Pedro Calderón de la Barca


La vida es sueño
A philosophical allegory regarding the human situation and the mystery of life. The story focuses on the fictional Segismundo, Prince of Poland, who has been imprisoned in a tower by his father, King Basilio, following a dire prophecy that the prince would bring disaster to the country and death to the King. Basilio briefly frees Segismundo, but when the prince goes on a rampage, the king imprisons him again, persuading him that it was all a dream.
Życie jest snem
Theatre Play
Life Is a Dream
A baroque mix of revolutionary politics, pop culture and semiotics loosely based on the play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. A young prince learns that life is just a dream from which we wake when we die. And that dreams may be as real as life.
La leyenda del alcalde de Zalamea
Schovávaná na schodech
Theatre Play
Veselohra s dvojníkem
Theatre Play
La Vida es Sueño
The Prince in Chains
Der Richter von Zalamea
The Phantom Lady
Theatre Play
The young widow of the viceroy of Peru, facing the dismal prospect of either a convent or a marriage of convenience, sets out to conquer a handsome officer, pretending she’s a duende, a ghost. Voted the best Argentine film of 1945, La dama duende is a beautifully crafted comedy of errors, based on the 17th-century play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. The most ambitious production of Estudios San Miguel, it was brought to the screen mostly by Spaniards exiled in Argentina as a result of the Civil War.
The Night of Love
Theatre Play
Montero, son of a Gypsy leader, is about to take a bride according to primitive ritual, when the Duke de la Garda demands his right as feudal lord--to take the bride to his castle for a night. Rather than accede to the duke's advances, the girl chooses death by her own hand. Montero swears vengeance.....
The Mayor of Zalamea
Theatre Play
The Mayor of Zalamea
Based on Pedro Calderón de la Barca's play.