile client who triggers a game of unclear stakes. Dan gets a chance to go from nobody to somebody.
The Last Trip to the Seaside
Director of Photography
Six passengers are traveling to the seaside in a train compartment. After a while, a suspicion makes some of them lose their composure and the remainder of the trip goes terribly wrong.
Director of Photography
Algumas semanas depois que sua esposa Ioana morre em um acidente de carro, bêbado e sozinho na noite em que ele completar 42 anos, Alexandru recebe uma visita. Sebastian, um homem tímido e mais jovem, é amante de Ioana nos últimos cinco meses. Sebastian tem um pedido ultrajante: ele quer Alexandru para ajudá-lo a superar o desespero causado pela morte de Ioana.
Nada Além da Vida
Director of Photography
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.
When It Snows
Laur asks the owners’ association in the building he lives in to fix the elevator for his pregnant girlfriend. Throughout the meeting, we witness an absurd world, which imposes its own rules, outside of all that is humane and logical.
Nothing But the Wind
What is the true phrase? Heart is where the home is? Home is where the heart is? Bajo (37) is Bosnian-born Swede. After 18 years he has to visit his hometown. Against his will, Sarajevo is changing him. But that does not make him less Swedish or more Bosnian, just more himself. Or simply, home is where you are.
Director of Photography
Lary (Mimi Branescu) vai com a esposa à casa da família, para a comemoração de um ano desde a morte do pai. Lá eles encontram outros familiares, das mais diversas gerações. Todos aguardam a chegada de um padre da Igreja Ortodoxa para realizar uma oração e benzer a casa. Enquanto esperam, as conversas paralelas revelam desde banalidades da vida cotidiana até conflitos entre alguns integrantes.
Director of Photography
Wolf is a lonely boy who surrounds himself by a world that responds to his desires. He brings Clara, the girl he loves, inside this world but when he can't be sure if she is still real or become imaginary he feels trapped and wants to escape.
Half Shaved
Director of Photography
At the beginning of 1991, after the Romanian Revolution, an old barber meets by chance his former torturer who came in for a shave. Quickly, the parts are inverted though the client refuses to acknowledge that he has been recognized. He says that it is a mistake but to no avail because the barber is convinced he is right. And while latter holds the razor against the client's neck, he gets scarier and scarier wishing for revenge and payback time. Will the victim spare his former torturer?
Half Shaved
Associate Producer
At the beginning of 1991, after the Romanian Revolution, an old barber meets by chance his former torturer who came in for a shave. Quickly, the parts are inverted though the client refuses to acknowledge that he has been recognized. He says that it is a mistake but to no avail because the barber is convinced he is right. And while latter holds the razor against the client's neck, he gets scarier and scarier wishing for revenge and payback time. Will the victim spare his former torturer?
A Good Day for a Swim
Director of Photography
The short is about three juvenile delinquents who break out of prison, kidnap a prostitute and a driver and play with them on an empty beach.