Ulf Johansson

Ulf Johansson

Nascimento : 1922-02-04, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Morte : 1990-02-15


Ulf Johansson


Han som fick leva om sitt liv
The story of a man who has committed a crime but gets the chance to live his life again and avoid all of his past mistakes.
Summer Nights on Planet Earth
A long flashback of an author and his relationship to an actress. Existential questions with no answers.
Land owner
Pettersson is a hard working director in the porn industry with two strippers and a naked gay in his shows. One day, after a little bridge accident, he meets Henrietta and falls in love. The film is based on a novel named "Henrietta skall du också glömma" by Stig Claesson.
Midsommardröm i fattighuset
Lame Fredrik
Blind-Jonas is in a poorhouse dreaming about his past, in contrast the young girl Cecilia shows up dreaming about her future.
Man måste ju leva
The sawmill in a northern Swedish village close down. Nils becomes unemployed. In order to cope with needs of his family, he is forced to travel south. His wife Karin and the children will stay in the village until further notice. Nils starts working at a factory. In addition to the job, he has been promised a good residence so that the family can move to him.
Yrkesmän emellan
Short based on Stig 'Slas' Claesson's three Stockholm stories.
Sing Beautifully About Love
Gustaf Fröding
A tv play about the Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding. Flashbacks from his life in a mental hospital.
Face a Face
Helmuth Wankel
A psiquiatra Jenny Isaksson tem o casamento e a saúde mental abalados por visões de uma mulher idosa. Para tentar fugir das alucinações, ela começa um caso com o médico Tomas. Ainda atormentada, porém, a mulher entra em uma jornada de autoconhecimento enquanto sua sanidade deteriora.
A Flauta Mágica
Andra prästen (Second Priest)
Neste filme mágico, Bergman filma a ópera "A Flauta Mágica" de Mozart em Estocolmo, no belo teatro de Drottningholm do século XVIII numa conjugação perfeita entre drama, música e cinema. O olhar de Bergman transforma "A Flauta Mágica" num espetáculo completo com uma simbologia sutil mas poderosa, tornando a ópera de Mozart, se é que isso é possível, numa obra ainda mais bela.
En enkel melodi
Felix's father
Young Felix is a trainee at a fire station, but he is afraid of heights and can not stand the sight of blood. His future as a fireman is doubtful and when he is suspended he steals an ambulance to prove his mettle.
A Handful of Love
Set against the backdrop of the 1909 general strike, Hjördis is employed as a housemaid in a wealthy Stockholm family.
Waiting for Godot
Somewhere sits two men, Vladimir and Estragon, waiting for a man named Godot. Internationally acclaimed Swedish TV dramatized version of the classic stage play.
Het Snö
Michelle Moreau notice a man replacing a battery in a race car. She is chased by the man but escapes. The race car belongs to Bobby Flyckt and Michelle gets a lift with him through Europe.
Durante uma guerra civil, dois músicos se retiram para uma fazenda numa ilha. Eles são apolíticos. Às vezes um vizinho lhes dá um peixe; ou um vinho que é um luxo. Eles se amam, mas há problemas: a guerra perturba Jan, ele ficou triste, muito sensível; Eva quer filhos, ele não. A guerra de repente chega: rebeldes atacam, vizinhos morrem. Quando o outro lado restabelece a ordem, Jan e Eva são presos como colaboradores. Depois de amedronta-los e domina-los o coronel local os libera. Em seguida, ele começa a aparecer em sua fazenda. Para falar ou para perseguir Eva? Ele lhes dá dinheiro. Os rebeldes retornam e o caos se instala. Jan se torna violento e assassino. Então eles fogem. Será que eles conseguirão escapar? Se assim for, para quê? Estudo psicológico de Ingmar Bergman de como os seres humanos reagem em uma situação de guerra. O filme se passa em Gotland, onde as forças de invasão chegam.
A Hora do Lobo
Um pintor e sua esposa vão morar em uma ilha afastada de tudo e conhecem um misterioso grupo de pessoas que passam a trazer angústias ainda maiores à vida do casal, que já estava atormentado pelos pesadelos do pintor e por conflitos psicológicos. Durante a hora do lobo, entre a meia-noite e a aurora, ele conta para sua esposa suas memórias mais dolorosas, e começa a questionar a própria lucidez.
An engineer and an actor, two extremely similar men, change their identity with each other.
Adam in Sweden
Salvation Colonel Andersson
Rikard Adamsson, a young man dreaming of becoming a writer, lives a wild and dissolute bohemian life. A ferocious fighter with a heart of gold and a great taste for women. In the military service he gets in trouble, runs away, returns and is sentenced to prison. Inside he finishes his first novel. However, no publisher is interested.
The D.T.'s
An eccentric, offbeat man performing pranks and peculiarities becomes a major concern for the Stockholm authorities. He mingles with bizarre slum characters and dreams of his ideal girl.
Hej du glada sommar!!!
Bror Väster
"Hello Happy Summer!!!" - Valle and Bror are two fishermen brothers who lives in the remote archipelago. One day Valles wife receives a big inheritance from a distant relative and their lives takes a new turn.
Loving Couples
As three pregnant women wait to have their babies in a hospital in Stockholm at the outbreak of the Great War, they relive their childhood and youthful experiences.
All These Women
Man in Black
O pretensioso crítico Cornelius está a escrever uma biografia sobre um violoncelista famoso e para fazer essa pesquisa, ele fica na casa do violoncelista por alguns dias. Ele não consegue uma entrevista com o homem, mas falando com todas as mulheres que moram com ele, aprende muito sobre a vida privada do músico. Cornelius então decide usar essa informação e tenta chantagear o violoncelista para que faça uma composição que ele, Cornelius, escreveu.
Wild West Story
Swedish cowboys in the Wild West. Defending their town Small Lands Hills and their mining claims against bandits of all sorts.
Adam och Eva
Eva discovers a contest of an altarpiece. Her husband Adam makes a simple sketch. Adam wins the competition. The success makes Adam famous.
The Karlsson family moves from a small village to a suburb outside Stockholm. The change from a country life to the big city is not easy.
The Yellow Car
On a tourist trip abroad the passengers on the coach witness an assassination attempt on the President Hurkas. One of the tourists has evidence against the perpetrators, and is killed when the coach reaches Sweden. Another passenger observes how one of the perpetrators is picked up by a yellow car. She is kidnapped and locked up in a mental hospital.
Heaven and Pancakes
Alvar Sund
Sequel to Sjunde himlen (1956). Dr. Lovisa Sundelius (Sickan Carlsson) and radio host Willy Lorens (Hasse Ekman) have been happily married for a couple of years, but when Willy becomes a TV host with cutie Suss (Lena Granhagen) by his side, things start to fall apart
Swinging at the Castle
Sixten Fyltegård
Love triangle between Svante, his fiancee Inga and Sophie, a girl from a rich family.
Miss Chic
An agent on the brink of bankruptcy finds a reluctant singing talent on a TV quiz show.
Jazz Boy
The rich young man Teddy Anker invests his money in the theater at the beginning of the 1920s. Whatever he does becomes a success. He falls in love with a dancer, Karin. He decides to put up a show with Karin as the leading lady, but for the first time one of his shows becomes an economic disaster.
You Are My Adventure
Two journalists marry each other but Tore is unhappy that his wife is ambitious in her career instead of their household.
Morangos Silvestres
Mr. Borg (uncredited)
O rabugento médico aposentado Isak Borg viaja de Estocolmo para Lund, na Suécia, com sua nora grávida e infeliz, Marianne, para receber um diploma honorário da universidade onde estudou. Ao longo do caminho, eles cruzam com uma série de caroneiros, cada um deles fazendo com que o médico idoso reflita sobre os prazeres e as falhas de sua própria vida, incluindo a vivaz jovem Sara, que se parece muito com o próprio primeiro amor do médico.
Mamma tar semester
Sylvia returns to Sweden after having lived abroad for six years. She visits her sister Karin, and is shocked to see how her husband and children regard her as a live-in housekeeper. She convinces Karin to take a vacation with her in Stockholm.
O Sétimo Selo
Knight Commander (uncredited)
Após dez anos, um cavaleiro retorna das Cruzadas e encontra o país devastado pela Peste Negra. Sua fé em Deus é sensivelmente abalada e, enquanto reflete sobre o significado da vida, a Morte surge à sua frente querendo levá-lo, pois chegou sua hora. Objetivando ganhar tempo, convida-a para um jogo de xadrez que decidirá se ele parte com ela ou não. Tudo depende da sua vitória no jogo e a Morte concorda com o desafio, já que não perde nunca.
Children of the Night
A man (Gunnar Hellström) meets prisoner Nils Gustaf Boman and asks him why he strayed from the straight and narrow. The prisoner says: "Put yourself in my position." The man does and sees before him himself as Nils Gustaf Boman.
Smiles of a Summer Night
Legal Clerk (uncredited)
Early in the 20th century, middle-aged lawyer Fredrik Egerman and his young wife, Anne, have still not consummated their marriage, while Fredrik's son finds himself increasingly attracted to his new stepmother. To make matters worse, Fredrik's old flame Desiree makes a public bet that she can seduce him at a romantic weekend retreat where four couples convene, swapping partners and pairing off in unexpected ways.
Ljuset från Lund
A horse wanders from town to the countryside. Here lives Sten Stensson Steen, a bachelor at law and philosophy. He is writing a social psychological report on the youth problem.
Mord, lilla vän
Olle Sivert
A member of "Sjöbjörnarna" (a group of executives), asks the newspaper editor Dick Mattson to find Brita Ljungdahl, the former wife of another of the members. The first clue he tries is to ask a certain Maria Vaern, who knows Brita.
Police com.
Gus and Holger are inventors in their free time. One day they realize that they have invented a laugh bomb; a machine that makes all the people around laugh.
Young Summer
Helge Lysvik is a farmers son. He dreams of a future as a musician.
Flicka utan namn
A girl has been found murdered in her apartment. But who killed her and why? Through a series of flashbacks, the police investigation unfolds the murder mystery.
Taxi 13
A collection of human stories from the streets of Stockholm. Taxi 13 becomes the link between them. One night a taxi driver disappears.
David, a young woodsman with a family, is leasing a farm. The family are welcomed by the locals until it becomes known that David is the son of a notorious drifter.
Two twins, separated at birth, meet again by chance many years later. One is a progressive but insensitive mayor of a small town, the other a clown at a circus.
Hon kom som en vind
"She Came Like a Wind" - Fabian Rosander works at a factory and is close to 50 years old. When a new employee named Lilly, a young beautiful girl, comes to the factory Fabians life takes a new turn.
Ingmar Bergman: Making Commercials
In the early 1950s Ingmar Bergman made a series of imaginative commercials for the soap brand "Bris".
Regementets ros
To save intoxicated friend Boman from getting caught, two conscripts lock him up in the local jail and release a prisoner, Ivan Jansson, so that he can pretend to be Boman for a few hours. But when the real Boman is transported to the county jail, switching them back could be difficult.
Number 17
The sailor Calle Svensson gets a tip on a cheap hotel from a stranger. But Calle walks to the wrong house. And finds a dead man in the bed, stolen passports and signs of trafficking in a cupboard.
The Wind Is My Lover
Set in medieval times about the cursed Moonshield family. The young knight Erland Moonshield fall in love with a gypsy enchantress, Singoalla, he meet in the forest.
Music in Darkness
Because of an accident at a military drill the recruit Bengt loses his eyesight and becomes blind. He gets to live with relatives in the countryside and meets the young Ingrid. She falls in love with him but Bengt's bitterness also makes him blind to her attentions.
Chove Sobre Nosso Amor
Maggi meets David after having missed her train, and they spend the night together. Penniless, the young lovers break into a summer cottage. The owner, Håkansson, offers to rent it to them, but he has an ulterior motive. By living together, they have to face their pasts and deal with the meddling neighbors and authorities.
A small-town piano teacher is shocked by the arrival of her foster daughter's real mother, whose young lover soon follows and causes further disruption.