Alberto López


The Future
Back to the Future, Spain 1982: at a euphoric party, young people celebrate the election victory of the Socialist Party. López Carrasco stages the past with stunning precision and shows the future as a surprising result: well, the present.
Uma Estranha Viajem
Numa pequena cidade perto de Madri, Paquita e seu irmão Venâncio, ambos solteiros e com personalidade infantil, vivem à sombra da mandona irmã mais velha, Ignacia, uma solteirona rabugenta. Uma noite, Paquita ouve sua irmã contar a alguém sobre sua intenção de vender toda a riqueza da família. Assim que o dinheiro for reunido, ela deseja viajar para Paris com a pessoa misteriosa e se livrar de seu irmão e irmã. Paquita e Venâncio ficam apavorados...
Viaje sin destino
To save a travel agency in an endangered situation one of the employees has a brilliant idea, announcing a special travel with no defined destiny.
El hombre que se quiso matar
El difunto es un vivo
Juanito Pino y Nogal - El otro galán
An animals' collectionist is despised by his wife so that he decide to comeet suicide, but the notice about the death of his brother, a pianist who lives abroad makes him change his mind. He makes his family think that he has commited suicide and some days after announce the arrival of his brother and he impersonate him. His wife recibes him with an affection that he was unaware to.
La Dolorosa
Tío Bienvenido
Spanish musical and religious drama.