Peter Outerbridge

Peter Outerbridge

Nascimento : 1966-06-30, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Peter Outerbridge is a Canadian film and televison actor, best known for his television roles as Dr. David Sandström in "ReGenesis", and as Ari Tasarov in "Nikita", as well as in the movies "Saw VI" as William Easton, and as transsexual Judy in "Better Than Chocolate". He holds a BFA in Acting from the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.


Peter Outerbridge
Peter Outerbridge
Peter Outerbridge
Peter Outerbridge
Peter Outerbridge


The Oak Room
Durante uma forte tempestade de neve, um errante volta para casa, para um bar de operários localizado na remota cidade canadense onde nasceu. Quando ele se oferece para saldar uma dívida antiga com um barman grisalho contando-lhe uma história, os eventos da noite rapidamente se transformam em um conto negro de identidades equivocadas, traição e violência chocante.
Code 8: Renegados
Wesley Cumbo
Num mundo onde pessoas com habilidades “especiais” vivem na pobreza, Conner Reed é um jovem poderoso que está a lutar para pagar pelo tratamento médico da sua mãe doente. Para ganhar dinheiro, ele entra num mundo criminoso e lucrativo, liderado por Garrett, que trabalha para um traficante de drogas.
Pequenos Gigantes
Nic Kohl
Dois rapazes amigos de infância deixam família e seus namoros abalados após um incidente na noite da festa de aniversário de 16 anos de um deles.
Honey Bee
Follows the journey of Natalie "Honey Bee" Sorensen, an underage truck stop prostitute trapped in a human trafficking ring until she is transplanted into foster care in remote Northern Ontario and forced to confront her identity.
Level 16
Dr. Miro
Um autoritário e rígido sistema escolar para meninas esconde grandes mistérios. Após descobrirem informações perturbadoras, algumas alunas iniciam um motim.
Refém do Medo
Uma psicóloga infantil e viúva, que vive em uma casa isolada na zona rural de Nova Inglaterra, nos Estados Unidos, precisa encontrar uma maneira de resgatar um menino em meio a uma severa tempestade de inverno.
Len and Company
A successful music producer quits the industry and exiles himself in upstate New York, but the solitude he seeks is shattered when his estranged son and the pop star he's created come looking for answers.
Bomb Girls: Facing the Enemy
Bob Corbett
It is the Spring of 1943 and the Battle for the Atlantic rages as an Axis victory seems inevitable. The women of Vic Mu – Gladys, Lorna, Kate, Betty and Vera – band together in a tight bond of support and friendship.
Assombrada pelo Passado
O espírito de Lisa está preso a uma casa onde ela e sua família morreram. Quando Olívia se muda para a propriedade, o fantasma de Lisa decide assombrá-la para impedir que o passado se repita.
Silent Hill: Revelação
Travis Grady
A jovem Heather Mason passou a vida fugindo, ao lado do pai, de forças que ambos nunca compreenderam muito bem. Mas quando seu pai desaparece misteriosamente, a jovem se depara com uma estranha e terrível realidade que guarda respostas sobre os pesadelos que a infernizam desde a sua infância. Não demora até que Heather descubra que não é a pessoa que imaginava ser, com a ameaça de ficar aprisionada em sofrimento eterno para sempre.
Zumbis Uma História Viva
Narrator (voice)
A maioria das pessoas acredita que os zumbis são um fenômeno recente, que surgiu a partir das histórias em quadrinhos, de filmes e da televisão. A verdade é muito diferente. Este especial de duas horas explora a sua verdadeira história desde os primórdios da civilização até a atualidade. Veremos como o Antigo e o Novo Testamento da Bíblia revelam inúmeras histórias de mortos-vivos, e vamos detalhar como a Peste Negra na Europa tornou-se um dos períodos mais prolíficos em mitos e lendas sobre zumbis. Examine conosco ainda outras lendas sobre essas criaturas, incluindo as histórias secretas da China e os rituais do vodu no Haiti.
John A.: Birth of a Country
George Brown
A riveting political thriller starring Shawn Doyle (John A. Macdonald), Peter Outerbridge (George Brown) and David LaHaye (George-Etienne Cartier) and set during the struggles that take Canada from colony to country.
Saw 6 - Jogos Mortais
O agente Stratham está morto. O novo responsável por espalhar o legado de Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) é o detetive Hoffman (Costas Mandylor). Quando o FBI chega perto de capturá-lo, Hoffman inicia um novo jogo. É quando o grande plano de Jigsaw é enfim revelado.
Deadliest Sea
Captain Jack Colvin
Based on the book Working on the Edge by Spike Walker, Deadliest Sea tells the story of a young man who joins the crew of a King Crab trawler in Alaska seeking to make some real money. The captain of the vessel plays a hunch about where to set traps in the Bering Sea, but the boat and crew are soon victims of a powerful and relentless storm.
In God's Country
Officer Wayne
In God's Country is a modern day story of slavery. Young women ignored by the police and protected by "freedom of religion" are trapped in polygamous communities scattered throughout North America. Judith Joseph is one of them. Despite being raised under the watchful eyes of "God's Keepers" and knowing no other life, Judith realises she cannot watch her sixteen year old daughter succumb to the same fate she was born into. Desperate, with no other resources and no connections, Judith sets her house on fire and escapes with her five children. Alone, on the "outside", Judith is ill equipped to handle the challenges facing her, but she's determined to build a life.
My Name Is Sarah
Charlie Manning
Sarah is depressed and lonely after her best friend dies. She follows a handsome man, Charlie, into a church where he attends AA meetings. Sarah lets him believe she is an alcoholic too, but when she falls for him, she must come clean and admit that she lied and she's not an alcoholic.
Intimate Stranger
Denis Teague
Karen lives alone with her son since he was separated from her husband. One night he meets a man who has all the qualities to be perfect, and they begin a wonderful relationship. But calls from an unknown constant concern to Karen, as suspected her ex-husband does not accept her new relationship.
Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of 'Diff'rent Strokes'
Al Burton
As NBC's hit sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes" proves a long-running hit for a network desperately in need of one, its young stars: Gary Coleman, Todd Bridges, and Dana Plato face all sorts of trouble off-camera. Gary battles with his parents over the management of his salary, Todd runs into trouble with the law countless times, and Dana's career after the show meets with despair and tragedy.
População 436
Deputy Hecker
Curiosa trama de suspense que envolve muito mais coisas do que é sugerido. Uma pequena cidade norte-americana parece ser perfeita. Sua população está sempre feliz e os problemas nunca aparecem. Em Rockwell Falls, a vida encontrou o paraíso na Terra. Porém, quando um investigador federal é enviado ao lugar, ele descobre que o número da população não teve nenhuma alteração nos últimos cem anos, e aos poucos vai descobrindo os terríveis segredos que estão por traz dessa estagnação e da aparente perfeição da cidade. Quando menos espera, ele é envolvido em uma perigosa trama doentia em uma rede de fanatismo religioso e tradição puritana. Agora, preso nesse pesadelo, ele precisa encontrar uma forma de sair do local com vida.
Slevin Kelevra (Josh Hartnett) está com vários problemas em sua vida. O prédio onde mora foi condenado, sua carteira de identidade foi roubada e ele recentemente flagrou sua namorada na cama com outro homem. Para escapar ao menos por algum tempo dos problemas, ele consegue emprestado com seu amigo Nick Fisher (Sam Jaeger) um apartamento em Nova York. Paralelamente um plano está sendo tramado no submundo do crime de Nova York. Para se vingar da morte de seu filho, o Chefe (Morgan Freeman) planeja um golpe no filho de seu arquiinimigo, o Rabino (Ben Kingsley). O Chefe contrata Goodkat (Bruce Willis) para executar o plano, que consiste em encontrar um apostador que deva muito dinheiro ao Chefe a ponto de aceitar matar o filho do Rabino para se livrar da dívida. O escolhido é Nick Fisher, o que faz com que Goodkat vá até seu apartamento e confunda Slevin com seu alvo.
Chicks With Sticks
Curt Bonner
The story takes the battle of the sexes into the hockey arena, as Paula Taymore - who almost once made the Olympic team - finds herself drawn into a challenge match against an irritating local men's squad. Fresh from a painful divorce, and doubting herself, Paula must make a winner out of an explosive, irreverent crew of women hockey players who flock to her town, Red Deer Alberta, to assemble the team.
The Murdoch Mysteries: Under the Dragon's Tail
Detective William Murdoch
Detective Murdoch fights against a family of great influence to solve the murder of abortionist Dolly Capshaw.
Morte em Hamptons
Gordon Wintrob
O casamento da corretora imobiliária Generosa Rand com o milionário Ted Ammon está em crise. Quando decide entrar com pedido de divórcio, o assassinato de Ted a transforma na principal suspeita do crime.
Terra dos Mortos
Num mundo dominado pelos mortos - vivos, os poucos humanos que restam refugiam-se atrás das muralhas de uma cidade fortificada. Uma nova sociedade emerge sob os pilares do oportunismo, sacrificando muitos em benefício de poucos, levando à anarquia total. Mas, fora destas muralhas, um perigo maior ameaça a cidade: um exército de “zombies” vai crescendo, metódica e pacientemente… à espera do momento certo para atacar!... Um grupo de exterminadores organiza-se para proteger a cidade destas criaturas.
Ill Fated
Mark A. Lewis's tragic-comic adventure ILL FATED plunges the viewer into the boxed-in world of Jimmy, a small-town teen who seeks a better life but who sees dead-end signs at every turn out of town. His vague plan to leave and "look into college" is complicated by a revolving door of small-town complications - the demands of his lumpen best friends, his troubled girlfriend, his promiscuous stepmother and cuckolded stepfather. But the biggest complication of all is the return of his womanizing biological dad Earl, who'd fled in Jimmy's infancy after impregnating the wife of a violent convict (also his best friend). Earl's return is a catalyst to disaster, and a palette for director Lewis to paint a hyper-realist picture of small-town dystopia.
The Murdoch Mysteries: Poor Tom Is Cold
Detective William Murdoch
Detective William Murdoch is called upon to investigate the death of police constable Oliver Wicken, who is believed to have committed suicide. However, new and disturbing evidence suggests this case is more than what it seems to be.
The Murdoch Mysteries: Except the Dying
Detective William Murdoch
In late 19th century Toronto, Detective William Murdoch investigates the murder of a young girl found in the red light district. When a possible witness to the murder is also killed, Murdoch must stop the killer before he strikes again.
Garganta do Diabo
Dave Miller
Uma família se muda para uma casa dilapidada no interior que uma vez foi uma grande propriedade. Ao renová-la, eles descobrem que a casa nova esconde segredos, um passado horroroso e não consegue se livrar dos seus antigos moradores.
The Risen
Nick Simms
A pregnant woman has an emergency operation to save her life but comes out of the procedure with amnesia.
The Bay of Love and Sorrows
Everette Hatch
The Bay of Love and Sorrows is a haunting modern tragedy set on the rural shores of New Brunswick's Bay of Miramichi. In late summer 1973, Michael Skid, the son of a well-to-do judge, returns home and rents a dilapidated farm. He begins to spread the gospel of communal ideals, which he has absorbed during his travels in India. His new worldliness and ideas go over well with impoverished siblings Madonna and Silver Brassaurd and the hopelessly naïve Carrie. They go over less well with Tom Donnerel, a young farmer and Carrie's fiancé. Wounded by Tom's derision, Michael befriends ex-convict Everette Hatch, who, recognizing opportunity, exploits Michael's ideas to his advantage. Believing himself capable of understanding people from the other side of the track, Michael fails to recognize that the ex-con is manipulating him and so sets off a catastrophic chain of events in the community
Homens com Vassouras
James Lennox
Há 5 anos Chris Cutter (Paul Gross) deixou Long Bay, mas o falecimento de Donald Foley (James B. Douglas) faz com que ele e outros amigos tentem algo quase impossível: cumprir o último desejo de Donald, que é que vençam o campeonato de pedras curling - pedras de 42 libras que deslizam pela pista tentando chegar o mais próximo do alvo, que fica desenhado no chão, e enquanto a pedra desliza membros do time freneticamente usam vassouras, para limpar qualquer obstáculo.
Jim Coutts
This docu-drama spans fifteen turbulent years in the political and personal life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of the most enigmatic and polarizing Prime Ministers in Canadian history. The film explores the many facets of his character and his vision for his country which has both inspired and frustrated Canadians.
The Rendering
Theodore Gray
Ten years after being molested in art school by habitual rapist Theodore Gray, who is serving 25 years but eligible for parole, Sarah Reynolds leads a happy life in a gallery and with her handsome husband, lawyer Michael Reynolds, and helps police detective Nick Sousa, who put Grat away, as sketch-artist. Then new cases following Gray's MO occur, and a victim who got away gives a description Sara hesitates to confide to paper: it fits Michael scarily. She turns it in, yet once he's behind bars searches in and is blackmailed to plead Gray's paroling or his crime cahoots will torture Michael to death.
Chasing Cain II: Face
Detective Bob Kozlowski
Two homicide detectives investigate the murder of a popular Jamaican woman, who seems to have lived in two separate worlds. Although there are no witnesses, no clues and police resources are going towards another higher-profile murder, the detectives doggedly track down people who knew the victim until they finally break the case. This edgy and intense film shows how homicide detectives go about their work in an ethnically diverse, multicultural city.
Chasing Cain
Bob Kozlowski
A brutal drive-by shooting of a Croatian woman who works at an abortion clinic sends two homicide detectives out onto the streets of one of the world's most culturally diverse cities. Their first suspect has ties to the pro-life movement. But a sudden turn of events, a fresh trail of clues and a suicide attempt by the victim's Serbian husband lead the detectives into the impenetrable world of Balkan politics and prejudices. As they hunt for the killer, they uncover an ethnic war between Croatians and Serbians amid the urban backdrop of downtown Toronto.
The Pretender 2001
Picking up where the television series left off, "The Pretender 2001" features even deeper explorations in the show's mythology, including a revealing look back at how Jarod originally espaced from the Centre. But now he must infiltrate the NSA to capture a ruthless assassin who might be a fellow Pretender from his past!
Marine Life
Robert Kiely
Marine Life revolves around the choatic family life of June, a middle-aged lounge singer and mother. Aging and twice divorced, lounge singer June Nordstrom tries to cope with her fading beauty, her troubled offspring, her waning career and her young lover, who begins seeing a woman his age behind June's back.
Out of Sync
Roger Deacon
Roger Deacon, a down-and-out record producer, is given the job of making a singing star out of an industry mogul's girlfriend, an attractive but talentless starlet. He discovers a housewife with a powerful singing voice and decides to secretly use her to lip sync the other woman's voice for record recordings as a path to fame for her and him.
Missão: Marte
Sergei Kirov
Quando a primeira missão tripulada a Marte sofre um catastrófico e misterioso desastre, uma missão de salvamento é enviada para investigar a tragédia e trazer de volta possíveis sobreviventes.
Escape Velocity
Lee Nash
Um astronauta psicótico assume um observatório espacial tripulado por um cientista, sua esposa e sua filha adolescente.
Double Frame
A shady cop gets in over his head when he frames his partner during a drug scam.
Caçadores de Emoção
Ao preparar uma matéria sobre os maiores desastres do século, o jornalista Tom Merrick (Casper Van Dien) observa na foto a presença da mesma pessoa no mesmo vôo que estava. Percebendo o perigo, Merrick avisa o piloto e consegue impedir um novo desastre. Agora, ele parte na busca desse desconhecido a fim de evitar que novas catástrofes aconteçam!
Fuga de Marte
John Rank, Sagan Cocommander
Five astronauts make the first manned trip to Mars in the second decade of the 21st century. They must battle and overcome inferior computer components, corporate greed and indifference, and their own personal problems, as well as the surprises that the Red Planet has in store for them.
Better Than Chocolate
Not long after moving into her own place, Maggie finds herself with two unsolicited roommates: her recently divorced mother, Lila, and her young brother. The timing is especially bad, considering Maggie has fallen hard for an attractive woman, Kim, only hours before they move in. What could be a nonissue becomes increasingly complicated -- since Maggie's family is unaware of her sexual orientation, and Maggie is not open to sharing that information.
Murder in My Mind
Jack Bolinas
Brain cells from a murdered woman are transplanted into an FBI agent, in the hopes of finding the killer.
Giant Mine
CBC's dramatic account of the tragedy of Yellowknife's Giant Mine, in which 9 miners were killed during a bitter labour dispute.
Jack Reed: Death and Vengeance
Jack Reed is investigating a mass murder that occurred in a cemetery in broad daylight. Most individuals at the cemetery and the victims are Russian immigrants and they either fear or don't trust the police, because they have complaining about other problems to the police but they don't care or think it warrants investigating. Reed still investigates and it leads to a devious Russian who has turned some young Russians into his private army. Reed's friend, Charles Silvera, also has a problem. The son of an old friend and mayoral candidate, Gordon Thomas, has been arrested for killing someone while driving under the influence. Some of the people on Thomas' staff are afraid that this might jeopardize Thomas' bid for mayor, so they are pressuring Silvera to make it go away but Silvera relents so they threaten him to.
Over the years, a child's romantic ideals about death blossom into necrophilia, the study of embalming and the most profound relationship of her life.
Captive Heart: The James Mink Story
William Johnson
James Mink is a black man in Canada who has built a very successful livery business, and enjoys a white wife and a beautiful daughter, Mary. An excellent match is arranged with an American businessman, but when he takes his new wife Mary across the border his true character emerges - he sells her into slavery. James and Elizabeth must go to Virginia to rescue their daughter.
Closer and Closer
Three years after author Kate Sanders penned a best selling novel about a serial killer, she has become the victim of a twisted tale of art imitating life -- left crippled after fleeing a deadly and psychotic reader, she lives in isolation, connected to the world only through the Internet. But with the release of her sequel, the nightmare begins again...
The Michelle Apartments
Walton is a small, corrupt, wasteland of a town owned by Turnbull Chemicals whose motto is "We make the food you eat look better". Enter Alex Hartwell, a government tax auditor sent to investigate Turnbull's books. Arriving on the heels of a rowdy convention, Alex finds his hotel reservation cancelled, and he is forced to take a room at the seedy Michelle Apartments. As Alex's audit uncovers Turnbull Chemical's financial improprieties by day, after hours he finds himself drawn into a vortex of libidinous intrigue involving the predatory, chain-smoking femme fatale, Madeleine, and her menacing, ex-convict husband Dean.
The Android Affair
Thomas Benti
Karen Garrett, a promising young doctor, is assigned to perform a difficult operation on Teach, an advanced android who has never "blanked" (had his memory erased.) She soon realizes that Teach is much more than an assignment, and is drawn to his desire for a very human life. When Karen takes Teach into the outside world, they soon discover that there is something far more mysterious and dangerous than a medical experiment planned for them.
Falling For You
When Meg gets thrown out of her apartment window by a serial killer, she's determined to make him pay. But finding this criminal might be difficult considering she's suffering from amnesia. Still, it won't take Meg long to cross paths with this sociopath — because he now lives in her building. This thriller has a finale you'll never ever ever see coming!
Another Woman
Paul Temple
After a brutal attack leaves Lisa Temple without her memory, her husband declares that she is another woman. She begins to find out just what that means when she begins to try to recover that lost memory. The life that emerges is one of a bitter and depressed woman who who has apparently alienated everyone, including her husband. He has already filed for divorce. This new woman that she has become though, convinces him to put his plans on hold. As she rebuilds her life Lisa and husband fall in love again. There is danger lurking however, and one last angry memory waiting to surface. Will their love survive?
Paris, France
A writer has torrid fantasy affairs with young men.
John Cheever
In a poisoned world where sunshine kills, a hit squad from the Zyklor Corporation interrupts the testing of a matter replikator capable of duplicating living tissue for the purpose of extending human life. When the smoke clears, scientist Ludovic finds himself framed for murder and on the run from an exact duplicate... of himself. Joining forces with ex-lover Kat Moscow and cynical Detective Valiant, Ludovic follows the bloody path of destruction wrought by a monster with his face.
For the Moment
This Canadian film presents and old-fashioned war time romance. It is set during 1942 in Manitoba and traces the doomed affair between a young farmer's wife (Christianne Hirt) whose husband is fighting abroad and a dashing Australian pilot (Russell Crowe). The pilot has come to train in the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan of Canada. When the pilot, Lachlan, is not training, he is surreptitiously wooing Lill, the farmer's wife. At the other end of town, Betsy (Wanda Cannon) who supports her two kids by bootlegging, charges for her services. She gets involved with Zeek (Scott Kraft), an American flight instructor.
Jamaica Abaixo de Zero
Josef Grool
Nas Olimpíadas Irwin Flitzer (John Candy) desgraçou a si mesmo quando colocou pesos extras no seu time de trenó, fazendo com que ele tivesse de devolver sua medalha de ouro. Alguns anos depois, Derice Bannock (Leon), um jamaicano filho de um antigo amigo de Irwin, fracassa para se classificar como velocista para a prova de 100 metros nas Olimpíadas, por causa de um estúpido acidente. Mas quando Derice descobre que Flitzer também vive na Jamaica, ele decide ir para as Olimpíadas de qualquer jeito, não como um corredor mas liderando uma equipe de trenó.
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Dylan Wiatt
A hot new model takes the fashion world by storm, but things start to turn ugly when people around her begin turning up dead.