Murat Ergür

Nascimento : 1973-11-08, Denizli, Turkey


Recep İvedik 7: Uma Aventura no Vilarejo
Muhtar Asım
Cansado do aumento do custo de vida e da agitação da cidade, Recep leva Nurullah para a casa da vila que herdou de sua avó. Busra, uma advogada de Istambul, estaciona seu trailer no terreno vizinho ao de Recep. A princípio, eles começam com o pé esquerdo, mas logo acabam em uma emocionante aventura para salvar a vila de um grande perigo.
Wish to Wash with Rain
The movie "Yagmurda Yikansam" , looks at life through the ones who are left behind in women murders' eyes. The story of Gamze, murdered by her parents, tells the life after the murder, not one that ended with it. The fact that the victims in women murders are not only the ones who are murdered, is told from the story of Gamze. In the story, the anger, loneliness, despair and longings of 15 year old Gamze meets the audience with a perspective not taken before.. Hale, who is about thirty five years old (named Gamze when she was a child), begins to open the doors of her past that she had kept securely close with the surprise proposal of her boyfriend Engin.It is hard for Hale to be human, to love other people and truly be herself. As Hale started to face her past slowly, she starts to become a more warm person. Neither the rains, nor Engin can erase the past. Hale would get over her past with facing her childhood Gamze.
Recep Ivedik 4
Quando o terreno onde ele ensina futebol a um grupo de jovens é vendido, Recep entra em um reality show para ganhar o dinheiro necessário para reaver a propriedade.
Tarzan of Manisa
Ahmet Bedevi, also known as Tarzan of Manisa, was born in 1900 in Baghdad to become a soldier, fighting in the War of Independence and honored with a medal. He returned to a ruined and destroyed Manisa in 1923. Bedevi started working at the Municipality as a fireman and a gardener. He became the pioneer and symbol of planting activities. Because of the soft climate of the area, he first wore a vest and trousers and then he started wandering about in the town in his shorts. The people of Manisa saw his resemblance to Tarzan because of his clothes, and always cherished him with love. Tarzan of Manisa lived in the mount Spilylus, ignoring all his individual needs but working for a greener environment. He died on 31st May, 1963. However, he has never been forgotten by the locals; on the contrary, he was immortalized for the things he did for Manisa and people followed his example.