Dorian Boguță

Dorian Boguță

Nascimento : 1971-04-24, Chișinău, Moldavia


Dorian Boguță


Oana Pfifer, a young therapist visibly distracted by some unknown reasons, is slipping little by little inside the net of the questionnaire she is supposed to submit to her patient. Mihai Dumitru, Oana’s younger brother, worrying about the preparations of his anniversary and not realizing how inappropriate his demands are, is stuck in a story far bigger than what he can handle. Septimiu Pfifer, Oana’s husband, concerned about his health regarding a possible Covid-19 contamination, is vaguely listening to a strange story his ambulance colleague was caught inside long ago, while waiting for the next emergency call. Narcis Patranescu, an organized crime inspector, perturbed by the recent death of one of his colleagues, is on the grip of an unsettling dark story while interrogating a young woman during a funeral. Four short moments in time that are capturing the wanderings of a bunch of errant souls stuck at the crossroads of history.
Oana Pfifer, a young therapist visibly distracted by some unknown reasons, is slipping little by little inside the net of the questionnaire she is supposed to submit to her patient. Mihai Dumitru, Oana’s younger brother, worrying about the preparations of his anniversary and not realizing how inappropriate his demands are, is stuck in a story far bigger than what he can handle. Septimiu Pfifer, Oana’s husband, concerned about his health regarding a possible Covid-19 contamination, is vaguely listening to a strange story his ambulance colleague was caught inside long ago, while waiting for the next emergency call. Narcis Patranescu, an organized crime inspector, perturbed by the recent death of one of his colleagues, is on the grip of an unsettling dark story while interrogating a young woman during a funeral. Four short moments in time that are capturing the wanderings of a bunch of errant souls stuck at the crossroads of history.
A police officer investigates the case of a famous pianist that has been missing for several days. The investigation reveals the artist's troubled destiny, his strange relationships and the decisions that led to a dramatic turn of events.
A police officer investigates the case of a famous pianist that has been missing for several days. The investigation reveals the artist's troubled destiny, his strange relationships and the decisions that led to a dramatic turn of events.
Quando o seu melhor amigo e parceiro morre de forma suspeita, um empresário de meia-idade parte em busca da verdade e descobre mentiras e segredos perturbadores.
Queen Marie of Romania
Colonel Nodet
Devastated by the First World War and plunged into political controversy, Romania's every hope accompanies its Queen on her mission to Paris, to lobby for its great unification's international recognition at the 1919 Peace Talks.
Breaking News
Enquanto trabalha em uma peça in memoriam para um colega morto, um famoso repórter perde a noção da história da TV e se torna parte de uma relação pai-filha com o adolescente deixado para trás.
Summer's Over
Um adolescente entediado conta os dias que faltam para um eclipse solar, até que trava amizade com um recém-chegado que o alicia num esquema arriscado.
Two Lottery Tickets
Dinel Petre
Três homens de uma cidade do interior precisam urgentemente de dinheiro e decidem comprar um bilhete de loteria. Eles ganham na loteria, mas logo após o bilhete é roubado. Os três homens desesperados viajam para encontrar seu bilhete de loteria perdido e experimentam todos os tipos de aventuras. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The drama follows a promising young architect as he tries to balance his personal life with the burdens of his career.
Seven Months Later
One perfect house. One perfect marriage. One perfect Sunday morning.
Bucharest Non-Stop
"Bucharest Non-Stop" is a feature film that tells the story of a neighborhood of Bucharest. More specifically, the film is a night of non-stop life of a store located in a neighborhood blocks. Four drive four different stories linked by a key figure, Achim, known as "the boy from non-stop", played by George Ifrim. The film wants to convey the story of ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
One girl. One car. One night. No coincidence.
Alt Love Building
Nove casais fazem um retiro de fim de semana para repararem as suas problemáticas relações, mas descobrem que quem precisa de ajuda são os seus conselheiros.
Scurt/4: Istorii de inimã neagrã
Directed by four different filmmakers and produced by different production companies, these four short films share a common theme - life and death - and a common origin - all four are independent productions made with a little help from all our friends.
Three men go into a pub. The first man has too many questions. The second man has the perfect plan. The third man has no chance.
Monica Came Back
While standing in front of her boyfriend's apartment, Monica hears him having sex with another girl. Suddenly, everything appears clear for her. Or not.
Dying from a Wound of Love
A couple who've just split up each attempt suicide.
Love Building
Valentin Preda
Love Building is a comedy about a camp designed to mend broken relationships. 14 couples try to break the deadlock and rebuild their love, with the help of three psychotherapists and trainers. The program lasts for 7 days and the participants go through different stages of redesigning their love lives. But the three trainers meant to assist them have problems of their own and things gradually get out of hand. In an ongoing search for the "happily ever after”, one question pops up: "Can love be fixed in seven days?”
Love Building
Love Building is a comedy about a camp designed to mend broken relationships. 14 couples try to break the deadlock and rebuild their love, with the help of three psychotherapists and trainers. The program lasts for 7 days and the participants go through different stages of redesigning their love lives. But the three trainers meant to assist them have problems of their own and things gradually get out of hand. In an ongoing search for the "happily ever after”, one question pops up: "Can love be fixed in seven days?”
Bad Penny
Thug no 2
One night, just before the holidays, in an empty park, two small-time thugs hold up a strange looking man. Where's the Christmas spirit?
From Now On
Ștefan's 18th birthday presents are: a driving lesson, a bottle of vodka and an open-minded discussion about women, but an unexpected surprise turns around the anniversary.
From Now On
Ștefan's 18th birthday presents are: a driving lesson, a bottle of vodka and an open-minded discussion about women, but an unexpected surprise turns around the anniversary.
Wanting to follow the current trend, Francesca, a young teacher from Bucharest, is eager to emigrate to Italy. Unfortunately,whilst desperately seeking support from those nearest and dearest to her, various untold truths unravel.
Caravana Cinematográfica
Enviado para uma pequena vila rural para assessorar as políticas dos locais e apresentar uma peça de propaganda Soviética, Comrade Tavi aumenta mais e mais sua confusão com sua missão quando se apaixona pela tímida encarregada da livraria da vila.
Crossing Dates
3 separate stories take place over two days. The characters' paths intersect, and they affect each-other unintentionally.
The Paper Will Be Blue
Out of enthusiasm, a Militia soldier abandons his platoon and decides to fight for the cause of the Revolution. His Lieutenant and the rest of the crew look for him during the confused night of 22-23 December 1989.
A Morte do Sr. Lazarescu
O Sr Lazarescu já se encontra com 63 anos e vive sozinho em um apartamento com seus gatos. Certa manhã levanta se sentindo mal, com dores na cabeça e na barriga, desconfiando que há algum problema com uma cirurgia de úlcera feita há muitos anos atrás. O idoso pede uma ambulância para leva-lo ao hospital mas dois problemas farão com que não seja aceito em nenhum hospital para onde tentam leva-lo: um acidente acontecido na cidade entre um caminhão e um ônibus; e o cheiro de bebida que fará os médicos responsabilizarem o doente por sua condição.
The Lotos