Ricky Nasser is a young Australian whose peaceful suburban life turns to hell when his sister Ameena disappears without a trace. In a climate of distrust and xenophobia, Ricky is forced to denounce her as an extremist.
Alice, a perfect wife and mother who lives happily with her husband and child until the day she discovers her husband is living a double life that has ruined her financially and left her a single mother. Alice fights back and dives into a world beyond anything she has ever known.
In a playful collision of cultures, a hapless Irishman and his Parisian girlfriend get more than they bargained for when they encounter a particularly mischievous stranger in the spectacular Australian wilderness.
Atraídos pela promessa de um feriado australiano, os mochileiros Rutger, Katarina, e Paul vão visitar a famosa cratera de Wolf Creek. Sua aventura dos sonhos logo se torna uma realidade terrível quando se deparam com o insano, Mick Taylor (John Jarratt). Começa então uma tensa perseguição nos terrenos hostis da Austrália.