Wei Hsin


Confronto com o Dragão
O Ocidente encontra o Oriente. Nesta combinação de alta tecnologia militar e antigos ensinamentos de artes marciais, um ninja do serviço secreto prepara uma vingança contra perigosos espiões infiltrados. Um jogo mortal em que a mais alta tecnologia se confronta com os milenares segredos do Oriente, explodindo numa guerra sem tréguas!
The Challenge of the Lady Ninja
During the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, a Chinese woman trains in the covert arts. When she arrives in Hong Kong, she learns that her brother works on behalf the Japanese cause. She then pulls together a team of women warriors to stop her brother
Shaolin Kung Fu Master
A Manchu prince places a cache of treasure in the care of his five most trusted guards who divide it amongst themselves. One by one the guards are murdered. Who are the secret assassins?
Monkey Kung Fu
A lowly waiter is determined to learn kung fu from the local barber who just happens to be a kung fu master.
The Great General
The real-life story of a legendary Ming general (Meng Fei) who attempts to rid Chinese waters of Japanese pirates.
Trouble Maker Coming
Four grotesque masters of Kung Fu are destined to fight each other. Two only wish good for their people. The other two want to become the only two living masters. Thus, they hire and train an assassin to murder the others.
The Cavalier
A grandfather and his young grandaughter travel to atown with a very unusual proposition: if any man can beat her in a fight, she will be his bride.
Two Assassins of the Darkness
Dois assassinos chegam a uma pequena cidade contratados pelo dono do bordel da cidade para matar algumas pessoas. Logo eles terminam entrando em conflito, mas um acontecimento ocorrido há 20 anos atrás tem estreita ligação com os homens que eles devem matar e curiosamente com os próprios assassinos. Quando a verdade é descoberta, eles terão que unir forças para lutar contra seus próprios contratantes.
Golden Mask
A vida muda para Chi Kwan Chun depois que ele aceita um contrato do misterioso “Máscara de Ouro”, para matar uma pessoa. Sem ele saber a vitima seria o próprio irmão de Chi que ele termina matando-o involuntariamente porque não sabia que era seu irmão. Depois disso ele sai a procura do “Máscara de Ouro” para vingar a morte do irmão, mas termina se envolvendo em uma conspiração para matar o mestre da Casa da Águia.
Shaolin Kung-Fu Mystagogue
The evil Ching government has taken over and is out to rid the land of the remaining Ming rebel patriots, including the still surviving Ming Prince. Unknowingly, the evil Ching overlord and his men capture the incognito Prince and throw him in jail. Hearing word of the Prince's capture, Shao Chang and Fang Ping mount a rescue effort to get the Prince before his identity is found out.
The Invincible Space Streaker
The Taiwanese jump into the tokusatsu market with this tale of an evil scientist turning people into creatures to do his bidding. Adults are hard to control so he lures a group of boys to his lab. He doesn't quite have the hang of it and after several failures gets it working properly on Hsiao Po. The process is interrupted when Hsiao Wen takes a piss on the control panel. The boys escape and the process is eventually completed by the evil scientist's good brother, and we have our superhero. What follows is a group sing-a-long at an amusement park, motorcycle chases and fights between our hero and lots of bad guys in ridiculous costumes.