Mohamed Grayaâ


In the Gardens of Carthage, a district of Tunis initiated by the former Regime where construction stopped at the beginning of the Revolution, two cops, Fatma and Batal, find a burnt body in one of the lots. As construction slowly resumes, they start looking into this mysterious case. When the event repeats itself, the investigation takes a puzzling turn.
About the strange city
Film adapted from the original work of Abdeljabbar Eleuch “The events of the strange city”. One night, in a Tunis plunged into the socio-economic crisis, a bar is open: the Universe. Customers quietly drink their beers. Salah, a regular, tries to get up from his chair but can't. From there, the world stirs around him to free him.
The Dilemma
In the Arab Muslim Tunisia, the film narrates the journey of a religious extremist who escapes from security forces and seeks shelter in the home of a prostitute who helps him deal with the situation despite their conflicting mindsets.
Mohamed vive na área rural da Tunísia com sua esposa e dois filhos. O mundo deles está prestes a ser abalado quando o filho mais velho volta da Síria após uma longa jornada com uma mulher misteriosa que ele diz ser sua esposa.
Bidoun 3
A story of the existential escape of two opposed people, introduced to each other by fate at the mercy of wanderings.
While Mehdi is torn between his secret gay affair and the perspective of getting married, his sister Hind struggles to face her present and to reveal the secrets of her past kept in the dark.
Baba Aziz - O Príncipe Que Contemplou Sua Alma
Inicia-se com a história de um dervish de nome Baba Aziz e sua neta espiritual, Ishtar. Juntos eles percorrem o deserto à procura de uma grande reunião de dervishes que ocorre uma vez a cada 30 anos. Tendo a fé como único guia, os dois viajam por vários dias pela imensidão. Para ajudar a suportar a viagem, Baba Aziz passa a contar histórias do príncipe do deserto que contemplava sua alma ao lado de uma pequena piscina. Conforme a história é contada, os viajantes encontram outros viajantes que também contam suas histórias. Repleto de imagens maravilhosas e uma música belíssima, Nacir Khemir criou uma fabula inédita e encantadora, filmada nas areias da Tunisia e do Irã.
In the arid Tunisian village of Bizerte, Khorma -- with his blonde-red hair and quirky habits -- is the town's kindly joke. His guardian is Bou Khaleb, the official announcer of births, deaths, and marriages. When the Bou mistakenly announces the death of a woman rather than her daughter's marriage, the film immerses us in the often-hilarious power struggles amongst the clerics of the "religion business".