Visual Effects Supervisor
Luis, um jovem de 18 anos de origem indígena, ingressa no Colégio Militar Heroico com a esperança de garantir um futuro melhor. Lá ele encontra um sistema rígido e institucionalmente violento projetado para torná-lo um soldado perfeito.
Color Grading
The director Andrés Kaiser combines hundreds of amateur films and photographs from the treasure trove of images belonging to his migrant grandparents creating a cinematic firework of analogies.
VFX Supervisor
The mountains of Oaxaca harbor the remains of a ravaged and burnt shelter, once home to a psychoanalyst priest who used it to look after savage children, trying to re-integrate them into society. Through videotape diaries and interviews, the truth of what happened is shockingly revealed.
Color Designer
The mountains of Oaxaca harbor the remains of a ravaged and burnt shelter, once home to a psychoanalyst priest who used it to look after savage children, trying to re-integrate them into society. Through videotape diaries and interviews, the truth of what happened is shockingly revealed.
Post Producer
The mountains of Oaxaca harbor the remains of a ravaged and burnt shelter, once home to a psychoanalyst priest who used it to look after savage children, trying to re-integrate them into society. Through videotape diaries and interviews, the truth of what happened is shockingly revealed.
VFX Supervisor
Giggling young women who secretly feed a macho cowboy Viagra might sound pretty funny. But is it really?... I Stay with You starts out as an innocent comedy with rich girls having carefree fun. Gradually, however, the film undergoes a transformation, ending in dark sadism. Artist Artemio Narro has made a number of installations and videos on the subject of violence. His first fiction feature is not only a commentary on the ever-present violence in Mexico, but also on how we see violence. The changing tone of the film and an ingenious turnaround in the battle of the sexes makes this film a confrontational experience.
Color Timer
Giggling young women who secretly feed a macho cowboy Viagra might sound pretty funny. But is it really?... I Stay with You starts out as an innocent comedy with rich girls having carefree fun. Gradually, however, the film undergoes a transformation, ending in dark sadism. Artist Artemio Narro has made a number of installations and videos on the subject of violence. His first fiction feature is not only a commentary on the ever-present violence in Mexico, but also on how we see violence. The changing tone of the film and an ingenious turnaround in the battle of the sexes makes this film a confrontational experience.
Color Grading
This history talks about two different ways of seen a terrible situation. One is about guilty, how some times we are so inside ourselves that we don't realize that the people near to us could be feeling terribly bad. But it also shows that sometimes we feel guilty about something that wasn't in our hands.
Under the notion that "you can not change the future, but the past," a young woman who has grown up in a poor village in the highlands, embarks on a spiritual journey to Mexico City seeking to break the cycle of family alienation and find hope. Fate will return to the source to destroy and start over.