José María Almela


El cine libertario: cuando las películas hacen historia
Sound Designer
Upon the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in July 1936, the anarchist union CNT socialized the film industry in Spain, so in Madrid and Barcelona film workers took over the production assets and, between 1936 and 1938, numerous films on a wide variety of topics were released, composing a varied mosaic that gives rise to one of the most unusual and original moments of Spanish cinematography.
El cine libertario: cuando las películas hacen historia
Director of Photography
Upon the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in July 1936, the anarchist union CNT socialized the film industry in Spain, so in Madrid and Barcelona film workers took over the production assets and, between 1936 and 1938, numerous films on a wide variety of topics were released, composing a varied mosaic that gives rise to one of the most unusual and original moments of Spanish cinematography.
El cine libertario: cuando las películas hacen historia
Upon the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in July 1936, the anarchist union CNT socialized the film industry in Spain, so in Madrid and Barcelona film workers took over the production assets and, between 1936 and 1938, numerous films on a wide variety of topics were released, composing a varied mosaic that gives rise to one of the most unusual and original moments of Spanish cinematography.
El cine libertario: cuando las películas hacen historia
Upon the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in July 1936, the anarchist union CNT socialized the film industry in Spain, so in Madrid and Barcelona film workers took over the production assets and, between 1936 and 1938, numerous films on a wide variety of topics were released, composing a varied mosaic that gives rise to one of the most unusual and original moments of Spanish cinematography.
Os Girassóis Cegos
Assistant Editor
O diretor espanhol volta novamente seu olhar para a guerra civil espanhola, aqui nos anos 40, e retrata toda a imbecilidade da perseguição política dos adeptos do general Franco aos republicanos. Salvador, estudante de seminário, depois de ir para a guerra é mandado pelo padre superior a um colégio para dar aulas e esfriar a cabeça. Logo conhece Elena, mãe de um aluno, e por ela se interessa. Elena tem vida extremamente difícil por causa das perseguições e a obsessão de Salvador por ela pode destruir sua família.
Que mi nombre no se borre de la historia
Que mi nombre no se borre de la historia
Executive Producer
Que mi nombre no se borre de la historia
Que mi nombre no se borre de la historia