Eric Börjeson


Além das Profundezas
Underwater Camera
Uma viagem de mergulho de duas irmãs se transforma em uma corrida contra o tempo após um acidente. Enquanto uma está presa no fundo do mar, a outra fará de tudo para salvá-la antes que o oxigênio acabe.
In i dimman
Assistant Camera
The four upper-class bohemian friends Krill, Kicki, Julle, and Baggy meet up at Krills family's island in the archipelago. It has been five years since the car accident they experienced together and at first, everything seems 'back to normal' but Krill is starting to notice Baggys weird behavior. He is up to something and Krill doesn't really recognize his old friend. Krill slowly starts to doubt everything, his memory, his friends and even his own sanity. A feeling inside him has come to life and the past is creeping in on him.
In i dimman
Underwater Camera
The four upper-class bohemian friends Krill, Kicki, Julle, and Baggy meet up at Krills family's island in the archipelago. It has been five years since the car accident they experienced together and at first, everything seems 'back to normal' but Krill is starting to notice Baggys weird behavior. He is up to something and Krill doesn't really recognize his old friend. Krill slowly starts to doubt everything, his memory, his friends and even his own sanity. A feeling inside him has come to life and the past is creeping in on him.
Vamizi Cradle of Coral
Camera Operator
Expedição Kon Tiki
Underwater Camera
Este drama, inspirado na história real de Thor Heyerdahl, mostra a expedição Kon-Tiki. Em 1947, este pesquisador tinha uma tese ousada para a época: ele acreditava que a Polinésia tinha sido ocupada primeiro pelos povos da América do Sul, e não pelos povos do oeste, como diziam os livros de História. Para comprovar que essa versão da história era possível, Thor decidiu construir uma pequena jangada, com os mesmos materiais de séculos atrás, e chamou cinco tripulantes inexperientes para partir com ele em uma viagem de três meses, considerada por todos como uma aventura suicida. Enquanto flutuam pelo oceano Pacífico, torcendo para serem levados à direção correta, os homens enfrentam problemas com tempestades, tubarões, baleias, recifes de corais e com a própria jangada, que corre o risco de se desfazer a qualquer momento.
An Enemy to Die For
Underwater Camera
Despite the threat of war in the fall of 1939, the Germans decide to launch a sea expedition in search of evidence for Pangaea. Although the multi national geologists embark enthusiastically on their research mission, the growing political tension between their countries soon affects their work. With Britain and France declaring war on Germany, the civilian scientists now find themselves mere pawns in a global power struggle.
Han tror han är bäst
Komplett galen
The butcher
A married couple are preparing to set up August Strindberg's Miss Julie at a theater festival.