Hiroshi Ôkôchi


Detective Story
Shuichi Tsujiyama (Takumi Saito) is a broke private investigator. While on a job assignment, he is about to catch a crucial moment by taking a picture, but Naomi Arai (Fumi Nikaido) misunderstands the situation. Shuichi Tsujiyama and Naomi Arai struggle physically. Because of this, Shuichi Tsujiyama misses his crucial photo opportunity. Kimie Hasenuma (Mari Natsuki) is a housekeeper who has been employed by Naomi Arai for many years. Kimie Hasenuma asks Shuichi Tsujiyama to be Naomi Arai’s bodyguard.
Rose Color's Buko
Sachiko is an university student. Her nickname is Buko, because she has been negative about everything since she was young. Sachiko believes someday she will meet a man like in a romance manga. Her university life is boring and she spends her time reading romance manga in her room. One day, on Twitter, she meets a man who uses the user ID of Sparrow. He likes reading manga and looks like Johnny Depp. Sachiko makes a date to meet the man. She tries to change herself, but it's not so easy due to various unexpected incidents.
Pais & Filhos
Um empresário bem sucedido e obcecado com o trabalho duro e o mérito descobre que seu filho foi trocado na maternidade. Ele e a esposa precisam agora decidir se querem ou não trocar as crianças, mas questões como a inteligência e o potencial das crianças parecem influenciar sua dúvida.
The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio
Set in the early 1990's, after The Persian Gulf War began, a 30 year old man passes himself off as Captain Kuhio a pilot for an American Special Unit. He also boasts that he is the offspring of Kamehameha I and a distant relative of Queen Elizabeth of England. In actuality, the man is a marriage swindler looking for his next big score.
MW: The Devil's Game
Shigekazu Araki
The main character is a man named Takashi Morioka, who has lost his job and his home due to a recession. He ends up falling into a trap set by the diabolical Yuki Michio, who happened to survive by chance an incident on an island 16 years ago where all the inhabitants were killed, and which caused him to become evil. In order to protect the things important to him, Takashi Morioka (Sato Takeru) is forced to stain his hands in evil.
The King of Minami 37
Um Paraíso Havaiano
Union Leader for Miners
Jovem garota de uma pequena cidade do interior do Japão volta seu olhar para o passado a fim de entender como a família perdeu a fortuna quando decidiu construir uma vila para turistas no Havaí.
Miyuki is a single mother with a 10-year old boy Keiji. She is eager to make him a child model. Eventually, Keiji begins to get jobs rather constantly. But Keiji himself doesn't like the job much. He only does it because it pleases his mother, who hates empty pages in the schedule book. One day they attend a big audition. While Keiji wins first stages of the audition, he begins to feel distance from the mother. It makes things worse for him when she has a new boyfriend..
House of Himiko
Saori is a young woman struggling to make her way in life. Her gay father, Himiko, had abandoned Saori and her mother years before. Now her father's young lover Haruhiko shows up to tell Saori that her father is dying of cancer. Still angry with her father but in need of money, Saori travels to the House of Himiko, a nursing home established by her father for gay men. Over time, a tenuous relationship begins to develop between Saori, her father, and Haruhiko.
Fly, Daddy, Fly
Suzuki’s world is shattered when his teenage daughter is brutally attacked. The assailant, Ishihara, son of a politician, brazenly mocks Suzuki as he throws him cover-up money. Angry, Suzuki finds he has no answer to Ishihara and in venting his anger, loses his daughter’s trust too. A sleep-deprived, crazed Suzuki goes to Ishihara’s school wielding a knife. He does not find Ishihara, but instead forms an alliance with an odd group of school misfits called the Zombies. The group’s elusive leader, Pak Sun Shin, decides to train Suzuki, who quits his job and embarks on a punishing programme to win back freedom for his daughter.
Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean
A drama set during World War II where a submarine carrying a secret weapon attempts to stop a planned third atomic bombing of Japan. Based on Harutoshi Fukui's novel Shuusen no Lorelei.
The King of Minami 22
Portrait of the Beast
The man was called the "Manslayer Demon. One day, he stabs a rival gang member to death in the dark. A rookie female cameraman happened to capture the moment. The man was sentenced to five years in prison for the scoop footage and is tossed about by the passage of five years. Gradually, the man is forced to leave his home, but he soon regains the eyes of the "beast" he once was...
Another XX: Black Stalker
Another XX film. This time about a stalker who wears black.
Weather Woman
Keiko, a young, newly hired weather woman, is eager to give her channel's flagging ratings a boost. She decides a panty shot might do the trick, so during her forecast she lifts her skirt, thereby capturing the attention and the hearts of viewers. Keiko's stunt creates such a stir of excitement over the weather report that viewers begin religiously turning in to see what she'll do next. However, this showboating routine earns the ire of Kaori, the beautiful and ambitious daughter of JTV's chairman. Jealous of her success and aching to take over the weather report, Kaori is willing to do just about anything to get what she wants.
Gamera 2: Ataque da Legião
Sapporo Odori Command Center Regiment Leader
A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on colonizing the Earth. When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary. However the battle may result in Gamera losing his bond with both Asagi and humanity.
Moon Angel
Policeman at Kushiro Police Station
Two female truck drivers detest each other, and try to steal each other's business. Their rigs are both painted with elaborate large pictures of beautiful naked women. One day, whilst hauling loads of fish in Hokkaido, they are separately stopped by traffic police, who impound their trucks for various violations. About this time, one of the women meets a handsome man, with whom romance is a possibility. Then, the women discover they have been tricked. The cops were connected with the Russian mafia, who intend to ship their trucks offshore and sell them.
Fly Boys, Fly!
Migi muke hidari! Jieitai he ikô
Based on the manga of the same name by Buronson (Yoshiyuki Okamura). The story of a young man who volunteers to join the air force for selfish reasons, but grows through rigorous training and interaction with his friends.
It's a Summer Vacation Everyday
Takeshita, an employee
The Rinkaiji family, by all appearances, is a well-to-do Japanese family. The father, Nariyuki, works in an elite corporation, which gives his wife Yoshiko status in their suburban neighborhood. But the daughter Sugina, who herself has secretly stopped going to school because she is being bullied. One day, they discover that Nariyuki has quit his job. As Nariyuki decides to find a new job along with Sugina, Yoshiko, a firm believer in a life based on the company, soon finds her world falling apart.
A Touch of Fever
The story of two young hustlers, Tatsuro and Shin. They each have a lady friend, and everything seems to work, until the day Shin declares he's in love with Tatsuro.
The Gentle 12
Juror #6
The film opens as a jury is about to acquit a defendant -- a bar hostess who pushed her ex-husband path of an oncoming truck, supposedly in self-defense. Just as everyone seems to be in agreement over the woman's innocence, one juror voices second thoughts.
Tales of a Golden Geisha
The film stars two of Itami's regular actors, Nobuko Miyamoto as a geisha who brings luck to the men with whom she sleeps, and Masahiko Tsugawa as her unfaithful, sometimes partner. As well as showing her relationships with the man she loves and the men who employ her, it satirizes corruption and the influence of money in Japanese politics.