Li Jiaxuan

Li Jiaxuan

Nascimento : 1977-10-03, Hefei, Anhui Province, China


Li Jiaxuan
Li Jiaxuan


Operação Mekong
Assistant to the Minister
Inspirado pela história verdadeira conhecida como o massacre do Mekong – dois navios comerciais chineses são emboscados enquanto viajavam pelo rio Mekong nas águas do Triângulo Dourado, uma das maiores regiões de fabricação de drogas do mundo. 13 marinheiros são executados e 900.000 comprimidos de metanfetamina são recuperados no local. Após a descoberta, o governo chinês envia imediatamente umgrupo de elite liderados pelo Capitão Gao Gang para descobrir a verdade por trás dos assassinatos. O dono do campo de chá e o oficial de inteligência baseado em Triângulo Dourado, Fang Xinwu se junta à investigação. Depois que descobriu que as drogas apreendidas nos navios chineses tinham sido plantadas pelo capanga de um notório líder de cartel de drogas chamado Naw Khar, os governos da Tailândia, Laos, Mianmar e China lançaram uma força-tarefa conjunta para prender o criminoso. O caminho para a justiça é, no entanto, pavimentado com perigosos e mortíferos obstáculos...
Phantom of the Theatre
A haunted theatre, filled with the vengeful spirits of a tragically-trapped performance troupe murdered in a fire 13 years ago, waits for the once-grand palatial playhouse to re-open with a new show - and bring in new victims.
Night of Adventure
Ox Thief
Under One Roof
Poor and forgotten, a young man and a young woman fell in love and got married in the Mongolian grassland. Now living like the middle-class, they realize the passion once bounded them together has run out.
Policewoman Swallow
Ye Qin
Chinese film directed by Zhang Jing and starring Tang Wei.
Lease Wife
Guo Jiaju ran a little company after graduation, but the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Guo Jiaju’s father, who was seriously ill, desired Guo to bring his girlfriend home and get married, but his girlfriend left him. Guo decided to lease a “three accompany girl” called Lily to pretend to be his fiancee….
Cala, My Dog!
The Girl
The humdrum existence of a Beijing factory worker and his family is disrupted when their beloved dog is confiscated by the police for being unlicensed. The worker has but 24 hours to raise the sizable sum required to pay the license fee.
A Lingering Face
A Lingering Face follows an everyman named Lei Haiyang (Pan Yueming), who has recently broken up with his girlfriend. Deciding to go to Beijing, he hitches a ride with a driver (Ma Xiaoqing) and a fellow hitchhiker, Yanzi (Li Min). Waking up from a nap, Haiyang finds the truck parked in the woods and the driver raping Yanzi. Hiding in the undergrowth, Yanzi sees Haiyang, but does not reveal his hiding position. Terrified, Haiyang runs away.