Ramón Oliveras


The Front and the Rear
A pro-Republican propaganda documentary from the Spanish Civil War that combines real images of industrial and agricultural production with fictionalized scenes of fighting on the Aragon front.
Into the Breach
Short fictional film made by the anarcho-syndicalist labour union, the Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), about the development of the social revolution in Spain.
The Siege of Huesca
A documentary, with some fictionalized images, about the operations and combat that took place near Huesca in the first months of 1937 during the Spanish Civil War.
Madrid, Tomb of Fascism: Day Four (Documentary 8)
A fragment of a pro-Republican documentary short made during the Spanish Civil War. It depicts fighting in and around Madrid in 1937.
Heroic Division
A pro-Republican documentary made during the Spanish Civil War. It details the offensives of the Durruti Column and the Ascaso Division on the Huesca front between March and April 1937.